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How to get a project on Ookami.

The following a list of all Ookami projects.  Those which have an allocation via Stony Brook University are listed under "SBU Projects," while projects having an ACCESS allocation are listed below under "ACCESS Projects."

SBU Projects:





1 Alan Calder Stony Brook University 3D Simulations of Pure Deflagrations of Hybrid White Dwarf Progenitors
2 Matthew D. Jones University at Buffalo Metrics for High Performance Computing Applications and Platforms: Performance and Reliability
3 Sayan Gosh Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Graph Analytics and Combinatorial Kernels (GRACE)
4 Philip W. Jones Los Alamos National Laboratory Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Readiness
5 Tony Curtis Stony Brook University OpenSHMEM
6 Tony Curtis Stony Brook University SPEC
7 Yuewei Lin Brookhaven National Laboratory The Large Scale Image Classification Benchmark
8 John Dennis National Center for Atmospheric Research Evaluating A64FX Using NCAR Weather and Climate Benchmarks
9 Jochen Autschbach University at Buffalo Molecular Dynamics and Molecular Response
10 Meifeng Lin Brookhaven National Laboratory Performance and Portability Evaluation of HPC Application Software on A64FX
11 Manuel Arenaz Appentra Solutions S.L. Software performance optimization through Parallelware tools for Fujitsu A64fx Processor
12 Barbara Chapman Stony Brook University

OpenMP in LLVM (llvm-openmp)

13 Patrick Diehl Louisiana State University

Porting Octo-Tiger, an astrophysics program simulating the evolution of star systems based on the fast multipole method on adaptive Octrees

