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Internship Opportunities for Students

Career Center Resources

The Career Center is open for all students to:

  • Review resumes or cover letters
  • Search for jobs and internships
  • Practice with mock interviews
  • Explore majors and career paths
Schedule an Italian Language and Cultural Studies Career Coaching appointment for a 1:1 meeting with a career coach to discuss career paths and set goals

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The Career Center also offers:

  • Interview rooms, for on-campus or virtual interviews
  • Headshot photo booths, to take a professional headshot photo
  • The Equity Internship Fund, providing financial support for students participating in unpaid internships
  • Paid micro-internships through the Parker Dewey platform
  • MyWorldAbroad, to learn about international opportunities on global job and internship boards
More on the Career Center's World Languages and Cultural Studies team

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Career Center Events

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Opportunities Abroad

English Assistantships in Italy

English Language Assistantships are available in elementary and middle schools in Brescia for the periods: September 22 - December 22, 2025 or March 1 - May 31, 2026

Program opportunities:

  • A serious and rewarding cultural experience within the school
  • The opportunity to create contacts with educational professionals as well as with students who find the educational environment dynamic and stimulating
  • A tutor within the school who will help the assistant with any difficulties
  • The opportunity to become close to one or two Italian families, who will host them complimentarily and therefore are strongly motivated by this type of experience to host: the assistant will become a part of the family and needs to act responsibly
  • A total salary of €2400 (paid in 3 installments of €800)
  • Full board accommodation in family
  • A total of 240 working hours in the class (in addition to the hours needed to prepare the lesson plans)
  • Insurance for the activities that take place at the school. For those who are not a part of the European Economic community, we require you to purchase health insurance which will cover possible medical costs


  • Working as Foreign Language assistants/teachers in English classes
  • Delivering some grammar clinics
  • Catching up classes in the school
  • Preparing students for language proficiency certifications
  • Teaching adults some evenings


  • B1 level of Italian
  • Be between 21 and 27 years old, a native English speaker, and have studied some type of linguistics
  • Have as neutral an accent as possible
  • Demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills with children and adults
  • Have a predisposition to work in a school (ability to collaborate with teachers, and seriousness in preparing English lessons and other scholastic subjects)
  • Be flexible and have the capacity to problem solve and be reliable for your advising teacher at the school
  • Choose willingly to live with a family, knowing that this is an important experience linguistically and culturally (the family is not an Airbnb)
  • Enrollment in Italian Studies major or minor is preferred but not required


    • Write to prof. Gianfranco Serioli ( a full statement (in English or Italian) of all relevant information, including interest for the position, ability and willingness to comply with all the requirements, evidence of inclination for/experience in teaching and/or interacting successfully with foreigners, young people, motivation for living in family, etc.
    • Provide a CV
    • Provide a teacher's recommendation
    • Candidates will be requested to attend a virtual interview. The interview will last approx. 30min and will include
      • 20min oral presentation (in English)*
      • 10min Q&A
      • Applicants will also have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have, or clarify any desiderata
      *Please prepare a 20min oral presentation (in English) on a topic of your own choice in English grammar or any aspect of British/American/Australian culture, addressed to a class of either primary school children (age 9- 10), or middle school children (age 12-13), supported by a handout/PowerPoint (to be shared during the interview). Make sure that your topic, content, images, demeanour and diction are adapted to and suitable for your chosen audience.

DEADLINE March 25, 2025