The Environmental Studies major, leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree, provides students
with analytical and communication skills as well as the broad background necessary
to understand and address complex environmental issues. Since environmental issues are not resolved in the scientific, technological, social,
or political arenas alone, the curriculum is interdisciplinary, integrating principles
and methodologies from the social sciences, engineering, the natural sciences, and
humanities. The goal is to address the complex scientific, legal, political, socioeconomic, and
ethical issues that define and surround environmental issues.
All Environmental Studies students select one of the following concentrations allowing
for specialization at a deeper level: 1) Conservation Biology/Biological Anthropology, 2) Marine Science, Marine or Terrestrial
Ecology, or 3) Environmental Law, Waste Management, and Public Policy. Additionally, students participate in a research course, an internship, and/or field
study which provide real-world experience as well as networking opportunities.
The Environmental Studies major prepares the student for further education and entry-level
employment in high demand areas such as public interest science and advocacy, environmental
conservation, law, journalism, media production, ecotourism, and public health.