14 Guido Juckeland Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf gearshifft
15 Mary Hall University of Utah Optimizing Stencil Applications with Bricks on A64FX
16 Tony Curtis Stony Brook University UCX
17 Amanda Randles Duke University Adaptive Physics Refinement Models for Simulating Cancer Cells
18 Yihui Ren Brookhaven National Laboratory Advanced Deep Learning with ARM
19 Xiangmin Jiao Stony Brook University Scalable Hierarchical Algorithms for Preconditioning Large-Scale Sparse and Data-Sparse Systems
20 Marivi Fernandez-Serra Stony Brook University Siesta in OOKAMI
21 Tony Curtis Stony Brook University TOTAL
22 Georg Hager Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center Porting and Evaluating the Performance Engineering Tools OSACA and LIKWID on OOKAMI
23 Axel Huebl Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory WarpX - an advanced electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell code - on A64FX
24 Yundi Quan University of Florida Electron-phonon coupling on a fine grid
25 Federico D. Halpern  General Atomics Testing and Porting ALMA and CGYRO to A64FX architecture
26 John Bell Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory The AMReX Block-Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Framework
27 Dingwen Tao Washington State University Improving Performance of Lossy Compression for Extreme-scale Scientific Applications on A64FX
28 Marc Gagné West Chester University Magnetized Massive StarWinds with Ookami
29 Lester Ingber Physical Studies Institute LLC Hybrid Classical-Quantum Fitting Attention States to Statistical Mechanics of Neocortical Interactions
30 Amit Ruhela University of Texas at Austin Characterizing and Improving Containerized HPC Applications Performance on Fujitsu A64FX Architecture
31 Christopher Hill Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT General Circulation Model Performance Tuning on ARM64 v8 SVE
32 Greg Childers California State University Fullerton Analysis of the Linear Algebra in the Number Field Sieve Algorithm
33 Tzu-Chieh Wei Stony Brook University Benchmarking for Quantum Resource Estimation
34 V. Balaji  Cooperative Institute for Modeling the Earth System Climate and weather models on A64FX
35 Weg Ongkeko University of California Microbial marker identification as a model for early Alzheimer's diagnosis
36 Lenore M. Mullin University at Albany Mathematics of Arrays (MoA) Dense GEMM
37 Gabriel Mihalache Stony Brook University Fiscal Space with Defaultable Public Debt
38 Roman Samulyak Stony Brook University Lagrangian Particle Models and Simulations
39 George Bosilca University of Tennessee Production quality Ecosystem for Programming and Executing eXtremescale Applications (EPEXA)
40 Christopher Wolfe Stony Brook University Vertical Structure of Oceanic Mesoscale Mixing
41 Rezaul Chowdhury Stony Brook University  FFT-based Fast Stencil Computations
42 Benedikt Hegner  CERN  HEP Software Performance on Ookami - Phase 1) Porting 
43  Sherwood Richers University of California Berkeley Particle-in-cell Simulation of Neutrino Flavor Transformation
44 Charles Gammie University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Next-generation Models for the Event Horizon Telescope
45 Samson Cheung NASA Ames Research Center WRF performance on OOKAMI
46 Charles Cheung University of Delaware High precision conguration interaction calculations on A64FX
47 Yonghong Yan University of North Carolina at Charlotte Evaluation of OpenMP SIMD Transformation for ARM SVE
48 Jiqun Liu University of Oklahoma Deep Learning Click and Recommendation Models for Supporting Complex Search Tasks
49 Robert Blackwell Flatiron Institute Performance testing for common research applications and preliminary development
50 Evan Dodge NASA Ames Research Center Testing/Tuning WRFv3.9.1.1 on A64FX
51 Dirk Pleiter Forschungszentrum Juelich Exploring Computer architectural requirements for single cell genomics applications
52 Tony Curtis Stony Brook University rustyshmem
53 John Parise Stony Brook University Computational design and discovery of advanced thermoelectric materials for sustaibale future energy applications
54 Dennis C. Smolarski Santa Clara University Linear Algebra At Scale
55 Xu Liu North Carolina State University A Fine-grained Call Path Profiler for A64FX-based Clusters
