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News and Announcements

Gene Hammond and students


Newsreel Fall 2024-Spring 2025

  • Dr. Katherine Johnston's book,  Profiles and Plotlines,  has won the 2024 Book Prize by the Surveillance Studies Network.
  • Peter Elbow, former director of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric, dies at age 89. Read his obituary in the New York Times. 
  • Join us on March 10 to celebrate the publication of  full-time lecturer Laura Marciano's new poetry book, Opening Ceremony (12:30-1:50, Poetry Center, Humanities 2001). 
  • Professor Leonard Cassuto presents his book Academic Writing as if Readers Matter in the Poetry Center (Humanities Building, 2nd floor) on October 15, 2024 at 12:30-1:50 PM.

Newsreel Spring 2024

Newsreel Summer-Fall 2023

  • PWR/Alda Institute/School of Communication IDEA Fellow and PWR faculty member, Matthew Salzano, was featured by Stony Brook U.'s STRONGER TOGETHER. 
  • Dr. Katherine Johnston presented research from her book, Profiles and Plotlines: Data Surveillance in Twenty-First Century Literature, on November 14, 2023 in the Humanities Institute. 
  • A student personal essay reading was convened by Dr. Rita Nezami on November 15, 2023 in the Poetry Center. 
  • A teaching workshop on AI in the classroom, Re-Centering Student Agency in the Age of AI, was led by PWR faculty Dr. Shyam Sharma, Dr. Katherine Johnston, & Dr. Cynthia Davidson on November 15, 2023 in Humanities 2046.
  • Dr. Robert Kaplan read from his book of poetry,Past/Present and Other Poems, at the Poetry Center on November 1, 2023 at 4 pm.
  • The SUNY Council on Writing Conference was held virtuallly, hosted by the Stony Brook PWR on October 13-14, and was a huge success with over 300 virtual attendees. Special thanks to our own IDEA Fellow, Matthew Salzano, for his role in organizing this event. Congratulations to all who participated! 
  • CALL FOR PAPERS for the SUNY Council on Writing Conference at Stony Brook University (hosted by the Program in Writing and Rhetoric). See the CFP on the SUNY Council on Writing Website for more information on how to propose a presentation. All welcome: hold the dates: October 13-14, 2023. Check back later for registration information. 

Newsreel Spring 2023

  • Dr. Kristina Lucenko speaks about Women Writing Race in 17th Century England through the Humanities Institute at SBU: HUM 1008 onTuesday, April 25, 4:30-6:00 PM.
  • Dr. Cynthia Davidson presents a talk on her book Women's Voices in the Bluewave Resistance on Twitter: Cruel Optimism in Humanities 1008, 1:00 -2:20 PM on March 29, 2023.
  • Dr. Rita Nezami speaks on "The Rooftop: A Culture-Specific Feminist Space in Muslim Society" as part of the Humanities Institute Faculty Research Lecture series on March 1, 2023, 1:00-2:20 PM in Humanities 1008. 
  • On Feb. 28, 2023 as a part of the Humanities Institute Faculty Fellows Lectures, Dr. Peggy Spitzer speaks on several features of female empowerment in climate change – with unique transnational and translational relationships – from Central America, Southeast Asia, Europe, and Africa. She discusses the reasons collecting and disseminating reflexive oral histories is important in promoting human rights and gender justice. 4:30 PM, Hum. 1008.
  • Writing and Rhetoric Minor  and Biology major Matthew Venezia, class of 2023, is URECA's Researcher of the Month for January. Matthew's deep and substantive interest in plant biology and biotechnology was sparked early on as a participant in Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s Partners for the Future Program for talented Long Island high school students. Read his interview here.
  • Professor Joe Labriola's new piece "Blowout Tide" has been published in Elsewhere: A Journal of Place.

