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Clyde Lee MillerProfessor Ph.D. Yale University, 1974
Harriman Hall 248 Tel: (631) 632-7570 |
Areas of Specialization: Ancient Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus; Medieval Philosophy: Augustine, Dionysius, Anselm, Aquinas, Nicholas of Cusa. Normative ethics: Aristotle, Aquinas: natural law, Kantian ethics, utilitarian ethics.
Lee Miller, for eleven years (2001-2012) Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Personnel in the college of arts and sciences at Stony Brook, works in medieval thought and Nicholas of Cusa. Trained in theology and philosophy, he has taught at St. Louis U and at Yale. He finished a dissertation on Plato's Protagoras while teaching at Yale. At Stony Brook he is a recipient of the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Teaching. He has taught graduate and undergraduate courses on Plato, Aristotle, medieval philosophy, and ethics. He was a founding member and teacher in Stony Brook’s Federated Learning Communities, in the later First-Year Learning Communities, and in the current Undergraduate College Seminars.* His publications include Reading Cusanus (Catholic University Press, 2002); two book-length translations from Latin, one of Cusanus’ The Layman: About Mind, the other of Jean Gerson’s Consolation of Theology; the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on Nicholas of Cusa (revised 2017). Recent journal articles and presentations expand his dedication to examining ancient and medieval texts to clarify their meaning and continuing relevance to contemporary thought. His new book about Nicholas of Cusa, entitled The Art of Conjecture, is currently in press at The Catholic University of America Press and should appear in 2020.
Selected Publications
“The Metaphor of Light and the Light of Metaphor in Nicholas of Cusa.” In Nicholas of Cusa and Times of Transition. Essays in Honor of Gerald Christianson. Edited by T.M.Izbicki, Jason Aleksander, and Donald F. Duclow. Leiden: Brill, 2019, pp. 286-300.
“Conjectural knowledge and metaphor—Implications of Nicholas of Cusa’s De coniecturis.” In Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, edited by J.T.Rosenthal and P.E. Szarmach & Joel Rosenthal, 3rd Series, Vol.13. Tempe, Arizona: Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, 2019, pp. 193-204.
“The Cusanus Map and Nicholas of Cusa’s Cosmographicus” (to appear in 2018)
“Nicholas of Cusa” 2017 in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (online)
“God as Li Non-Aliud: Nicholas of Cusa’s Unique Designation for God” (2015)