Speech Language Pathology prerequisite courses for non-matriculated students
If you are not currently a Stony Brook student, you can still take prerequisite courses in the Linguistics department to help you prepare to apply to graduate programs. Check the prerequisite requirements for each school you plan to apply to.
Note that enrollment procedures differ depending on whether you are taking courses
in the academic year (Fall and Spring) or during the intersessions (Winter and Summer).
For intersession enrollment, see the appropriate webpage (e.g., for the coming summer,
do web search "SBU summer session {current year }"). For academic year enrollment, if you have a bachelors completed, you must request
permission to enroll as a non-matriculated student. This permission is requested for
each term you need to enroll in courses. The link can be found here. For questions about our linguistics courses, contact marie.huffman@stonybrook.edu.
The following is the expected schedule of prerequisite offerings over the coming terms.