Relevant Faculty Publications
Lisabeth, Laura, “White Fears of Dispossession: Dreyer’s English, The Elements of Style, And the Racial Mapping of English,” Radical Teacher 21 (2019)
—. ”Strunk And White And Whiteness,” College Composition and Communication, Sept. 2021
Lucenko, Kristina. “Early Quaker Women and Civility Rhetorics,” Peitho 22.3, Spring 2020.
—. “‘That I Could Live as Not Myself’: Holocaust Survival, Trans Identity and Dementia in Susan Faludi’s In the Darkroom,” The Politics of Dementia: Forgetting and Remembering the Violent Past in Literature, Film and Graphic Narratives, Irmela Marei Kruger-Furhoff, Nina Schmidt and Sue Vice (eds.) Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2021.
Sharma, Shyam, Rita Nezami, Cynthia Davidson, Soni Adhikari, and Kevin Clouther. “Engaging the Global.” A blog post on the then PWR faculty blog.
Sharma, Shyam. “Supporting international students with academic transition” (a blog post including a downloadable handout for teachers).
—. “Translingual teaching” (a blog post on Transnational Writing Group, CCCC Standing Group).