Newsreel Fall 2022

  • Dr. Peter H. Khost, Director, Program in Writing and Rhetoric, received the Excellence in Educational Effectiveness (EEE) Award which identifies Stony Brook educators who by collecting student feedback and data make improvements to their instruction.
  • Dr. Cynthia Davidson's book, Women's Voices in the Bluewave Resistance on Twitter: Cruel Optimism, has been published by Lexington Books, imprint of Rowman and Littlefield, and is available in ebook format now (December 2022)  and hardcover in January, 2023.
  • We celebrated Professor Gene Hammond's incredible journey and impact, from engineering student to naval officer to director of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric, on Monday, November 14, 2022 in the Humanities Building Poetry Center. See the recording here. 
  • Read Writing Minor Matt Venezia's article in The Statesman with a recap of the PWR's celebration of the National Day of Writing 2022.
  • Dr. Robert Kaplan's book (with Kunsook S. Bernstein), Psychiatric Mental Health Assessment and Diagnosis of Adults for Advanced Practice Mental Health Nurses, was published by Routledge in July 2022. This text provides a comprehensive and evidence-based introduction to psychiatric mental health assessment and diagnosis in advanced nursing practice. Taking a clinical, case-based approach, this textbook is designed to support graduate nursing students who are studying psychiatric mental health nursing as they develop their reasoning and decision-making skills.
  • Come celebrate the National Day of Writing with the Program in Writing in Rhetoric on October 20, 2022 in the SAC Why Lobby! Write memoirs, eat treats, bring friends! Beetween 4 and 6 pm, move over to Humanities for a Writing Minor Reading Event! 
  • PWR and the Department of English are proud to announce a new Master of Arts in English with a concentration in Writing and Rhetoric at Stony Brook University.
  • Mary Ann Duffy, Dr. Shyam Sharma, and Dr. Gene Hammond were joined by Dr. Surendra Subedi of Kathmandu Model College, Nepal, for a discussion hosted by CELT, Transnational Teacher Exchange, on Sept. 28, 2022. 

Newsreel Spring 2022

  • Join us for the Personal Essay Student Reading event hosted in Zoom by Dr. Rita Nezami on 4/6/2022 at 1 PM! Registration required
  • Writing minor and Writing Center Tutor, Megan Small, has been named a Fulbright Semi-Finalist! Congratulations and good luck to Megan in the final round.

Newsreel Summer-Fall 2021

  • Dr. Katherine D. Johnston's essay, "Look at (The New) Me: The Economic and Sociopolitical Atmosphere of Image Culture," appears in Contemporary Women's Writing, Volume 15, Issue 2, July 2021, Pages 189–207:
  • MadHat Press' From the Word to the Place: Essays on the Work of Michael Anania, edited by Lea Graham, features a chapter from Dr. Cynthia Davidson, "Field of Uncertain Dreams: Memory and Invention in Michael Anania's Nightsongs and Clamors."
  • 5th Annual Personal Essay Student Reading hosted by Dr. Rita Nezami and our liaison librarianChristine Fenaon November 17, 2021, 1:00-2:15 PM. Register at
  • Dr. Peg Spitzer contributed to an Asian Women Leadership book that won 2 book awards at the 2021 National Communication Association conference: the International and Intercultural Communication Division Outstanding Co-Edited Book Award and the Asian/Pacific American Communication Studies Division Outstanding Book Award. Title: Asian Woman Leadership: A Cross-National and Cross-Sector Comparison, edited by Drs. Chin-Chung Hao and Louisa Ha.
  • Dr. Peg Spitzejoins feminists from across the world gathering at #COP26 to demand systems change, October 27, 2021.
  • Conversation with Tahar Ben Jelloun, Nobel Prize nominee, Grand Officer, Prix Goncourt winner and Program in Writing and Rhetoric's Dr. Rita Nezami, translator of Jelloun's The Pleasure Marriage and other works. Moderated by Patrice Nganang, Africana Studies. October 13, 2021.
  • Dr. Roger Thompson joins College of Arts and Sciences staff as Associate Dean for Operations and Facilities in Fall 2021, as announced by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Nicole Sampson.

Newsreel Spring 2021

  • Thank you to everyone who made the Program in Writing and Rhetoric’s first a success! Twenty-seven alumni, friends, faculty, and staff came TOGETHER to raise $6,031, including a remarkable $5,000 challenge donation from Dr. Gene Hammond.