56 Khaled Sallam Oklahoma State University Combustion Acoustics of Residential Water Heaters
57 Brian O’Shea Michigan State University Measuring Performance and Scaling of Kokkos-accelerated Athena++ on Ookami
58 Tony Curtis Stony Brook University Program Transformation for Automatic GPU-Offloading with OpenMP
59 Sunita Chandrasekaran University of Delaware Porting applications to A64FX processor and benchmarking their performance
60 Tony Curtis  Stony Brook University Deep Learning Compilers To Enhance ML Performance on Ookami
61 Nav Nidhi Rajput Stony Brook University Testing and benchmarking electronic structure calculations code VASP on OOKAMI platform
62 Jiajia Li College of William & Mary Optimizing Sparse Tensor Methods for ARM systems
63 Bradford Chamberlain Hewlett Packard Enterprise Chapel on Ookami
64 Gaurav Khanna University of Rhode Island Mixed-Precision Runge-Kutta Methods using the A64FX Processor
65 Eva Zurek University at Buffalo Superconducting Hydrides Under Pressure
66 Geoff Cowles University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Benchmarking the FVCOM Ocean Model on A64FX
67 Sanjay Kale University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Exploring Charm++ Applications on A64FX
68 Yongjun Zhang Stony Brook University Relational Segregation in the U.S.
69 Matthias Möller Delft University of Technology Testing and porting G+Smo to A64FX architecture
70 Henrique Miranda VASP Porting VASP for A64FX
71 Jed Brown University of Colorado Boulder libCEED: fast algebra for finite elements
72 Alexander Breuer Friedrich Schiller University Jena Novel Computer Technologies in Education and Research
73 Katherine Hudson Stony Brook University Pygoscelis Penguin Response to Potential Prey Retention along the West Antarctic Peninsula
74 Mehdi Raessi University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Benchmarking the 3D FSI RIPPLE code on A64FX
75 Barry Schneider National Institute of Standards and Technology Calculation of electron collisions with molecular targets using the convergent close-coupling method
76 Ananta Tiwari EP Analytics, Inc. PerfPal: Performance Evaluation, Profiling and Modeling Tools for ARM-based HPC Systems
77 Klaus Bartschat Drake University B-Spline R-Matrix and R-Matrix with Time Dependence Calculations for Electron and Photon Collisions
78 Michela Taufer University of Tennessee Knoxville Performance Portable Vector Particle-In-Cell (VPIC)
79 Eirik Valseth University of Texas at Austin Reduced- and Mixed- Precision Modeling for Ocean Hydrodynamics
80 Craig Steffen University of Illinois Parfu Parallel Storage Tool Benchmarking and Testing
81 Alexey Kozlov Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies Porting raxml-ng to ARM
82 Annie Xian Zhang Stevens Institute of Technology Study on the Influence and Mechanism of Moiré Patterns on Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Bilayer WS2 via First-Principles Calculation
83 David Carlson Stony Brook University Porting, tuning, and analysis of the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) for A64FX
84 Carlos Simmerling Stony Brook University Porting and tuning Amber for A64FX
85 Wolfgang Wander Renaissance Technologies Floating point performance tests
86 Jeffrey Heinz Stony Brook University Parsing and Learning Algorithms for Computational Linguistics and Biology
87 Xiangmin Jiao & Marat Khairoutdinov Stony Brook University Porting and Tuning of System for Atmospheric Modeling with Multigrid
88 Alex Veidenbaum UC Irvine Exploiting parallelism to accelerate fully homomorphic encryption
89 Mose Giordano University College London Julia on A64FX
90 João P. L. de Carvalho University of Alberta Generation of Efficient Code for Vector-Length Agnostic Architecture via Active Lane Consolidation
91 Tom Deakin University of Bristol Benchmarking the performance of A64FX hardware specific features such as hardware barrier and sector cache
92 Robert Rosenberg Naval Research Laboratory Evaluation of Navy-Relevant codes on ARM cluster
93 Dimitris Assanis Stony Brook University Modeling Internal Combustion Engine Performance with Deep Learning
94 Dilip Gersappe Stony Brook University Controlled ice-nucleation using cellulosic hydrogels
95 Simon McIntosh-Smith University of Bristol Utilising PMU event data to inform A64FX processor model creation

