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Research Foundation Credit Card Program (P-Card & T-Card in one)

The Research Foundation (RF) Credit Card is a VISA Corporate Card issued through the Bank of America that can be used for your purchasing and travel needs in one card. This card will eliminate out of pocket expenses while in travel status. Authorized Cardholders may include Principal/Co-Principal Investigators (PI) and project/administrative staff who have signature and purchasing authorization on Sponsored and/or Non-Sponsored accounts as identified through E-RAS and are either a Research Foundation or State University of New York employee. RF Credit Cards will not be issued to independent contractors, temporary employees (including but not limited to RAs, GAs, TAs and Postdocs), students or any other nonemployee; however, RF Credit Cardholders may use their card for non-employee travel needs.

To obtain an RF Credit Card, each individual (Cardholder) must complete an application (click here) with their Supervisor and Chair’s signatures and submit it to the Procurement, Travel & Card Program Office at zip 6000 or email it to Once reviewed and approved, the applicant will be contacted to schedule a training session prior to card distribution and usage.     

Please Note:

The Research Central Travel Account (CTA) was discontinued on September 30, 2022.  If you plan on traveling you will need to either apply for the new RF Credit Card or submit for reimbursement. As previously stated, RF Credit Cardholders may use their cards for non-employee travel needs.