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Ph.D. Recipients
Year Name Dissertation Affiliation 1991 Ahmad Atawneh Professor of Applied Linguistics, Hebron University Palestine 1991 Dorit Kaufman First Language Attrition as a Creative Interplay Between Two Languages Professor, Department of Linguistics, Stony Brook University 1991 Mee Hwa Lee A Parametric Approach to Code-Mixing 1992 Hye Bae Yoo Professor, Dept of English Language and Literature, University of Incheon, Korea 1995 Janie Rees-Miller Linguistics Features of Disagreement in Face-to-Face Encounters in University Settings Department of Modern Languages, Marietta College 1996 Su-I Chen A Theory of Palatalization and Segment Implementation Department of Languages, Clemson University 1996 Marcia Haag Lexical Categories in Choctaw and Universal Grammar Department of Modern Languages, Literature, and Linguistics, University of Oklahoma 1996 Eriko Sato The Logical Interpretation of English and Japanese Sentences Assistant Professor, Director of East Asian Languages, Department of Asian and Asian-American Studies, Stony Brook University 1999 Hasan Basri Phonological and Syntactical Reflections of the Morphological Structure of Selayarese Tadulako University, Indonesia 1999 Duncan Hutchins Creoles and Comprehension in the Courtroom 1999 Bhavani Saravanan Morphotactics: Patterns in Tamil Morphology 2000 Christine Sungeun Cho Three Forms of Case Agreement in Korean Department of English Education, Yeungnam University, Korea 2000 Barbara Citko Parallel Merge and the Syntax of Free Relatives Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Washington 2000 Martin U. Kappus Topics in German Negation Lecturer, Computational Linguistics; Applied Linguistics, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland 2003 Yiya Chen The Phonetics and Phonology of Contrastive Focus in Standard Chinese Professor, LUCL (Leiden University Center of Linguistics), Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands 2003 Meghan Sumner Testing the Abstractness of Phonological Representations in Modern Hebrew Weak Verbs Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Stanford University 2005 Margo DelliCarpini Phonological Awareness and Adult Second Language Literacy Development Dean, College of Education and Human Development, Professor, University of Texas at San Antonio 2005 Franc Marušič On Non-simultaneous Phases Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia 2005 Ruiqin Miao Loanword Adaptation in Mandarin Chinese: Perceptual, Phonological and Sociolinguistic Factors The School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2005 Masha Vassilieva Associative and Pronominal Plurality ESL Department, Virginia International University 2005 Hiroko Yamakido The Nature of Adjectival Inflection in Japanese Professor, Dept of English Language and Culture, Fuji Women's University, Japan 2006 Marianne L. Borroff The Articulatory Phasing of Glottal Stop Institute for English Language Programs, Harvard University 2006 Jonathan E. MacDonald The Syntax of Inner Aspect Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, University of Illinois 2006 Mark Volpe Japanese Morphology and its theoretical consequences: Derivational morphology in Distributed Morphology 2007 Carlos de Cuba On (Non)Factivity, Clausal Complementation and the CP-Field Department of Communications and Performing Arts, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY 2007 Tomoko Kawamura Some Interactions of Focus and Focus Sensitive Elements 2007 Zheng Xu Inflectional Morphology in Optimality Theory Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 2009 Yunju Suh Phonological and Phonetic Asymmetries of Cw Combinations Amazon, UK 2009 Julie Weisenberg Audience Design Effects in Sign Language Interpretation 2010 Young-ran An Frequency, Gradience, and Variation in Consonant Insertion Associate Professor, Department of English, Korea Christian University, Korea 2010 Roksolana Mykhaylyk Optional Object Scrambling in Child and Adult Ukrainian Speech Linguistic Project Manager and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Google, Inc. and Department of Psychology at CSI CUNY 2011 Jiwon Hwang Non-native Perception and Production of Foreign Sequences Department of Asian and Asian-American Studies, Stony Brook University 2011 Miran Kim The phonetics of stress manifestation: Segmental variation, syllable constituency and rhythm Assistant professor, Department of English Education, Gyeongsang National University, Korea 2011 Chih-hsiang Shu Sentence Adverbs in the Kingdom of Agree Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan 2012 Andrei Antonenko Feature-Based Binding and Phase Theory Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, Stony Brook University 2012 Hijo Kang Diachrony in Synchrony: Korean Vowel Harmony in Verbal Conjugation Assistant Professor, Department of English Education, Chosun University, Korea 2012 Hyun-ju Kim The phonetics of stress manifestation: Segmental variation, syllable constituency and rhythm Director of English Education, SUNY Korea 2012 Yu-an Lu The Role of Alternation in Phonological Relationships Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan 2012 Tanya Scott Whoever doesn't HOP must be Superior!: The Russian left-periphery and the Emergence of Superiority Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology at College of Staten Island 2012 Yukiko Asano Thematic resultative expressions in English and Japanese: A view from the syntax of event aspect. 