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Relevant Faculty Publications

Lisabeth, Laura, “White Fears of Dispossession: Dreyer’s EnglishThe Elements of Style, And the Racial Mapping of English,” Radical Teacher 21 (2019) 

. ”Strunk And White And Whiteness,” College Composition and Communication, Sept. 2021

.  “Strunk and White Set The Standard,” Bad Ideas About Writing, Drew M. Loewe and Cheryl E.  Ball (eds.) Morgantown, WV: Digital Publishing Institute 2017.

Lucenko, Kristina. “Early Quaker Women and Civility Rhetorics,” Peitho 22.3, Spring 2020.

—. “‘That I Could Live as Not Myself’: Holocaust Survival, Trans Identity and Dementia in Susan Faludi’s In the Darkroom,” The Politics of Dementia: Forgetting and Remembering the Violent Past in Literature, Film and Graphic Narratives, Irmela Marei Kruger-Furhoff, Nina Schmidt and Sue Vice (eds.) Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2021.

Sharma, Shyam, Rita Nezami, Cynthia Davidson, Soni Adhikari, and Kevin Clouther. “Engaging the Global.” A blog post on the then PWR faculty blog. 

Sharma, Shyam. “Supporting international students with academic transition” (a blog post including a downloadable handout for teachers). 

—. “Translingual teaching” (a blog post on Transnational Writing Group, CCCC Standing Group).