Visiting Scholars
Our department regularly invites visiting scholars (facullty and advanced graduate students from different countries) to join our academic community for short periods, usually from 2 to 4 months, in fields directly related to our core Faculty research. Visiting scholars reside in the area, participate in our academic acivities, and benefit from the excellent resources for Spanish, Latin American and Latinx studies on campus and in metropolitan New York. All visiting scholars come to Stony Brook with their own funding.
Fall 2024 & SPRING 2025
Brenda de Oliveira (USP, Brazil)
Brenda de Oliveira is a PhD candidate in Aesthetics and Art History at the University of São Paulo (PGEHA - USP). She holds a Licentiate degree in English, an MA in Arts, and a specialization in Audiovisual Production Design. She is a Visiting Scholar at Stony Brook University with the Department of Art (Fall 2024) and the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature (Spring 2025), under the supervision of Prof. Javier Uriarte.
Her research interests focus on contemporary art, with an emphasis on environmentalism. Her work particularly examines the Amazon region, approaching its cultural and artistic production in relation to broader historical and social dynamics.
Brenda is also a researcher in the project "The Amazon Basin as Connecting Borderland: Examining Cultural and Artistic Fluidities in the Early Modern Period," funded by the Getty Foundation. She has over ten years of professional experience in teaching and in the art market, including art galleries and auctions, as well as in the intersection between art and the environment through an agroforestry project in the Brazilian Amazon.
Brenda is currently working on her dissertation, which analyzes the visual work of artist Joelington Rios and its engagement with counter-colonial epistemology.
FALL 2023
Lorenzo Napodano (Univ of Catania)
Lorenzo Napodano is a PhD candidate in Art History (ABD) at the University of Catania, Italy. He earned a BA in Art History and Criticism at the University of Milan and a postgraduate diploma (MA) from the Scuola di Specializzazione at the same university.
His research interests primarily revolve around art collecting and the art market both in the early modern and modern periods, encompassing various media such as painting, sculpture, decorative arts, and archaeology. His research specifically focuses on Italy during the transition from the 19th to the 20th century, with a geographical focus on Lombardy and Sicily, and their connections with major cultural centers such as Florence, Rome, and Naples. In addition, he explores aspects of the international art market, with a particular emphasis on France and the United States.
Lorenzo is currently working on his project titled "Collecting Art from Spanish and Bourbon Sicily in Late-19th and Early-20th Century United States" with Prof. Fernando Loffredo.
Prof.Viviane Magno(PUC- Rio)
Viviane Magno is professor in the Law Department at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). She holds a master’s in History and a PhD in Theory of the State. Her doctoral dissertation focused on the struggle for rights in the Radical Enlightenment. She is currently researching the Abolitionist period in Brazil (1860-1870), the writings of the black abolitionist Luiz Gama and 19th century debates around freedom, rights, and citizenship.
Dr. Ricardo Machado (Univ Federal da Fronteira Sul)
Ricardo Machado holds a PhD in History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, where he defended the thesis “The Nomadism of Félix Peyrallo Carbajal”. He is currently professor of Theory of History at the Federal University of Fronteira Sul, developing research related to Intellectual History, with an emphasis on debates about narrative experiments in biographical writing. In 2021, he published the book Félix, a work that problematizes the trajectory of the Uruguayan intellectual, investing in reflection on the possibilities of writing a nomadic biography, treading the tenuous limits of archives and fiction. At Editora Humana, he currently coordinates the “Biografemas” collection, which aims to publish biographical essays by unknown artists and intellectuals, who somehow produced outside, or even against the canon. Since 2021, he has been dedicated to researching the circulation of the concept of “Raro” in Uruguay at the end of the 19th century and throughout the 20th century, considering the recommendations of the notion regarding the ways of life of writers in the region.
In 2022, Machado collaborated with the classes “Literature and Politics in 19th century Latin America” coordinated by Professor Javier Uriarte. In addition, it held a conference entitled “Los Raros de Rubén Darío: ways of life and the invention of the modern artist”.
FALL 2021-SPRING 2022
Dr. Juan Evaristo Valls Boix (Univ de Barcelona)
Juan Evaristo Valls Boix is adjunct professor of Contemporary Philosophy and Theory of Art at the University of Barcelona. He holds a PhD in Philosophy and is currently completing his doctoral studies in Literary Theory with a thesis on the motel chronotope in contemporary American short fiction. He has been visiting researcher at the University of California-Riverside, the École Normale Supérieure de Paris and the University of Copenhagen, among other international institutions. He is part of the research group "Postfoundational Contemporary Thought". His main areas of interest are the philosophy of literature and the relations between aesthetics and politics, with special attention to authors such as Kierkegaard, Jacques Derrida and Giorgio Agamben. Among his publications, the co-edition of the collective volume Penser avec les lèvres. La philosophie contemporaine à l'épreuve de la langue (L'Harmattan, 2019), the book Giorgio Agamben: Política sin obra (Gedisa, 2020) and the coordination of the monograph Políticas de la sobrevida. Entorno a Jacques Derrida (Enrahonar, 2021) stand out. His recent book Metafísica de la pereza (NED Ediciones) will be published in 2022.
