Francisco Ordóñez
Ph.D. 1997, City University of New York
Francisco Ordóñez was trained in the study of formal linguistics. His specialization has been the comparative study of the syntax of Spanish, its varieties and other Romance languages such as Catalan, French, Italian and Occitan dialects. His present research involves the study of the syntactic differences of the dialects of Spanish spoken in Latin America and Spain. In 2006 he received a three-year National Science Foundation Grant to study "Stress Patterns with Clitics and Weak Pronominals in Post-Verbal Position in Romance" with Lori Repetti for the amount of $192,000. He also co-founded Romania Nova with Mary Kato of Universidade de Campinas (Brazil). This projects explores varieties of Spanish and Portuguese spoken in Latin America.
Selected Articles
- Soriano, O. F., & Ordoñez, F. (2024). Possessives and spatial expressions in Spanish. Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics, 10(5), 1-25.
- Ordoñez, F. (2024). Spanish causatives: two specs for causees and two ways to resolve case. Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics, 10(4), 1-22.
- Soriano, O. F., & Ordóñez, F. (2024). Las preposiciones complejas y la “locación inalienable”. Alternancia genitivo/dativo en español. In Caminos y palabras. Estudios de variación lingüística dedicados a Pilar García Mouton (pp. 583-606). Tirant lo Blanch.
- Almeida, S., & Ordóñez, F. (2023). Clitics, DOM and ellipsis: an experimental comparative study in three dialects of Spanish. Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics, 9(3), 1-20.
- Liu, Y., Yun, J., & Ordóñez, F. (2022). Attachment and Prosody of Mandarin Relative Clauses. Linearization, 346.
- Ordóñez, F. (2022). Catalan. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics.
- Kato, M., & Ordóñez, F. (2021). Mudanças diacrônicas no Romania Nova: perda de clíticos, perda de inversão livre e aparecimento de construções de tópico-sujeito. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, 63, e021028-e021028.
- Collins, C., & Ordóñez, F. (2021). Spanish usted as an imposter. Probus, 33(2), 249-269.
- Ordóñez, F. (2021). On the Nature of the Impersonal SE: Why Italian is not like Catalan and Spanish. In Unraveling the complexity of SE (pp. 137-160). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Bernstein, J., Ordóñez, F., & Roca, F. (2021). Emphatic elements and the development of definite articles: Evidence for a layered DP in early Romance. Journal of Historical Syntax, 5(16-25), 1-32.
- Bernstein, J., Ordóñez, F., & Roca, F. (2019). On the emergence of personal articles in the history of Catalan. Cycles in language change, 88-108.
- Kato, M. A., & Ordóñez, F. (2019). Topic subjects in Brazilian Portuguese and clitic left dislocation in Dominican Spanish: the role of clitics and null subjects. Syntax, 22(2-3), 229-247.
- Bernstein, J. B., Ordoñez, F., & Urgell, F. R. (2019). Valores, usos y formas del artículo definido en las lenguas románicas. In Comunicación social: Lingüística, medios masivos, arte, etnografia, folclor y otras ciencias afines (p. 24). Centro de Lingüística Aplicada.
- Cyrino, S., & Ordóñez, F. (2018, November). Null objects in Brazilian Portuguese and DOM in Spanish: similarities and differences. In Proceedings of the VIII Nereus International Workshop “Referential Properties of the Romance DP in the Context of Multilingualism (pp. 103-120).
- Ordóñez, F. (2018). Verbal complex formation and overt subjects in infinitivals in Spanish. Language, syntax, and the natural sciences, 34-57.
- Repetti, L., & Ordóñez, F. (Eds.). (2018). Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 14: Selected Papers from the 46th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Stony Brook, NY (Vol. 14). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Bernstein, J. B., Ordóñez, F., & Urgell, F. R. (2018). Sardinian descendants of ipse in comparative relief. In Capitoli di morfosintassi delle varietà romanze d’Italia: teoria e dati empirici (p. 6). CENTRO DI STUDI FILOLOGICI E LINGUISTICI SICILIANI.
