Yuefan Deng, Ph.D.
Associate Director, IEDM
Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Professor Yuefan Deng received his BA (1983) in Physics from Nankai University and
his Ph. D. (1989) in Theoretical Physics from Columbia University. He is currently
a professor at Stony Brook University in New York. As an adjunct or visiting professor,
he has worked at Columbia University, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological
University, and IBM T. J. Watson Research Laboratory. Prof. Deng’s research covers
parallel computing, molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo methods, and biomedical engineering.
The latest focus is on the multiscale modeling of platelet activation and aggregation
(funded by US NIH) on supercomputers, parallel optimization algorithms, and supercomputer
network topologies. He publishes widely in diverse fields of physics, computational
mathematics, and biomedical engineering and he has supervised nearly 30 doctoral theses.
He is the recipient of the 2016 State University of New York Chancellor’s Award for
Excellence in Teaching.