Héctor Andrés Rojas (Univ de Chile), doctoral student working on urban fictions on Santiago de Chile.

Héctor Andrés Rojas es candidato a Doctor en literatura con mención en literatura chilena e hispanoamericana por la Universidad de Chile. Su tesis "La ciudad imaginada, la ciudad que pudo haber sido. Ficciones urbanas en Santiago de Chile en la primera mitad del siglo XX" explora las formas de la ficción en obras literarias y en proyectos urbanos. Ha trabajado algunos aspectos de la obra de Jorge Amado, Clarice Lispector en el caso de Brasil y de Pedro Lemebel, Iván Monalisa Ojeda y Alfredo Gómez Morel en el caso de Chile. Actualmente es Profesor Adjunto en la Escuela de Educación de la Universidad de O'Higgins y Jefe de carrera de la Pedagogía en Lenguaje y Comunicación de la misma universidad. Los cursos más recientes que ha dictado son sobre literatura chilena, narrativa latinoamericana, ensayo latinoamericano y didáctica de la literatura.
Francisco Burdiles (Univ Católica de Chile/Univ Autónoma de Barcelona), doctoral student working on the poetry of the Academia Antártica (16th-17th century colonial Peru).
Francisco Burdiles es historiador y magíster en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad de Chile y magíster en Letras, mención Literatura, por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Actualmente es candidato a doctor en Literatura y Filología Española por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, en régimen de cotutela. Sus temas de interés son el estudio de la cultura letrada en los virreinatos americanos, con principal énfasis en la historia del libro y la lectura, la retórica eclesiástica y los vínculos entre poesía épica e historia política, a partir de los relatos de rebeliones y guerras civiles en el virreinato del Perú. Ha dictado cursos sobre historia y literatura en América colonial en los departamentos de Antropología de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado y de Literatura de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Además, ha realizado pasantías de investigación en el Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2015), el Sistema de Bibliotecas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (2020) y el departamento de Historia de América de la Universidad de Sevilla (2021).
Bruna Tella Guerra (UNICAMP)
Doctoral student in Theory and History of Literature at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. Her research focuses on the political implications stemming from the work of the Cuban writer Leonardo Padura. To reach this aim, she studies even the recent positive reception of the author in Brazil, like his published novels, while examining how they seek to rethink many of the discourses and narratives of the Brazilian and Latin-American left. She will spend one month doing research at Stony Brook during the Spring 2017 semester.
Fábio Feltrin de Souza(UNICAMP and UFFS)
Fábio Feltrin is a post-doctoral fellow at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil, and a Professor of History at the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS), in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Professor Feltrin will be working on his post-doctoral project, titled “Modernity, War, and Bio-politics: the nineteenth-century transformation of the Argentine pampas into a desert”, which deals with visual representation of the Argentine pampas during the war of extermination waged by the Argentinean state against the indigenous populations of southern Argentina, during the last decades of the nineteenth century. During his two-month stay, Professor Feltrin will be working with Professor Javier Uriarte. He will do research at the Stony Brook Library, as well as the New York Public Library and the Library of the Museum of Modern Art. He will be giving a lecture, open to the university community, in the Department of Hispanic Languages of Literature, about his post-doctoral research project, and its progress during his research at Stony Brook.
FALL 2015
Prof. Peter Hulme (Univ Essex) is Visiting Scholar in Hispanic Lang and Lit at Stony Brook University for Fall 2015
Prof. Peter Hulme, Professor in Literature at the University of Essex, is Visiting Scholar this semester in our Department at Stony Brook. He will be giving a talk in our Department and doing research in Melville library and the New York area.
Prof. Hulme has recently completed a critical edition of the previously unpublished autobiography of the Jamaican writer, W. Adolphe Roberts (1884-1962), published by the University of the West Indies Press (2015). He is currently working on a book provisionally titled The Dinner at Gonfarone's: Pan-American Writing in New York in 1919, which looks at the relationships between Hispanic and Anglo writers in New York in the early twentieth century.
He is author of very influential books in colonial and Caribbean studies, such as Colonial Encounters: Europe and the Native Caribbean (1986). View comprehensive list of his publications with links to free PDFs
Dr. Thiago Nicodemo (UERJ, Brazil): Visiting Scholar in our Dept of Hispanic Lang and Lit at Stony Brook University
Dr. Thiago Nicodemo is Professor of Brazilian History at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) is a specialist in the work of Sérgio Buarque de Holanda and author of two books: Urdidura do Vivido. Visão do Paraíso e a Obra de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda nos Anos 1950 (2008) and Alegoria Moderna. Crítica literária e história da literatura na obra de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda (2014).
Dr. Nicodemo will be giving talks and visiting seminars during his term as Visiting Scholar this spring semester 2015.