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Upcoming events:

Please note that due to potential inclement weather, the panel on Richard Gambino's Legacy, originally scheduled for Wednesday, February 12, has been cancelled. We are currently working to reschedule this event for a date in spring. If you have any questions, please call 631-632-7444 or email

March 5, 2025
5 – 6:30 PM

Peter Carravetta (Philosophy), "Whither the Human in Humanism?"
After examination of and responses to the challenges of anti-, trans-, and post-humanism, Peter Carravetta looks at key ideas from the tradition that may still be adapted to redefine and energize the humanities. These include free will and intersubjectivity, as well consciousness of sociopolitical co-existence and commitment, the relation between myth and history, and rhetoric and logic, as manifested through works by Dante, Pico, Machiavelli, Campanella, Vico.
This event has been organized by the Humanities Institute at Stony Brook and is co-sponsored by the Center for Italian Studies. Please note that this event will take place in Humanities 1008.
Open to the public. SBU community encouraged to attend.
Humanities 1008, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794.

More Information

Peter Carravetta lecture flyer

March 10, 2025
5:15 – 6:30 PM

Telling your Story: Music, Language, Education
Pedagogy in Practice series
Celebrated Italian rapper and educator, Amir Issaa will present a two-part workshop on the power of finding and using your voice. Amir will share his story, growing up in Torpignattara, Rome and using music to find his identity. He will discuss how we can use songwriting as a tool to express ourselves across languages.
Students and Teaching Candidates across disciplines encouraged to attend.
E-4340 Melville Library, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3358.


Amir Issaa

March 26, 2025
5 – 6:30 PM

Brooklyn to Yellowstone: A 1933 Civilian Conservation Corps Odyssey
Join us for a presentation by Mike LoMonico on his new book.
Open to the public. SBU community encouraged to attend.
E-4340 Melville Library, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3358.



April 3-5, 2025

Society for Italian Philosophy Eighth Annual International Conference
Advance registration is required. Keynote speakers include Paolo D’Angelo (Università di Roma Tre, Italy) and Angelica Nuzzo (Brooklyn College, CUNY). Program forthcoming.
Proceedings on Thursday and Friday will be held at Stony Brook University.
Please note, Saturday's program only will be held at the Calandra Institute (25 W 43rd St Suite 1700, New York, NY 10036).

More Information


April 10, 2025
5:30 7:30 PM

Heirloom Film Screening
Join us in a screening of Michela Maria's Heirloom, a documentary about a mother and daughter reconnecting with their Italian roots and learning why Italian Americans love to garden.
Open to the public. SBU community encouraged to attend.
Humanities 1006, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794.



April 11, 2025
5 – 6:30 PM

Annalisa Macchia and Luigi Fontanella, John Ciardi’s "Fables in Verses: The Reason for the Pelican" ("il perchè del pellicano")
Please join us for an evening dedicated to the Italian translation of John Ciardi’s The Reason for the Pelican, Il perchè del pellicano, translated by Annalisa Macchia and with an introduction by Luigi Fontanella.
Open to the public. SBU community encouraged to attend.
E-4340 Melville Library, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3358.



May 1-3, 2025

Tenth Quadrennial Italian Renaissance Sculpture Conference "Provo-Athens"
Advance registration is required. Keynote speakers include Denise Allen (Metropolitan Museum of Art), Kelley Helmstutler di Dio (University of Vermont), and Andrea Bacchi (Università di Bologna). Program forthcoming.

The conference is supported by The Center for Italian Studies, The Samuel H. Kress Foundation, and The Lila Wallace – Reader’s Digest Special Project Grant from I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies.
Charles B. Wang Center, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794.

More Information


Recent Events

February 4, 2025
12:30 – 1:50 PM

Teaching Languages Through Intercomprehension: A Conversation with Clorinda Donato
Pedagogy in Practice series
Who are the students populating language classrooms today and why are they studying languages? Who are we as language instructors and what should we be teaching them? The answers to these questions are very different from the answers we might have given only twenty years ago. Answering these questions today means reflecting on the why, how, where, who and what of language pedagogy and communication in the twenty-first century. By focusing on the pedagogies of intercomprehension, (including translanguaging, multilingualism and plurilingualism), this conversation will invite us to think together about the students we are serving in language classroom settings and why we need to rethink what we are doing as language educators to best prepare them for a future in languages.
Open to SBU students and faculty only. RSVP Required.
E-4340 Melville Library, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3358.



February 11, 2025
1 – 4 PM

Caffè Italiano: Student-Faculty Mixer
Join us for espresso and biscotti to kick off our spring event season! Learn about our upcoming programs and scholarship opportunities, meet our staff, or just have a coffee or tea with us. A presto!
Open to all SBU students, faculty, and staff.
E-4340 Melville Library, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3358.

More information


February 19, 2025
12:45 – 1:45 PM

Andiamo! Let's Study or Intern Abroad
Thinking of studying abroad? Hear from a panel of students, faculty, alumni, and staff who have made the journey and learn how to translate your experience into a career!
Open to all SBU undergraduate/graduate students.
E-4340 Melville Library, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3358.



2011-2023 News & Events Archive