2014 Ivana LaTerza The DP Category and Serbian Nominal Structure 2014 Katharina Schuhmann Assistant Professor of German and Linguistics, Penn State University 2015 Svitlana Antonyuk Quantifier Scope and Scope Freezing in Russian Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna, Austria 2016 Poppy Slocum Assistant Professor, Communication Studies Program, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY 2017 Ammar Alammar Frequency, Gradience, and Variation in Consonant Insertion Assistant Professor, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia 2017 Sophia Kao Phonological Learning Bias in Tone Patterns Language Engineer, Apple 2017 Ala'a Melebari Assistant Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia 2017 Chong Zhang Dissertation: Stacked relatives: their structure, processing, and computation Software Engineer/Linguist, Kasisto, NY 2017 Hisako Takahashi On the syntax of spatiotemporal PPs 2018 Paola Cépeda Negation and Time. Against expletive negation in temporal clauses Director, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, Washington U. of St. Louis 2018 Jungyeon Kim Production and Perception of English Word-final Stops by Korean Speakers Assistant Professor at Kangwon National University in South Korea 2018 Robert Pasternak The mereology of attitudes Postdoctoral researcher, Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS) 2018 Vahideh Rasekhi Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Postdoctoral Fellow in Iranian Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, UCLA 2018 Ling Wang A Model-based Approach: the use of entropy-based quantities to characterize phone variation 2019 Honaidah Ahyad Visiting Scholar
Department of Linguistics,
Stony Brook University2019 Hongchen Wu Quantifier Scope in Mandarin Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology 2020 Alëna Aksënova Tool-assisted Induction of Subregular Languages and Mappings Linguist, Google (NYC office) 2020 Hyunah Baek Prosodic resolution of syntacticambiguity in first and second languages Assistant Professor, Ajou University 2020 Aniello De Santo Structure and Memory: A Computational Model of Storage, Gradience, and Priming Assistant professor, Dept. Of Linguistics, University of Utah 2020 Hossep Dolatian Computational Locality of Cyclic Phonology in Armenian Technical Editor, ServiceNow 2020 So Young Lee Processing of wh-scope Assistant Professor, Department of English, Miami University 2020 Chikako Takahashi The interaction between L1 and L2 phonetic learning Lecturer in Japanese, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University 2020 Russell Tanenbaum Order and Chaos in the Cluster: A Typology of Pronominal and Nonpronominal Clitics 2021 Sedigheh Moradi Monotonicity in Morphosyntax 2021 Jon Rawski Structure and Learning in Natural Language Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics and Language Development, San Jose State University 2021 Anna Melnikova The Architecture of Russian Dative Verbless Constructions 2021 Lei Lui Phrasal Weight Effect on Word Orders 2022 Nazila Shafiei Computational Locality and Domain of Syntactic Long-distance Dependencies Language Engineer, Amazon Alexa AI 2022 Dakotah Lambert Unifying Classification Schemes for Language and Processes With Attention to Locality and Relativizations Thereof Post-doctorant at
the Laboratoire Hubert Curien of l'Université Jean-Monnet2022 Ji Yea Kim Morphophonological consonant epenthesis in suffix realizations 2022 Alex Hong-Lun Yeung Prosodic structure and tone preferences in Hong Kong Cantonese expressive morphology Assistant Professor, SUNY Oswego 2022 Yang Liu Addressing Outstanding Questions of the Mandarin Syllable 2023 Khanin Chaiphet The Structure of Discontinuous Noun Phrases in Thai: Right-Dislocation and Quantifier Float 2023 Veronica Miatto Emerging Structures, Generational and Regional Variation in Italian Word-final Inserted Schwas 2023 Andrija Petrovic Insights From the Interfaces: Morphological Processes as String Transductions 2023 Amanda Mahnaz Yazdani How Experiences in L1 and L2 Influence L1 Phonetic Change: A Case Study - D.A. Recipients
D.A. Recipients
Year Name 1987 Abdelkhalek Hannaoui 1987 Zahra Mustafa 1988 Devashree Chattopadhyay 1988 Dorothy Laager 1989 Susanne Seidel 1990 Magali Duignan 1990 Ada Muntaner 1991 Ahmad Abdul-Hadi 1991 Yue Yuan Huang 1991 Jong-seong Lim 1992 Menayame Ndolo 1993 Francis Alip 1993 Indira Ayyar 1993 Alice Niyondagara 1995 Adriana Gonzalez-Moncada 1995 Chilin Wang 1996 Antonio Howell 1997 Dongmei Zeng 1999 Barbara Brownworth 1999 Janice Marcin 1999 Teresa Perez-Gamboa
Department of LinguisticsStony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-4376
Phone: (631) 632-7774Fax: (631) 632-9789