ACCESS Projects:





1 Gabriel Mihalache Stony Brook University Deadly Debt Crises: COVID-19 in Emerging Markets
2 Katherine Gallagher Stony Brook University Modeling the Physical Oceanography Adjacent to Pygoscelis Penguin Colonies along the West Antarctic Peninsula
3 Winona Snapp-Childs Indiana University CONECT Staff Allocation
4 Eva Siegmann Stony Brook University Staff allocation - Ookami team
5 Lee Liming University of Chicago Staff allocation – Globus
6 Jon Calhoun Clemson Dynamic Management of Compressed Arrays for High-Performance Computing Applications
7 Abid Malik BNL Resources for Graduate Course in HPC at SBU
8 Alparslan Oztekin Lehigh University Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations (CFD) To Explore Water & Energy
9 Marivi Fernandez-Serra Stony Brook University Photocatalytic water splitting in oxide perovskites
10 Karres Dean University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Campus Champion for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
11 Shishir Dash Stony Brook University Simulation and measurement of Carbon Dioxide removal dynamics via ocean alkalinity enhancement
12 Castillo Horacio Ohio University Glassy Phenomena in Condensed Matter and Biological Physics
13 Henry Robert Microsoft Performance Analysis of Data Center Workloads on Modern ARMv9 Processors
14 Dilip Krishnaswamy Vectorized High Performance Quantum-inspired computation using the ARM SVE on the Ookami Testbed
15 Middelkoop Timothy  Internet2 Startup Allocation for Cloud based workloads
16 Thomas Langford Yale Performance Benchmarking on Ookami
17 Nguyen Phuong University of Tennessee Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Ginkgo on the Arm-based A64FX processors
18 Bose Tulika University of Wisconsin-Madison XSEDE Computing for the Compact Muon Solenoid at the Large Hadron Collider
19 Vikram Gazula University of Kentucky Campus Champion Allocation
20 Steffen Craig University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Parfu Parallel Storage Tool Benchmarking and Testing (Extension)
21 Showmaker Kurt The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine Campus Champion Allocation
22 Ingber Lester Physical Studies Institute LLC Quantum Variables in Finance
23 Burrows-Schilling Cyd University of California, San Diego Campus Champions allocation request on various platforms for UCSD user testing
24 Arno Klein Child Mind Institute Optimizing item selection for mental and learning disorder screening using machine learning models trained on transdiagnostic datasets
25 Kimberly Thomas University of California, San Diego Research Facilitator
26 Igor Palubski University of California, Irvine Semi-Analytical Methods in Monte Carlo Self-Interacting Dark Matter (SIDM) Models
27 Matts Rynge University of Southern California Staff Allocations
28 Barry Schneider National Institute of Standards and Technology AMP: A Science Gateway for Atomic and Molecular Physics
29 Shishir Dash Stony Brook University Simulation and measurement of Carbon Dioxide removal dynamics via ocean alkalinity enhancement
30 Anita Schwartz University of Delaware UD Campus Champion
31 Lester Ingber Physical Studies Institute LLC Quantum Financial Systems
32 Timothy Huber University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Congruences of Quotients of Klein Forms
33 Charles Seaton Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
In silico oceanography: A tool for collaborative Tribal science and management
34 Yicheng Huang Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Reconstruction of the wave and current field through 3D boat track and hydrodynamic model
35 Fei Yuan Baylor College of Medicine RNAseq Data Analysis Pipeline Development
36 Narayana Aluru University of Texas at Austin
Soft/Hard Interfaces at Nanoscale
37 Niall Whiteford American Museum of Natural History
Characterizing Giant Gaseous Worlds in the Era of JWST
38 Eva Siegmann Stony Brook University ByteBoost Cybertraining
39 Tyler Martinus Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Dynamics of Jet Expansion and Impingement Across a Spectrum of Nozzle Pressure Ratios
40 Nate Kremer-Herman Seattle University Scaling Up a Distributed Systems Course for Graduate Students
41 Yinan Liu Colorado School of Mines Simulation of Silicon Clathrate Materials for Photovoltaic Applications
42 Seyed Hossein Seyedzadeh Stony Brook University High fidelity modeling of renewable energy systems: wind and tidal farms
43 Gregory Bauer University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Evaluation of XSEDE programming and execution environments
44 Petr Krysl University of California, San Diego Parallel assembly of finite element matrices
45 Lenore Mullin SUNY at Albany An HPC Optimized Entry Point for an IR analyzer parsing pass
46 Matthew Chung University of California, Riverside New Campus Champion-Discover ACCESS
47 Yang Ge Tulane University Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of boundary physics
48 Thomas Quinn University of Washington N-body simulations: Planets to Cosmology
49 Yan Choi Lam Bucknell University Computational Investigation of the Catalytic Pathway for Dinitrogen Reduction to Ammonia by a
(PNP)MoI Catalyst
50 Lester Ingber Physical Studies Institute LLC Fitting EEG data to Statistical Mechanics of Neocortical Interactions (SMNI)
51 Marcos Sotomayor University of Chicago Molecular Simulations of Adhesion and Mechanotransduction Complexes
52 Luis Gutierrez
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Nonlinear Modal Stability Formulation for Hypersonic Nonequilibrium Flows
53 Ozgur Tumuklu
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Advancing High-Fidelity Simulation Techniques for High-Speed Non-equilibrium Flows
54 Spencer Bryngelson Georgia Institute of Technology High-fidelity simulation of flowing dispersions
55 Jeffrey J. Nucciarone
Pennsylvania State University Campus Champion for Penn State University
56 Beau Christ Wofford College
HPC Training at Wofford College