NEW! Two Books by Senator Jacob K. Javits Now Digitized and Available Online

Digitized Books & Bibliography of Senator Jacob K. Javits
Ia. Digitized Books
Ib. Monographs Written by or Including Contributions by Senator Jacob K. Javits
- American Policy in the Near East, an Address by the Hon. Jacob K. Javits. [New York:
American Zionist Council, 1953]
- Annual Report of Jacob K. Javits, Attorney General, to the Senate and Assembly for
the Year 1955. Albany: Dept. of Law, [1955]
- The Arab Refugees. Speeches of Hon. Jacob K. Javits of New York, Hon. Kenneth B. Keating
of New York, and Hon. Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania in the Senate of the United States,
Thursday, July 20, 1961. Washington: United States Government Office, 1961. Reprinted
from the Congressional Record, proceedings and debates of the 87th Congress, first
- A Critique of Welfare Programs and Policies: Now and Tomorrow: A Report on the Proceedings
of a Special Spring Open Meeting of the Community Council of Greater New York on June
9, 1967 ... U.S. Senators Jacob K. Javits and Robert F. Kennedy, and panelists. New
York: Community Council of Greater New York, [1968] 22 p.; 28 cm.
- The Defense Sector and the American Economy. By Jacob K. Javits, Charles J. Hitch
[and] Arthur F. Burns. New York, New York University Press, 1968. Includes "ABM: the
Dynamics of a National Decision," by J.K Javits. [Main HC 110.D4 J38 1968]
- Discrimination, U.S.A. New York: Harcourt, Brace, [1960] [1st ed.]
- Discrimination, U.S.A. New York: Washington Square Press, 1962. Rev. ed.
- "Government's Role in Economic Management." In: Management for the Future, edited
by Lewis Benton. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978, pp.165-173.
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment (19471948: Havana). Delegation
from the United States. The International Trade Organization, an Appraisal of the
Havana Charter in Relation to United States Foreign Policy, With a Definitive Study
of its Provisions. Report by James G. Fulton and Jacob K. Javits. Printed for the
use of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 1948.
At head of title: 80th Cong., 2d sess. Subcommittee print.
- Javits: The Autobiography of a Public Man. With Rafael Steinberg. Boston: Houghton,
Mifflin, 1981. [Available online; Main; Spec E748 .J28 A34]
- The Middle East Crisis Today: Remarks of Jacob K. Javits. Washington, D.C. U.S.G.P.O.
1958. Reprinted from: Congressional record, proceedings and debates of the 85th Congress,
second session.
- A New Economic Partnership with Latin America: A Report by Senator Jacob K. Javits
to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, on his Trip to Brazil,
Peru, Panama, Colombia, and Venezuela, January 4-14, 1976. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off. 1976. At head of title: 94th Congress, 2d session. Committee print. "Printed
for the use of the Committee on Foreign Relations."
- Order of Battle: A Republican's Call to Reason. New York: Atheneum Publishers, 1964.
[Available online; Main E743 .J3]
- Order of Battle: A Republican's Call to Reason. New York: Pocket Books, 1966. New,
revised, and enlarged edition. [Spec E743 .J3 1966]
- The Political Conflict, an Address by Jacob K. Javits. [Washington: National War College?]
1962. {Defense strategy seminar, 1962, topic no. 16}
- United States. Congress. Joint Economic Committee. The Political Stakes in EastWest
Trade, a Report on a Factfinding Trip to the U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe, Submitted
to the Subcommittee on Foreign Economic Policy of the Joint Economic Committee, Congress
of the United States, by Jacob K. Javits. Washington: U. S. Govt. Print. Off. 1962.
At head of title: 87th Cong., 2d sess. Joint committee print.
- A Proposal to Amend the AntiTrust Laws. New York: Appeal Printing Company, 1940.
[duplicate title]
- A Proposed Amendment to the AntiTrust Laws. [New York] J.K. Javits, c1940. [Listed
in OCLC]
- Relations Between the United States and Mexico; Economic Cooperation and Planning
for the Future: a Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate
on a Study Mission to Mexico. Washington: USGPO, 1975.
- United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Report on Israel, by
Jacob K. Javits of the Special Study Mission to Germany and Certain Other Countries,
of the Committee on Foreign Affairs; Report Pursuant to H. Res. 28, a Resolution Authorizing
the Committee on Foreign Affairs to Conduct Thorough Studies and Investigations of
All Matters Coming Within the Jurisdiction of Such Committee. Washington: U.S. Govt.
