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Research Opportunities in Southampton

Participating in research allows students to explore their interests, contribute to important ongoing research programs, and earn college credit by enrolling in MAR 487. Listed below are major SoMAS lab groups based at the Southampton campus. If you are interested in getting involved in research while a SBTS student, first carefully read the faculty profile, lab webpage, and MAR 487 document, then contact the professor or laboratory manager.

The Stony Brook University Internship Equity Fund offers financial support to undergraduate students participating in unpaid credit-bearing internship/research experiences.

Dr. Christopher Gobler
Phytoplankton, harmful algal blooms, estuarine ecology, aquatic biogeochemistry
Faculty profile
Lab webpage
Contact: (laboratory manager)

The Gobler Laboratory is involved in research investigating the causes and effects of environmental problems in coastal ecosystems including harmful algal blooms, coastal acidification, degradation of fisheries, and loss of coastal habitats.  Undergraduate students are  always welcome to get directly involved in  research projects.  Depths of involvement will be proportional to research experience.

Dr. Bradley J Peterson
Community ecology of  coastal ecosystems
Faculty profile
Lab webpage

The Peterson Laboratory is involved in research investigating the species interactions in coastal ecosystems and how these interactions are impacted by coastal acidification, changing climate, and increasing human pressure.


Dr. Joseph Warren
Bioacoustical Oceanography, Fish and Zooplankton Ecology, Predator-Prey Interactions
Faculty profile
Lab webpage