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Abdullah Basaran, Ph.D. 

A BasaranAssociate Professor, Hitit University of Turkey

B.A., Divinity, Ankara University, Turkey, 2006-2010
M.A., Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2013-2015
Ph.D., Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2020

He completed his dissertation, "Touching the Text, the Touching Text: The Carnal Hermeneutics of Reading," at Stony Brook University. His research is in the areas of phenomenology, philosophical hermeneutics, literary theory, postmodern theories and postmodern literature, medieval and contemporary Islamic thought.


Edoardo Bellando, Ph.D. 

E Bellando
Laurea in Philosophy, 1979, University of Turin
M.A., Philosophy, 2008, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York

After working 30 years for the United Nations in Nairobi and New York, Edoardo completed his dissertation, “’From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs’: what could it possibly mean, and what lies behind this Marxian principle?”, at Stony Brook University. He is grateful to the Philosophy Department for rejecting ageism, permitting him to resume in retirement his study of philosophy, begun as an undergraduate in Italy. He continues to study and write on philosophical issues.


Aaron Bernstein, Ph.D. 

A Bernstein

PhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2015-2024
BA, Religious Studies, Occidental College, 2009-2014




Adam Blair, Ph.D. 

A BlairConsultant, CGI Tech and Solutions Inc. & Instructor of Philosophy,  University of North Dakota 

B.A., Film & Theatre Production, University of Colorado Denver (summa cum laude), 2014
B.A., Philosophy; minor in Leadership Studies, University of Colorado Denver (summa cum laude), 2014
Ph.D., Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2021

Adam completed his dissertation, “Attentive Receptivity in Perceptual Play: a Phenomenology of Creative Spectatorship”, at Stony Brook University in 2021, wherein he investigates what it theoretically and concretely means to be creative through playing with perception. He continues to juggle his many interests—teaching philosophy, coding computers and developing software, playing jazz piano, taking photos and making films, and experimenting with new art forms and rethinking art gallery spaces. His philosophical work has been planted firmly in Phenomenological Aesthetics (and especially Merleau-Ponty), but continues to grow in further directions, drawing upon diverse resources including thinkers Bergson, Bachelard, Proust, and Deleuze; artists Joan Mitchell, Josef Albers, John Cage, Merce Cunningham, and Robert Motherwell; and many fields including gallery studies, disability studies, and art theory/education. | IG: @adamtheblair


Erik Bormanis, Ph.D. 

e BormanisPostdoctoral Faculty Fellow in Liberal Studies, NYU

B.A., Liberal Arts, Bishop's University, 2012
B.A.H., Philosophy, Bishop's University, 2012
M.A., Philosophy, Ryerson University, 2014
Ph.D, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2021

Erik is currently a Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow in Liberal Studies at NYU. He completed his dissertation, “Belonging in Place: A Critical Account of Cosmopolitanism and its World(s)” at Stony Brook University. His research is in the areas of 19th-20th Century Continental Philosophy, Phenomenology, and Social and Political Philosophy, with a particular focus on issues of social belonging, alienation, and community.  

Matthew Clemons, Ph.D. 

e Bormanis

B.A., Philosophy and the Arts, Belmont University, 2014
Ph.D, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2023

Matthew completed his dissertation Perceiving the Essence: A Husserlian Explication of Aristotle's Defense of Non-Contradiction at Stony Brook University in May 2023. He works primarily on ancient philosophy, phenomenology, and philosophy of religion. 

Brendan T. Conuel, Ph.D. 

PhotoAdjunct Professor of Philosophy,  St. John's University

B.A., University Honors, Astrophysics/Religion, 2010, Wesleyan University
Ph.D., Philosophy, 2019, Stony Brook University

Brendan is an Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at St. John's University. He completed his dissertation, “The Event of Mind,” at Stony Brook University where he was a Graduate Council Fellow. His research is primarily in the areas of Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics, and Whitehead, with some work branching out into Philosophy of Mathematics, Women's Studies, Psychoanalysis, and Nietzsche.


Robert D. Cormier, Ph.D. 