Print. Off. 1952. {82d Cong., 2d sess. House report; no. 1455} Issued also as Committee
print, 82d Cong., 2d sess., under title: Supplemental report on Israel.
- The Situation in NATO, The European Economic Community, and the Middle East: Report
by Jacob K. Javits to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, on
a Study mission to Various Countries of NATO, the European Economic Community, and
the Middle East. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 1975. At head of title: 94th Congress,
1st session. Committee print.
- Study Mission to Europe, NovemberDecember, 1976: a Report on His Trip to France,
Britain, Federal Republic of Germany, Belgium, Italy and Yugoslavia, November 18December
11, 1976, January 1977, by Senator Jacob K. Javits to the Committee on Foreign Relations,
United States Senate. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 1977. At head of title: 95th
Congress, 1st session. Committee print.
- Study Mission to Geneva, Rome and Madrid: a Report by Senator Jacob K. Javits to the
Committee on Government Operations, United States Senate on His Trip to Geneva, Rome
and Madrid, July 510, 1976. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. At
head of title: 94th Congress, 2d session, Committee Print. "August 1976."
- Study Mission to Japan, Korea, and Taiwan: Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations,
United States Senate, by Jacob K. Javits. Washington: U.S. G.P.O. 1977. "95th Congress,
1st session. Committee print." "December 1977."
- Study Mission to Turkey and Greece, March 1978: a Report by Jacob K. Javits to the
Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, June 1978. Washington: U.S.
Govt. Print. Off. 1978. At head of title: Committee print. 95th Congress, 2d session.
- Pell, Claiborne. The United Nations: The World as a Developing Country; Report to
the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, by Senators Claiborne Pell
[and] Jacob Javits. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 1971. At head of title: 92d
Congress, 1st session. Committee print.
- The United States and Cuba, a Propitious Moment: a Report by Jacob K. Javits and Claiborne
Pell to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, on Their Trip to
Cuba, September 2730, 1974. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 1974. At head of title:
93d Congress, 2d session. Committee print.
- Who Makes War: The President Versus Congress. With Donald Kellermann. New York: Morrow,
1973. [Main; Spec KF5060 .J38 1974]
- Sisco, Joseph J. Round Table on "Prospects for Peace in the Middle East," Monday,
September 26, 1977. Joseph J. Sisco, Moderator; Jacob Javits ... [et al.]. Washington:
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1977. [Main DS119 .S55]
II. Articles
- Article in Journal of the Institute for Socioeconomic Studies, Winter 1979.
- Article in Newsweek, September 11, 1978.
- "Communist Philosophy-Enslavement of the Worker." The Polish Review. Undated
- "Congressional Mailbag: New York's Senior Senator Tells What Happens to the Letter
You Write Your Congressman." Council Woman, National Council of Jewish Women, October
1960, Vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 8-9.
- "Does America's Best Hope For the Future Lie in Political Conservatism?" Affirmative:
Barry Goldwater -- Negative: Jacob K. Javits. In: The Great Ideas Today, 1962. Encyclopaedia
Britannica, Inc. [Chicago] W. Benton, c1962.
- "The Fortunes of Adela." Columbia Journal of World Business, 1:2 (Spring 1966), 123128.
- "In Opposition to Filibuster." San Diego Tribune. Undated
- "Integration from the Top Down." Esquire, December 1958.
- "It's Time for National Health Insurance." Newsday, July 20, 1978. -(editorial)
- "Javits Sounds Off South of the Border." Life, New York Extra, February 8, 1963. pp.
- "Labor Law Reform No Revolution--Senator." The Plain Dealer, Cleveland. May 13, 1978,
- "Lower the Voting Age." Playboy, February 1968
- "Mideast Policy." New York Times, January __, 1982. (op-ed piece)
- "NAFTA: The Next Step Forward?" Columbia Journal of World Business, Vol. 3, no. 5,
September-October 1968, pp. 9-13.
- "New Cultural Climate." New York Times, May 7, 1961, [sec. 2], p. 1.
- "The PLO's 'Moderate' Stance Is No Such Thing." Los Angeles Times, September 6, 1979.
(opinion piece)
- "President, Congress and Foreign Policy in Peace and War." Information Please. Undated
- "Primary Health Care." Journal of the American Podiatry Association, Vol. 69, no.
