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You're invited: Help shape new Department of Technology, AI, and Society

January 17, 2025

Dear Stony Brook Faculty:

The university has been taking a number of bold steps toward enhancing Stony Brook’s position as a leader and innovator in AI. Today, we are pleased to invite you to be involved in an initiative that will re-envision our existing Department of Technology and Society as the Department of Technology, AI, and Society. 

Through this initiative, we seek to build the Department of Technology, AI, and Society (TAS) as a first-choice department for future leaders in the responsible shaping of the interface between artificial intelligence (AI) and society. The TAS department will build on Stony Brook’s role as a state flagship university and our strong commitment to social responsibility and interdisciplinary research. In the TAS department, the lens of equity and access will be central to a study of applications across the spectrum of our institution’s research and education missions.

To help develop the newly re-imagined TAS department, we are seeking faculty to serve on one of three working groups that will be charged with making recommendations pertaining to the department’s undergraduate and graduate curriculum, and its overall structure and governance.

We invite you to submit your name and an interest statement if you would like to be considered for any of the three working groups: 

  • Governance and Structure Working Group – 10 members
  • Undergraduate Curriculum Working Group – 12 members
  • Graduate Curriculum Working Group – 12 members

If you are interested, or wish to nominate a colleague, please complete our brief form by the end of the day Friday, January 24.

If you are selected, you will engage in regular meetings throughout this academic year and into next academic year. Beginning spring 2025, you will receive a stipend as additional compensation payments and your unit will receive a modest amount of protected funds. 

Housed in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS), TAS will be interdisciplinary in scope and developed to enhance and formalize connections across Stony Brook’s colleges and schools. There are also myriad opportunities for a mutually beneficial partnership between new and existing research institutes and TAS, notably the new AI Innovation Institute (AI3) and the Institute for Advanced Computational Science (IACS). This effort is aided by generous funding from SUNY to support the development of AI and Society departments at selected institutions.

We are eager to convene these working groups to help us develop a re-envisionioned TAS department. Working group members will be charged to develop curricula and structures in AI research and education across three core areas that leverage unique existing strengths at Stony Brook: Energy and the Environment; Medicine and Human Health; and Technology, Arts, and Society.

Please reach out to or reply to this email, if you have questions, thoughts, and/or concerns.



Carl W. Lejuez, Provost and Executive Vice President

Andrew C. Singer, Dean, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences