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Aura Colón


Humanities Building 1067

Aura Colón is Lecturer of Spanish in the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature at Stony Brook University. She has earned her M.A. in Hispanic Languages and Literature from University of Puerto Rico. She specializes in Latin America and Hispanic Caribbean Literature.

She has founded the Spanish club, Club de Español (2018) to offer students a place to learn about Hispanic culture, and to practice Spanish in a fun way.

Courses taught at Stony Brook:

SPN 111  Elementary Spanish I 
SPN 112  Elementary Spanish II 
SPN 211  Intermediate Spanish I
SPN 212  Intermediate Spanish II
SPN 310 Spanish Grammar and Composition for Students of Hispanic-American Background
SPN 321 Advanced Grammar and Composition
SPN 395  Introduction to Spanish-American Literature I
SPN 475 Undergraduate Teaching Practicum in Spanish