R CormierAdjunct Professor of Philosophy,  Fordham University at Lincoln Center

B.A., Philosophy and Political Studies, Queen’s University, 2011
M.A. Theory and Criticism, Western University, 2013
Ph.D., Philosophy, 2019, Stony Brook University 2022

Robert writes about automation and the scientific image of the human. He completed his dissertation, “Wave After Wave After Wave: Redundancy and the Automation of Philosophy,” in 2022. His research concerns the history and philosophy of science and technology and draws equally on analytic and continental philosophical traditions.



Caleb Faul, Ph.D. 

C FaulAdjunct Instructor of Philosophy, Park University and the University of North Dakota

B.A., Philosophy, Music, The University of North Dakota (summa cum laude), 2017
M.A., Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2021
Ph.D., Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2023

Caleb completed his dissertation, “Experimental Interactivity: From Art to Ontology and Back Again,” at Stony Brook University in 2022. His research is primarily in aesthetics and phenomenology (esp. Merleau-Ponty), with a particular focus on how a wide variety of artistic practices provide clues for a dynamically interactive ontology.

Audrey Lane Ellis, Ph.D. 

PhotoLecturer, NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study

B.A., Philosophy and Dance, Goucher College, 2006
M.A., Philosophy and Art, Stony Brook University, 2009
Ph.D, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2021

Audrey is currently teaching at the NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study and working as a dance artist. She completed her dissertation, “From Animation to Activation: Improvisational Dance as Invitation and as Interruption” at Stony Brook University. Her research is in the areas of 19th-20th Century Continental Philosophy, Phenomenology, Feminism, Embodiment theory and Social and Political Philosophy.


Christopher E. Fremaux, Ph.D.

PhotoAssistant Professor of Philosophy, The University of Scranton

B.A., Summa Cum Laude, Philosophy and Theology, 2009, St. Mary’s University
M.A., Summa Cum Laude, Philosophy, 2012, Boston College
Ph.D., Philosophy, 2020, Stony Brook University

Christopher is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Scranton in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He completed his dissertation, “Autonomy, Perfection, and God’s Will in Kant and the German Enlightenment,” at Stony Brook University, where he was awarded the Graduate Council Fellowship and the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student. His research focuses on moral philosophy in the 17th and 18th centuries, with a focus upon Kant and his German predecessors
and contemporaries.

Elena Granik Ph.D. 

PhotoPh.D. in Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2022
M.A. in Philosophy, San Francisco State University, 2013
B.A. in Legal Studies, University of California at Berkeley, 2008

Elena specializes in Ancient Greek Philosophy (esp. Plato). Her dissertation was entitled, The Cultivation of Noesis as Attention in Plato’s  Republic. Her research is in the areas of ancient philosophy, virtue ethics, comparative philosophy east/west, and philosophy of mind. She is currently teaching at University of North Dakota, Williston State College, and Old Dominion University.


Michael Kryluk Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy, University of Oslo (Norway)M Kryluk

B.A., Philosophy & English, University of Toronto, 2011
M.A., Philosophy, University of Toronto, 2013
PhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2022

Michael is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow working on the Kantian Foundations of Democracy project at the University of Oslo. He completed his dissertation, “What is the Human Being? Kant’s Philosophical Anthropology of the Species” at Stony Brook in 2022, where he was awarded the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching by a Graduate Student in 2019. He researches 18th and 19th century German philosophy, with a focus on Kant. 


Alycia W. LaGuardia-LoBianco, Ph.D.

Alycia LaGuardiaStockdale Center for Ethical Leadership, United States Naval Academy
B.A., Summa Cum Laude, Philosophy, 2011, Stony Brook University
Ph.D. University of Connecticut,  Philosophy,  2018

Alycia is a 2018-2019 Resident Ethics Fellow in the Stockdale Center for Ethics at the U.S. Naval Academy. She completed her dissertation, “Suffering and Self-Sabotage in Ethical Life,” at the University of Connecticut, where she was a 2017-2018 Dissertation Fellow at the Humanities Institute. Her research is in the areas of Ethics, Feminist Philosophy, and Philosophy and Psychiatry with influences from Chinese and Indian Philosophies as well as Existentialism.


