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Using the Filter

The filter tool is one of the most common utilities within Modern Campus CMS. It is available on many of the Modern Campus CMS screens that provide a view of content.


The Filter tool is available on the Pages and Assets list views, the Recent Publishes report, and many others.

The Filter tool allows the content in a list view to be delimited by the string typed into the Filter field. The filter applies to specific columns available on the screen. For example, the Pages list view includes a Name column, a Modified column, and others. So you can select the name column and begin typing a string into the Filter field, and as you type the list of files will begin delimiting to show only the filenames that include that string.

The string that was entered can be quickly deleted by clicking the Delete icon on the right side of the Filter field.

Filtering and Selecting All

When the list view is filtered and the select all checkbox is used, then only the filtered results are selected. Manually filtered and individually selected results (by checkbox) are also persistent when navigating by pagination.

Filtering and Assets

The Filter tool in the Assets list view includes the ability to filter by tags (assets can be assigned tags upon creation for easy navigation and categorization).