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*Note: The STRIDE program will no longer accept applications for STRIDE Fellows. There will be no future call for applications for STRIDE Fellowships. Students may continue to enroll in the Advanced Graduate Certificate.*

How to Apply

Stony Brook University (SBU) and the Institute for Advanced Computational Science (IACS) are offering fellowships for SBU PhD graduate students to take part in STRIDE: Science Training and Research to Inform DEcisions. STRIDE is the result of a ~$3M grant awarded to SBU in 2016 by the National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) program.

Within all sectors of industry and government, effective decision making depends on the ability of scientists to interpret data and communicate results in a way that supports the decision-making process. Learn how to communicate your research to the policy makers; understand the perspectives of stakeholders; and translate scientific uncertainty into action. The training program spans spatial data, advanced visual data analytics, high-performance and data-centric computing, a domain discipline, communication including interpersonal skills and modern media, decision making and relevant internships.

STRIDE is seeking a diverse cohort of students who have a desire to pursue interdisciplinary research. The first cohort of STRIDE students began in Fall 2017. 

Who is Eligible?

All domestic (US Citizen or Permanent Resident) PhD students from the following departments are eligible to be STRIDE trainees: Applied Mathematics & Statistics, Ecology & Evolution, School of Journalism, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Biomedical Informatics, Alda Center for Communicating Science,Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technology & Society, and Computer Science

What are the benefits of the program?

  • Students will interact closely with and take courses from faculty in the multiple departments listed above
  • Students will learn to communicate their science in courses at the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science
  • Students are eligible for internships at DOE labs, IBM, NOAA
  • Students will participate in transdisciplinary symposia; brown bag lunches; research challenges; and Many Paths to Science events
  • Some domestic trainees may be eligible for support as fellows at NSF rates with all associated fees fully covered
  • Opportunities to teach skill-building workshops

How to Apply?

The application consists of a two-step review process:

  1. The first round consists of submitting a CV and a 2-page statement describing your research interests and their relationship to visualization, science communication, or decision-support using the prepared Google Form. The statement should clearly state how the candidate will benefit from and contribute to the STRIDE community and how at least part of their thesis research relates to the core themes of the STRIDE program. Applicants are encouraged to identify STRIDE participating faculty who could serve as STRIDE mentors in the development of STRIDE-related research activities during the fellowship period. Documents submitted by the student will be reviewed by the STRIDE executive committee. THE DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 1 ANNUALLY. Decisions will be available by April 1.
  2. If the candidate receives committee approval, he/she moves to the second round of review to give a presentation (no more than 15 minutes in length) to the STRIDE executive committee, and the candidate should be prepared to take questions after the presentation. A final decision will be made by the executive committee once the candidate completes the presentation.

APPLY NOW!! Click Here for the 2020 STRIDE Fellowship Application 

What does the fellowship provide?

The award is a stipend for $34,000 for 1 calendar year. In addition to the stipend, all tuition* and health insurance costs are covered, and $200 is available to cover the cost of books. (The recipient of the award is responsible for determining if the payment received are taxable or non-taxable income when filing his/her individual income tax return. It is suggested that the recipient should seek professional advice from the IRS or income tax advisors regarding this matter.) Registration fees will also be covered.

*Graduate Tuition Scholarships cover up to the full-time credit load which is based upon the individual STRIDE Fellow's G-level.

G1, G3= Full-time is 12 credits
G2, G4, G5=  Full-time is 9 credits 

What are our expectations?

Participation in student organized events

Attendance at STRIDE-related events

Participation, as needed, in STRIDE-related training events throughout the year

What are the continuation requirements?

Continuation of the award for another consecutive year is contingent upon an outstanding follow-up evaluation by the student’s advisor and research committee as well as another presentation before the STRIDE Executive Committee. Also required is that the student receive no less than a B in any graduate course taken throughout the duration of the academic year in which the award was given along with at least a B+ GPA. The award cannot be extended beyond 2 years. 


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