Ali M. Mohsen, Ph.D.

PhotoAssociate Professor, Santa Monica College

Ph.D. Stony Brook University, Philosophy, 2018
MA, California State University, Los Angeles, Philosophy, 2010
BA, California State University, Northridge, Philosophy, 2008

Ali joined the faculty at Santa Monica College in 2016. He teaches courses on ancient Greek philosophy, the philosophy of technology, the philosophy of humor, and critical thinking. Ali and his colleagues are collaborating on a new critical thinking curriculum that aims to promote equity and civic agency.


Philip J. Nelson, Ph.D.

PhotoLecturer, Purchase College
Lecturer, Stony Brook University, Computer Science

B.A., Highest Distinction, English, 2011,  Penn State Harrisburg
M.A., Philosophy, 2013, University of Oregon
Ph.D. Philosophy, 2020, Stony Brook University

Phillip is currently lecturing for Purchase College in the Philosophy department as well as Stony Brook University in the Computer Science department. He completed his dissertation, “War & Responsibility: A Political Phenomenology,” at Stony Brook University. His research is in the areas of Ethics, Social Political Philosophy, and the Philosophy of War. He teaches courses in Existentialism, History of Philosophy, Critical Thinking/Logic, and Philosophy of Technology.


Jenny K. Strandberg, Ph.D. 

J SandbergAdjunct Assistant  Professor, Farmingdale State College and The College at Old  Westbury

B.S. Journalism and Science, 2005  Uppsala/Göteborg universitet, Sweden 
M.A. Philosophy, 2010, Stony Brook Manhattan 
Graduate Certificate in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, 2012, Stony Brook University
Ph.D. Philosophy, 2020, Stony Brook University

Jenny has been teaching Ethics with a focus on social and political issues at Farmingdale State College since 2015. After graduating from Stony Brook University in 2020, she was hired to teach two upper division courses and an introduction to philosophy course at the College at Old Westbury. Her research focuses on Plato’s political thought, especially his notion of political expertise. In her dissertation, “Politics of the Duly Measured”, she argues that the standard of the duly measure introduced in the Statesman makes it possible to objectively evaluate the merit of political praxis.


Daniel Ucko, Ph.D.

H Ucko PhotoAmerican Physical Society, Editorial Office

MSci, Physics, 1997, University College London, UK
Ph.D.  Physics, 2001, University College London, UK
Ph.D. Philosophy, 2020, Stony Brook University

After post-doctoral research in physics at the University of Birmingham, UK, Daniel is now an Associate Editor at Physical Review Letters, the flagship journal of the American Physical Society. He completed his dissertation "Peer Review: Objectivity, Anonymity, Trust" in 2020. His research is in the area of scholarly publishing and negotiations with objectivity.  



Caleb Ward, Ph.D.

C Ward PhotoPostdoctoral Researcher, University of Hamburg

B.A. with Honors, Political Science, 2007, Swarthmore College
Graduate Certificate in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, 2016, Stony Brook University
Ph.D. Philosophy, 2020, Stony Brook University

Caleb is a postdoctoral researcher in feminist philosophy at Universität Hamburg. His research at Stony Brook was supported by a fellowship from the Max Kade Foundation and a Stony Brook Graduate Council Fellowship, and his dissertation, “Agency, Responsibility, and the Limits of Sexual Consent,” was awarded the Joyce Turner Dissertation Award for outstanding research on race, gender, class, or sexuality. His ongoing research is about Audre Lorde, agency, and the role of moral intuitions in political and epistemic resistance.


Soren Whited, Ph.D.

S Whited Photo

B.F.A., Painting, Maryland Institute College of Art, 2003
M.A., Modern Art History, Theory, and Criticism, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 2007
Ph.D., Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2023

Soren specializes in the philosophy of history, especially regarding the differences between descriptive, normative, and critical historical accounts. He completed his dissertation, “Historical epistemology and critique: The questions of freedom in neo-Kantian and Frankfurt School philosophies of history” at Stony Brook in 2023. His current research focuses on the relations between history, time, freedom, and necessity.