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Task Before Apps: A Book Study

This course is a guide to furthering academic skills, social development, and digital aptitude in the classroom. Focusing on the "three Cs" of technology implementation--creation, curiosity, and collaboration. This course will focus on the creation of tech-infused lessons that will help students meet learning goals while also developing vital digital citizenship skills. Participants will create customizable checklists and graphic organizers for planning tech-enabledDuring this self-paced course, participants will explore online resources that can facilitate and energize learning. Join us for this 5-week online book study as we explore ways to organize this tech-rich learning environment we are immersed in.

Required Materials: Tasks Before Apps: Designing Rigorous Learning in a Tech-Rich Classroom by Monica Burns

Instructor: Kim Turri 

Registration Details
  • 15-hour asynchronous course
  • 15 CTLE credits
  • $69 Members | $99 Non-Members