small giving day banner


  • Davis Prize winner Meghan Buckley and Dr. Roger Thompson co-edited a special issue (issue 2) of Journal of Veterans Studies: Women and Operation Iraqi Freedom
  • Professors Jennifer Albanese and Shyam Sharma honored by Stony Brook News as 2021 SBU Chancellor's Award winners for Faculty Service
  • Professor Ken Weitzman's play, Fire in the Garden featuring actor Sean Astin is free online from the New Jersey Repertory Theater until June 1, 2021.
  • Professor Elizabeth Kotseas is the 2021 Career Center's Faculty Partner of the Year!
  • Three PWR faculty members will be honored at 7th Annual What a Difference You Make Awards Ceremony on May 5, 2021. They are Professors Shyam Sharma, Jennifer Albanese, and Dennis Clarke (PWR emeritus).  Congratulations to all for this honor!
  • Dr. Sara Santos wins second place and People's Choice award in the3MT (3 Minute Thesis) Lightning Talk Competition!
  • Dr. Jennifer Albanese is winner of the SBU Chancellor's Award for Faculty Service (2021)!
  • Dr. Shyam Sharma is winner of the SBU Chancellor's Award for Faculty Service (2021)!
  • Dr. Jennifer Albanese with Christine Fena of Universities Libraries co-authored and published an article in WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, “Bridging Boundaries: Perceived Roles of Librarians and Writing Center Tutors in Supporting Student Research Writing.”
  • Workshops Galore! Professor Elizabeth Kosteas led i-Cafe workshop: Getting an "A" for Class Participation and Writing Minors Workshop: Writing with Clarity. Dr. Rita Nezami gave a WRT 303 workshop organized for Writing Minors on Wednesday, May 5, 2021.
  • Thank you to everyone who made the Program in Writing and Rhetoric’s first a success! Twenty-seven alumni, friends, faculty, and staff came TOGETHER to raise $6,031, including a remarkable $5,000 challenge donation from Dr. Gene Hammond.
  • Dr. Sara Santos is one of eight finalists in the 3MT (3 Minute Thesis) Lightning Talk Competition Wed. April 28, 2021 at 4 PM EDT.
  • Professor Elizabeth Kosteas is promoted to Senior Lecturer.
  • Professor Elizabeth Kosteas has been officially recognized by SBU Career Center for service. 
  • Dr. Jennifer Albanese and Dr. Jean Hendrickson were commended by Stony Brook News for their contribution to Stony Brook University's status as a top producer of Fulbright recipients. Albanese's work with the Writing Center ensures that applicants are connected to peer writer-tutors who help them focus and revise their personal statements and statements of grant purpose. Both professors are members of the univeristy Fulbright Campus Committee, and Hendrickson is also a member of the National Screening Committee for Fulbright’s English teaching assistantships in Taiwan. 
  • Dr. Rita Nezami's recently translated work by Tahar Ben Jelloun, The Pleasure Marriage: A Novel will be published by Northwestern University Press (2021). It will be available  on May 30, 2021.

  • Davis Prize winner Meghan Buckley and Dr. Roger Thompson co-edited a special issue (issue 2) of Journal of Veterans Studies: Women and Operation Iraqi Freedom
  • Meghan Buckley, English graduate student and a graduate of the Graduate Certificate in Writing and Rhetoric program, has been awarded the 2021 Davis Prize for Best Dissertation for her work entitled "Warscapes: Mapping the American War in Iraq Through Literature" (Professor Roger Thompson, advisor).
  • Sultan Kaur, 2021, Writing and Rhetoric Minor and former president of RhetComp, is profiled on the CAS website of May 2021 graduates.
  • Professional Writing Minors Taylor Esposito and Nomrota Majumder were featured in the May, 2021 edition of the College of Arts and Sciences notable graduates.
  • Writing and Rhetoric Minor Taylor Esposito is recipient of a Fulbright English Teaching Award. 


Newsreel Fall 2020

  • Professor Peter Khost's book Rhetor Response: A Theory and Practice of Literary Affordance was reviewed in the current issue of the Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning--scroll here to p. 177.
  • "My Students, My Heroes," a moving tribute to student courage by Professor Rita Nezamiappears in Rhetcomp@Stonybrook.
  • Professors Shyam Sharma, MaryAnn Duffy, and Soni Sharma presented a panel, Reframing Writing Education: Helping Students Transcend Borders at ReVision and ReForm: Teaching Writing Across Borders/A Virtual Symposium, held by New York University on October 23-24, 2020. The panel was moderated by Jonathan Mischkot, New York University.
  • "Irrigation Technology and Women’s Empowerment in India – A Look at the Process from the Ground Up" To understand the impact on women’s social status in their communities, Professor Peg Christoff traveled to Gujarat, India to interview farmers in three villages. This resulted in a digital collection including interviews, audio and video recordings and photographs and two related undergraduate research projects. Two events on October 16, 2020 and November 13, 2020 revisit the project. A day-long symposium on the project and digital collection is planned for Spring 2021.
  • Students in Professor Kristina Lucenko's course on the personal essay led a conversation with renowned novelist and essayist Edwidge Danticat on storytelling and writing about trauma and pain. The September 21, 2020 event was part of the Humanities Institute's “Pressing Matters” Lecture Series. 
  • Professor Rita Nezami published an interview with Professor Cynthia Haynes, Director of Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design of Clemson University, in the SUNY Council on Writing blog, "Why Teaching Composition Virtually Presents New Possibilities for Rhetorical Exchange."
  • Professor Kenneth Weitzman received a grant through the Alda Center for Communicating Science to commission three professional playwrights to write plays  about scientists/science happening here at SBU.  The plays were presented (virtually) on Wednesday with Broadway actors reading the plays. The three short plays together run about 50 minutes total, then a panel discussion with the playwrights and their partner scientists follows. For a limited time, they can be viewed here. SBU Science on Stage
  • Congratulations to Professor Roger Thompson on promotion to Full Professor!
  • University Provides Online Writing Support During Pandemic featuring Professor Shyam Sharma (Stony Brook University News)
  • Professor Katherine Johnson is In the Spotlight this month! Read her reflections on teaching writing and research.


