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Undergraduate Students Visiting from Other Institutions

The Semester by the Sea (SBTS) program offers an affordable, immersive, marine science experience to students from any accredited institution in the National Student Exchange program.  Many visiting students consider the SBTS program comparable to a semester studying abroad.  International students and students from other regions within the United States often view the SBTS as their "east-coast" experience.  While the east end of Long Island is characterized by large protected open areas, wild beaches, vineyards, and farms, the close proximity to New York City, the nation's largest urban area, provides opportunities for a diversity of cultural experiences outside of the program.

If you are enrolled in a marine science program at a school without marine facilities, the SBTS program will likely fulfill any field requirements within your program.  Contact the SBTS Director, Kurt Bretsch, for more information.

Students from schools in the National Student Exchange (NSE) program should discuss participation with their home school NSE coordinator, or contact Stony Brook's NSE coordinator, Erika BenhardtClick here to view a short NSE "study break" video highlighting the Semester by the Sea program.

Requirements for visiting students
Currently enrolled in a NSE institution
Junior or Senior
GPA of at least 2.5
Successful completion of college level biology (equilvalent to SBU's BIO 201) at a minimum, but some electives have additional prerequisites.

If your school is part of the National Student Exchange program, your costs fall under either Host Payment Plan (NY in-state tuition & fees) or Home Payment Plan (home school tuition & fees), whichever is lower.  This makes the SBTS one of the most affordable marine field experiences available.

SUNY students should discuss financial aid issues with their home institution.  Visit SUNY's Cross Registration System for additional information, and see Stony Brook University's Cross Registration webpage for an example of the procedure which might be found at your home institution.

After admission to the program, you will receive your Stony Brook University ID number.  You can then sign up for housing.

To sign up for a room in the residence halls at Southampton, click here and fill in the required information (only current matriculated students may log in). You'll need your NetID and Password.  Be sure to pay your $200 room deposit via SOLAR.

Contact Southampton Student Life/Campus Residences at with any questions.

Housing assignments will be completed and emailed to you ~ 1month prior to the start of the semester.