8, August 1979, pp. 469-470.
- "The Road Back for the G.O.P." New York Times Magazine, November 15, 1964.
- "A Senator's Plea." Musical Courier, September 1961, pp. 7-8.
- "Time to Pull Together." New York Times, July 5, 1982, [op-ed page].
- "To Preserve the Two-Party System." New York Times Magazine, October 27, 1963.
- "What is U.S. Policy in the Near East?" Congressional Bi-Weekly, A Review of Jewish
Interests. May 14, 1962, Vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 5-7.
- "Why We Need The Salt II Treaty." In: The Inside Look, December 1979.
III. Sampling of Additional Articles by and about Senator Javits
- Auto Safety and Mrs. Dole
- Coming of Age in Bilingual Education
- The Democratic Republican
- First Monday
- The Future of the Republican Party
- Government and Rehabilitation Agencies
- Growing Dilemma of the GOP
- How I'd Stop the War in Vietnam
- Impact on his Times
- GOP's Mighty Maverick
- Leaders in Profile
- A Legislator Views. Civil Rights
- Men at the Top
- National Sponsorship for Theater-Music
- Nelson Rockefeller
- New York City article
- One Billion Dollar Subsidy for Slums
- Our Man in Washington
- The Panels
- Paradox of Jacob Javits
- Prospects for Trade Via Port of New York
- Reminiscences
- Senator Jack Javits
- Time
- The Top Tennis Players in Official Washington
- Triangle Publications
- The War Powers of the President and Congress
- Who Makes War
IV. Oral History Interviews
Columbia University's Oral History Research Office has done many interviews that include
or refer to Senator Javits. These interviews, and many others, can be located by searching
the Research Libraries Information Network's Archives and Manuscript Control files
- The Eisenhower Administration Project. Jacob Javits. 1976. 16 p. Transcript of interview
conducted for the Oral History Research Office of Columbia University by Peter Corning
in 1968. Includes index. Microfiche of typescript. Glen Rock, N. J.: Microfilming
Corp. of America, c1977. -- 1 sheet; 11 X 15 cm. -- (Columbia University oral history
collection; pt. 3, no. 50)
- Social Security Administration Project. Glen Rock, N.J. Microfilming Corporation of
America, 1976. {New York Times Oral History Program, Columbia University Oral History
Collection, pt. III, no. 163} Microfiche of typescript. Transcript of interviews.
V. Reviews
- With Wheeler, Winslow T. Review of Revely, W. Taylor III, The War Powers of the President
and Congress: Who Holds the Arrows and Olive Branch. Charlottesville: University Press
of Virginia, 1981. In: New York University Law Review, 57:4 (October 1982),848865.
VI. Sound Recordings
- Conserve the Best of the Past & Pursue the Best for the Future. [Sound recording].
Senator Javits. {Vital history cassettes; August 1976, no. 2} At head of title: Campaign
'76: the Republican National Convention. Distributed by Grolier Educational Corp.,
N.Y. Recorded August 18, 1976 in Kansas City, Mo. Duration: 15 min. 29 sec. Summary:
Senator Javits calls for politicians to commit themselves to people and their problems
and aspirations. The Republican party must broaden its base of support.
- National Symposium on the Arts (1975: Austin, Texas) Arts symposium. [Sound recording]
Date of broadcast: September 30, 1975. A discussion of the Arts in relation to the
public, the political world, and the artist.
- [Pueblo incident] sound recording. On 1 sound tape reel (2 hrs.): 3.75 ips, mono.;
7 in., 1/4 in. tape. Includes the voices of Lyndon Johnson, Paul Duke, Frank McGee,
Dean Rusk, Dorothy Rugala, Lloyd Bucher, Terry Drinkwater, Mrs. Lloyd Bucher, Edwin
Newman, Gilbert Woodward, Jack Perkins, James Robinson, Jacob Javits, Liz Trotta and
David Brinkley. Broadcast on various networks throughout 1968.
- [Review of the News of the Week Ending March 6, 1986] Sound recording. [1986] on 1
sound tape reel (6 min.): 3 3/4 ips, mono.; 7 in., 1/4 in. tape. Broadcast on CBSTV,
March 9, 1986. President Reagan lobbies for $100,000,000 to support the Contras in
Nicaragua; Tip O'Neill calls Reagan's freedom fighters vicious people; Philippine
and South African political prisoners set free; Commission examining bombing of MOVE
neighborhood in Philadelphia finds Mayor Goode at least partially responsible; Jacob
Javits dies.