Newsreel Spring 2020

  • Professor MaryAnn Duffy is In the Spotlight this month! Read her reflections on teaching writing.
  • Professor Roger Thompson saw the publication of his new book, Writing Programs: Veteran Studies, and the Post-9/11 University: A Field Guidefrom NCTE (co-authored with D. Alexis Hart).
  • Professor Michelle Whittaker joined the American Poetry Journal as a Poetry Editor. She also served as a judge on the Literary Arts Committee for the Luminaria Artist Foundation 2020 grant awards. Her recent work has appeared in Fjords Review, PANK Magazine, Shenandoah: The Washington and Lee University Review, and Upstreet, where she received a scholarship to the Vermont College of Fine Arts Postgraduate Writers' Conference for manuscript review.
  • Professor Kenneth Weitzman’s play seal boy won the Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company's Generations National New Play Award.
  • Professor Peter Khost’s book Rhetor Response: A Theory and Practice of Literary Affordance was shortlisted for the Council of Writing Program Administrators Best Book Award for 2020.
  • Teaching Assistant Luca Zanchi published The Moving Image and the Time of Prophecy: Trauma and Precognition in L. Von Trier’s Melancholia (2011) and D. Villeneuve’s Arrival (2016). He also received the AHLSS 2020 Summer Research Fellowship.
  • Professor Shyam Sharmawas invited by the Fulbright Commission to serve on a review team for parts of South Asia, in addition to starting to serve as the Vice President of SUNY Council on Writing.
  • Professor Kristina Lucenko's article on early Quaker women and civility rhetorics was published in Peitho 22.3 (spring 2020). Her book review of Elizabeth B. Bearden's Monstrous Kinds: Body, Space, and Narrative in Renaissance Representations of Disability was published in Disability Studies Quarterly 40.1 (winter 2020).
  • Professor Peg Christoff published a book chapter “Open Scholarship and Climate Change in the Asian World,” with Jamie M. Sommer, for The Complete Guide to Open Scholarship, edited by Darren Chase and Dana Haugh (ALA Editions), June 2020.
  • Sylvia Johnson, a May 2020 summa cum laude graduate and Writing and Rhetoric Minor, received the third place grand prize for Student Employee of the Year and the Alumni Association Dean’s Choice Award in the College of Business. 
  • Danny DeGennaro, a summa cum laude graduate in Electrical Engineering and double minor in Physics and Writing and Rhetoric, received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence. 
  • Marissa Kelberman, a summa cum laude graduate in Fall 2019 with a double major in Political Science and Philosophy, and a minor in Professional Writing, received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence.
  • Amy Ngo, a Writing and Rhetoric minor, has been offered an internship at BioBus, a  non-profit organization that helps low income, minority and female students pursue the STEM fields. She will be mainly working on science communication and teaching the students different areas of science.
  • Kunika Chahal, Yosman Dhar, and Matthew Licht, all Writing and Rhetoric minors, were three of the Spring 2020 graduates featured on the College of Arts and Sciences website.
  • Patrick Kuflewski and Patrick Trinh, both Writing and Rhetoric minors, made Dean's List. 
  • Jennifer Lee, a Professional Writing minor, was inducted into Alpha Nu Zeta (ANZ), Stony Brook University’s chapter of the International English Honor Society, and will be part of their executive board beginning Fall 2020.
  • Ha Youn (Bella) Won, a summa cum laude graduate with a double major in Technological Systems Management and Biology as well as a double minor in Writing & Rhetoric and Entrepreneurship, will be a full time research technician in a cancer research lab at Weill Cornell Medicine.
  • Julianna Casella, a double major of Biology and Psychology, and a Writing and Rhetoric minor, was the student speaker for Commencement 2020.


Newsreel Fall 2019