- Ordóñez, Francisco and Francesc Roca (forthcoming)¨Differential Object Marking (DOM) and clitic subspecification in Catalonian Spanish¨ In Angel Gállego (ed) The Syntactic Variation of Spanish Dialects, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Ordóñez Francisco and Esthela Treviño (2016) ¨Agreement and D.O.M. with se: A comparative study of Mexican and Peninsular Spanish ¨ in Kato, Mary and Francisco Ordóñez (eds) The Morphosyntax of Portuguese and Spanish in Latin America, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kato, M. A., & Ordoñez, F. (Eds.). (2016). The Morphosyntax of Portuguese and Spanish in Latin America. Oxford University Press.
- Ordóñez, Francisco (2015) "Los sujetos" in J. Gutiérrez-Rexach (ed.), Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica. London: Routledge.
- Ordóñez, Francisco (2015) ¨Cliticos¨ in A. Gállego (eds) Perspectivas de sintaxis formal (ed.). Madrid: Akal.
- Ordóñez, Francisco and Lori Repetti (2014) “On the morphological restriction of hosting clitics in Italian and Sardinian dialects” Italia dialettale 75: 173-199.
- Ordóñez, Francisco (2013) ¨El movimiento de los clíticos¨ en Josep M. Brucart and Angel Gallego (eds) El Movimiento de Constituyentes, Madrid: Visor Libros.
- Ordóñez, Francisco and Francesc Roca editors (2013) Microvariation in the Languages of the Iberian Peninsula, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Volume 12, 2013, p. 1-305
- Ordóñez, Francisco (2012) "clitics in Spanish" Handbook of Hispanic linguistics edited by J. Hualde, A. Olarrea, E. O´rourke, Cambridge, Blackwell. 423-453
- Ordóñez, Francisco (2012)“Scrambling” chapter book edited by Luraghi, S and C. Parodi. The companion to syntax and syntactic theory. Continuum Press, London
- Ordóñez, Francisco (2007) Observacions sobre la posició dels subjectes postverbals en català i castellà" in Caplletra 42, Revista Internacional de Filologia, Abadia de Montserrat. 251-272. "Remark on the position of postverbal subjects in Catalan and Spanish"
- Ordóñez, Francisco (2007) "Cartography of Postverbal Subjects in Spanish and Catalan" in Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2005 Editors: Sergio Baauw, Frank Drijkoningen and Manuela Pinto. 25 p. Benjamins, Amsterdam. 259-280
- Ordóñez, Francisco and Antxon Olarrea (2006) “Microvariaton in Caribbean-non Caribbean Spanish Interrogatives” Probus, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin. Volume 18.3. 59-97
- Ordóñez, Francisco and Lori Repetti (2006) "Stressed Enclitics" Linguistics Symposium on Romance Languages selected proceedings. Benjamins, Amsterdam, with Lori Repetti. Montreuil, Jean-Pierre in New Perspectives on Romance Linguistics Vol. II Phonetics, Phonology And Dialectology. 167-181
- Ordóñez, Francisco (1999) “Left Dislocated Subjects and the Pro-drop parameter: a Case Study of Spanish” . Lingua. 108, 1: 39-68
- Ordóñez, Francisco (1998) “Post-verbal Asymmetries in Spanish” in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 16: 313-346
- Syntactic Atlas of Spanish (ASinEs – Angel Gállego and Francesc Roca
- Clitics of Romance Languages (Lori Repetti and Francisco Ordóñez) is a searchable database that allows users to examine data involving a class of pronouns (clitics) that are normally stressless, but which, in the languages under investigation, may exhibit or modify stress. The database includes text as well as audio files for minority Romance languages spoken in the South of France, the South and North of Italy, the Balearic Islands, and the islands of Corsica and Sardinia
- The Clausal Structure of Spanish: a comparative perspective (2000), Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics Series. Garland Publishing Company, New York.