- Should Rehabilitation be a Major Goal of Prisons? Sen. Jacob Javits vs. Rep. Sam Steiger.
[Sound recording] {Opposing viewpoints cassettes. Duration: 11 min. A debate about
the rights of prisoners and whether punishments or rehabilitation is more important
to them.
- 1971 In Review Sound Recording Part 2. [1971] on 1 sound tape reel (60 min.): 3 3/4
ips, mono.; 7 in., 1/4 in. tape. Gift of Paul Hart. Longine Symphonetters Recording
Society, 1971. Inflation, the Vietnam War, China playing host to ping pong team, Nixon
planning to visit China, China joining the UN, "Nationalist" China being ejected,
sentencing of Lt. Calley, Ellsberg's release of the Pentagon Papers, prison riot at
Attica, big cities seeking financial aid, rioting in Northern Ireland, and Britain
joining the Common Market, were the news stories of 1971; with the voices of R. Nixon,
J. Stennis, E. Kennedy, W. Rogers, G. McGovern, H. Jackson, J. Mitchell, W. Proxmire,
Muhammad Ali, G. Lattimer, E. Medina, A. Ribicoff, J. Colombo, G. Hawn, V. Hartke,
C. Case, J. Kerry, Pope Paul VI, J. Connally, D. Ellsberg, M. Gravel, M. Kahane, K.
White, J. Lindsay, K. Gibson, R. Daley, L. Maddox, E. Richardson, G. Steenhover, J.
Javits, A. Shepard, M. Hatfield, G. Meany, R. Durrendorf, T. Wicker, N. Rockefeller,
V. Theresa, W. Philips, M. Kiernan, B. Faulkner, J. Lynch, B. Taylor, P. Lee, G. Bush,
B. Goldwater, I. Gadhi, F. Church, E. Heath, and S. Agnew.
- [4 programs] [Sound recording] With Arnold Moss, Jacob Javits, William Kunstler, Sammy
Davis, Peter Donald, Luther Adler, and Joseph Schildkraut. Program #1: Opening.--Program
#2: Folklore.--Program #3: Theatre.--Program #4: Law.
- Brezhnev, Leonid Il'ich. Soviet Jewry Aspect Discussion. [Sound recording] Privately
recorded on June 14, 1973. Also contains information on the Jackson amendment: Fulbright
con, Javits pro. With: Willy Brandt visits Israel.
- Campaign '76: the Republican National Convention: [Sound recording. { Vital history
cassettes; Aug.'76, no. 1,2,3} Accompanied by text. No. 1. The week Ford
2. Side A. Rockefeller, N. Concern for the GOP & America. Goldwater, B. We are the
last hope for sound free government, pt. 2, side B. Goldwater, B. We are the
last hope for sound free government, pt. 2. Schrump, R. Remember the Vietnam MIAs.
Javits, J. Conserve the best of the past & pursue the best for the 3,
side A. Dole, R. Accepting the Vice Presidential nomination. Ford, G. Accepting the
Presidential nomination, pt. 3, side B. Ford, G. Accepting the Presidential
nomination, pt. 2. Reagan, R. A call for unity. The week Ford won was a documentary
anchored by Walter Cronkite.
- Federalism Sound Recording: the Issue of Poverty. Dialogue with Senator Jacob Javits.
New York: Audio Educational Associates, [196] 1 sound tape reel (15 min.): 3 3/4
ips, 2 track, mono.; 5 in. + 1 guide. {American political dialogues; 502}
- The Second IsraeliEgyptian Disengagement Agreement Sound Recording: The American
Role. Jacob Javits and James Abourezk. The Israeli viewpoint-- Simcha Dinitz. A Palestinian
viewpoint--Zehdi Labib Terzi. Black Americans for Israel--Bayard Rustin. [New York]
Encyclopedia Americana/CBS News Audio Resource Library, c1975. on side A of 1 sound
cassette: 1 7/8 ips. {Vital history cassettes; September, 1975, no. 1}
VII. Video Recordings
- The 93rd Congress: Restoring the Balance. [Videorecording] / National Public Affairs
Center for Television. Washington: Public Television Library, 1974. 1 videocassette
(Umatic) (60 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. Examines the record of the 93rd Congress.
Focus is on the struggle for power between the executive and legislative branches.
