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Italian Classes for the Community Fall '24 - Spring '25

The Center for Italian Studies will offer non-credit Italian language classes for adults from October through April at four different levels. Course descriptions and class dates follow in the sections below.

      • Beginner Italian
      • Elementary Italian
      • Intermediate Italian: Part I
      • Advanced Italian (Class is taught predominantly in Italian)

Tuition: $330 per course | Structure: 44 hours of instruction (22 two-hour sessions) | Format: Online Synchronous (Zoom) with possible in-person opportunities

For additional information, please call us at (631) 632-7444 or email

Registered students will receive notification via email from their instructor with information about course materials and Zoom links.

February Update: Registration is now closed

Registration for Fall/Spring Italian language courses is now closed. Registration for Summer sessions will open in April. If you'd like to be notified when summer registration opens, please call us at (631) 632-7444 or email to be added to our mailing list.

Registration is now closed.

Beginner Italian

Instructor: Joseph Tursi

Saturdays, 10 AM 12 PM


Course Description:

An introduction to the language for those with little or no knowledge of Italian. The course introduces basic grammar concepts and topical vocabulary. Students will practice listening, reading, and writing in the language, and will practice simple dialogues with fellow classmates. Elements of Italian history and culture will also be presented.



Elementary Italian

Instructor: Donna Di Natale

Tuesdays, 7 PM 9 PM


Course Description:

For students who have studied at least 1 year of the Italian language or have not studied for awhile. This class will review basic grammar concepts and topical vocabulary. Students will practice listening, reading, and writing in the language and conduct simple dialogues with fellow classmates. Elements of Italian history and culture will also be presented.



Intermediate Italian: Part I

Instructor: Donna Di Natale

Thursdays, 7 PM – 9 PM 


Course Description:

For students with the equivalent of 2-3 years in Italian. This course offers a more formal approach and expands the Italian vocabulary, reading, writing, listening, and speaking of those students wishing to acquire new skills in the language. Grammar study includes a review of all basic verb tenses along with the introduction of the Passato Prossimo, Imperfetto and Imperativo forms. The cultural aspects of the Italian language and people will also be explored in-depth. 



October 10, 17, 24

November 7, 14

December 5, 12, 19

January 16, 23, 30

February 6, 13, 20, 27

March 6, 13, 20, 27

April 3, 17, 24


Advanced Italian

Instructor: Donna Di Natale

Saturdays, 10 AM 12 PM


Course Description:

For those with at least 4 years of Italian instruction. We will review and introduce all past, present, and future verb forms, topical vocabulary, and cultural readings. Students will be called on to speak during each lesson, giving comments, opinions, and reactions to cultural readings, along with participation in small group activities to strengthen conversational skills.

Please note: Class will be conducted predominantly in Italian.



October 5, 12, 19, 26

November 2, 9

December 7, 14, 21, 28

January 11, 18, 25

February 1, 8, 15, 22

March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29