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Some Pictures

For more recent pictures, see our Newsletter, Blog and Facebook page: stonybrookhispaniclanguagesandliterature

2022 Graduation: Hispanic Languages and LIterature faculty in the Wang Center, May 2022.

2022 HLL faculty

On campus patio lunch with Brazilian cultural attaché Thiago Oliveira, September 2021.

patio lunch Brazilian

Symposium Visual Cultures and Textualities in Colonial Spanish America, Stony Brook University, March 5-6, 2020 (webpage)


The 7th Annual Spanish Accelerated College Education (ACE) Conference at Stony Brook University (more), Noveber 5th, 2019.

7th ace conf


International Conference: "Mentiras y secretos en el teatro hispánico del Siglo de Oro"

Friday Oct 3, 2014.


Participants and colleagues of the Department during lunch break at the Simons Café

Conference. LATINO PEDAGOGIES : Theorizing a Transnational Experience



Standing: Yeidi Rivero, Richard Rodríguez, Carmela Alcántara and Carlos Ulises Decena / Urayoán Noel, Jennifer Leeman, Adrián Pérez Melgosa.

Prof. Fernando Loffedo and his students of SPN 405 : History and Politics of Art during the Spanish Golden Age, during a class visit to The Metroplitan Museum of Art in New York City (May 2014).



Hemispheric Brazil, April 2013.

hemispheric grupal javier

Participants in the conference "Hemispheric Brazil: Brazilian Studies from a Trans-American Perspective. New perspectives on an ongoing dialogue", April 26, 2013 in the Humanities Building. Prof. Javier Uriarte, organizer, holds the official conference poster!

Pedro meira

Hemispheric Brazil. Session 1: Intellectual debates over war and translation.
Pedro Meira Monteiro, Mariano Siskind and Lena Burgos-Lafuente.

Eric Zolov

Hemispheric Brazil. Session 4: National, regional, popular? Brazilian music in a Latin American context.
Eric Zolov, Dylon Robbins and Bryan McCann.


edgardo y julieta

Julieta Vitullo and Edgardo Dieleke(April 2013), writer and filmmaker, during their visit to the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature at Stony Brook University to present their film La forma exacta de las islas / The Exact Shape of the Island. More on the film.

julieta y edgardo en HUS April 2013

Vitullo and Dieleke discussing their film with students in Prof. Firbas' course HUS 254: Latin America Today.

cercas 1

Spanish writer Javier Cercas in the middle of a lively conversation with our faculty and graduate students.

cercas 2 cercas 2

Javier Cercas and Víctor Roncero-López, who moderated the conversation (Nov 2012).


lena piñera

The Accursed Circumstance: Virgilio Piñera Centennial Conference at Stony Brook University. Inaugural table:
Lena Burgos-Lafuente, Ana María Dopico and Antonio José Ponte. ( View full program )

Piñera mesa Noel Arcadio

Virgilio Piñera Centennial Conference. Table 4: "Contra y por la palabra. Poesía y política en Virgilio Piñera" with Arcadio Díaz Quiñones, Noel Luna, Juan Carlos Quintero-Herencia and Gerard Aching.

table 1 Virgiñio estudiantes Virgilio

Virgilio Piñera Centennial Conference. Table 3 with Paul Firbas, Jorge Brioso, Mariana Amato and Enrique del Risco. Students and Faculty at the Conference in Stony Brook Manhattan (Friday Nov 9, 2012)

di tella lena

Argentine filmmaker Andrés Di Tella in Prof. Lena Burgos-Lafuente's graduate seminar (Oct 2012)

Di Tella at SB

Andrés Di Tella discussing his new film Hachazos and the documentary as a form in one of our graduate seminars.


villoro1 villoro2

Mexican writer Juan Villoro during the presentation of Oblivion: A personal history of Mexico City (Dic. 2011)



Mexican-American filmmaker Lourdes Portillo (middle) with Prof. Vernon (right) and graduate students in Hispanic Languages and Literature (Nov. 2011)



Graduate students and Faculty in Hispanic Languages and Literature during the presentation of Cinelites, a publication on film studies by our graduate students (Nov. 2011). Get your free copy here!