Includes interviews with Rep. James Mann, Senators Lowell Weicker, Jacob Javits, and
Edmund Muskie. Presents comments by James MacGregor Burns.
- Jacob K. Javits: Commercials, 1962. 4 commercials (on 1 film reel): sd., b&w; 16 mm.
Commercials used during Javits' campaign for the 1962 U.S. senatorial election in
New York, Republican party.
VIII. Prepared by the Office of Senator Jacob K. Javits
- A Guide to Federal Programs and Services Available to New Yorkers. Prepared by the
Office of U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits. New York: Lex Press, [1962?]
IX. Monographs Written about Jacob K. Javits
- Capell, Frank A. The Strange Case of Jacob Javits. Zarephath, New Jersey: Published
by the Herald of Freedom, 1966. 71 p. {"Ever since Dr. Bella V. Dodd, one time high
Communist Party official who broke from communism, testified before the Senate Internal
Security Sub-Committee on June 14, 1956, mentioning Jacob K. Javits, now U.S. Senator,
there have been frequent references to this "case'." [Introduction, p.3]
- Senator Javits and His Staff: Collected Remembrances from the Staff of U.S. Senator
Jacob K. Javits. (Edited by Frank Cummings and Daniel Szabo. [s.l.: s.n., 1985] [Spec
E748 .J28 S46 1985])
- Jacob K. Javits, 1904-1986: "You Will Remember Me." [s.l.: s.n., 1986?] [Spec E840.8 .J28 J25 1986]
- Moscowitz, Arthur. An Introductory to an Urban Politician: The Electoral Campagins
of Jacob K. Javits, 1946-1956. Thesis. [Javits Collection, Series 8]
- Skolnik, Barnet David. Jacob K. Javits in 1954, Portrait of an Election. Thesis, 1961.
[Javits Collection, Series 9]
X. Articles Written about Jacob K. Javits
- Berkowitz, William. "I Believe: The Faith of Jew." Javits interviewed by Rabbi William
Berkowitz, 1961.
- "The Bills In Congress. Senator Javits Visits Equity, Reintroduces Foundation Bill;
A General View of Congressional Legislation Affecting the Arts." Equity (N.Y.: Actors'
Equity Association), April 1961, Vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 2-6. (also articles in Equity
July 1957, p. 7; and March 1959, p. 5. ph.
- Collins, Thomas. "Jacob Javits: Swinger on the Move." Newsday, May 7, 1966. ph.
- "The G.O.P.: It's Romney vs. Nixon." Newsweek, June 6, 1966, pp. 23-24.
- Javits, Joshua. "My Father, The Senator." New York Magazine
- Kahn, E. J., Jr. "The Gentleman from New York." The New Yorker, January 21, 1950,
pp. 31ff.; January 28, 1950, pp. 30-45.
- Oxford, Edward. "Your Senators' Incredible 16-Hour Day. United States Senators Jacob
Javits and Kenneth Keating Shape History in the Nation's Foremost Forum of Freedom."
Telephone Review (N.Y.: New York Telephone Company), November 1960, Vol. 51, no. 11,
pp. 2-10. ph.
- "Republicans. Trustees for Tomorrow." (cover story) Time, June 24, 1966, Vol. 87,
no. 25, pp. 25-29. ph.
- Rogers, Warren. "Sen. Javits Biggest Gamble." Look, February 21, 1967, pp. M16-M23.
- Roscow, James P. "Javits: A Man for All Seasons." Pension World, June 1975.
- Shanker, Albert. "New York and the Nation Need Javits in the Senate." New York Times,
October 13, 1974. (paid political advertisement)
- Thimmesch, Nick. "The Realities of Jack Javits." New York, November 4, 1968, Vol.
1, no. 31. illus.
- Viorst, Milton. "Could This Jew Be President?" Esquire, April 1965.
- Weaver, Warren, Jr. "Paradox of Jacob Javits." New York Times, April 4, 1965, p.34f.
XI. Articles about Marian B. Javits
- (interview) People, ? 1974. photo. (see S.1, ss. 1, bx. 77)
- "Mrs. Javits Believes Work Senator's Wife; Dates Other Men." The Clarion-Ledger, Jackson,
Mississippi, May 24, 1974. Associated Press article
- Christy, Marian. "Marion Javits: an Open Marriage? 'But We're Together Every Three
Nights'" The Courier (Louisville?), November 13, 1974. United Features Syndicate article.