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Frequently Asked Questions


Will being in the Honors College affect my plans to major in the field I choose?
What if the major I am interested in has an honors program? Do I have to choose between that and the Honors College?
Is there a minimum GPA to remain in the Honors College?
Is it true that I will have more homework as an Honors College student?
Will I only take classes with other Honors College students?
I've heard that the Honors College curriculum essentially replaces the SBC. What is the SBC and is this true?
Honors College courses are described as being in a "seminar" format. What does that mean?
What are the "minicourses"?
Is there separate housing for Honors College students?
I'm interested in WISE (Women in Science and Engineering). Which is better for me, WISE or the Honors College?
Can I be in more than one University Honors Program?
What are the main differences among the three University Honors Programs (Honors College; University Scholars; and WISE)?
How does being in the Honors College affect financial aid?