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Faculty of the Genetics Program A to Z

Acosta-Martinez, Maricedes Physiology & Biophysics.  Neuroendocrine regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad (HPG) axis

Amor Vegas, Corina, Cold Spring Harbor.  Cellular senescence and immune surveillance in cancer and aging 

Bahou, Wadie, Medicine/Hematology.  Genetic disorders of hemostasis and thrombosis

Beyaz, Semir, Cold Spring Harbor.  Dietary regulation of immunity and cancer; epigenetics; metabolism

Bialkowska, Agnieszka, Medicine/Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Acute and chronic pancreatitis; pancreatic cancer; animal models; pancreatic stromal and immune cell interactions,;single-cell and bulk next-generation sequencing

Bingham, Paul, Biochemistry & Cell Biology.  Novel approaches to cancer chemotherapy; genetic control of development and gene expression in animals

Brownlee, Christopher, Pharmacological Sciences. Molecular mechanisms of spindle orientation, ciliogenesis, polarity, actin cortex formation, and axonogenesis

Canals, Daniel, Medicine and Cancer Center. Lipid signaling and metabolism in cancer

Carpino, Nicholas, Microbiology & Immunology.  Positive and negative regulation of T cell receptor signaling

Carter, Carol A., Microbiology & Immunology.  Retroviral assembly and post-assembly events

Cheadle, Lucas, Cold Spring Harbor.  Neuro-immune mechanisms of brain development and disease

Chen, Jiang, Pathology.  Planar cell polarity and primary cilia in skin and hair follicle development and skin cancers

Cheung, Leonard, Physiology & Biophysics. Genetic control of pituitary cell fate throughout life using animal and pluripotent cell models and single-cell technologies

Chung, Jun, Pathology.  Mechanisms of tumor invasion and metastasis

Citovsky, Vitaly, Biochemistry & Cell Biology.  Genetic transformation, intercellular transport, and chromatin remodeling in plants

Colognato, Holly, Pharmacological Sciences.  Extracellular matrix in the brain: roles during development and neurodegeneration

Damaghi, Medhi, Pathology. Tumor evolution in its microenvironment using single-cell multi omics and spatial omics connecting genotype to phenotype

Davalos, Liliana, Ecology & Evolution.  Environmental change and its relationship to phylogeny, population genetics, and biodiversity conservation

Del Poeta, Maurizio, Microbiology & Immunology.  Sphingolipid metabolism and signaling in fungal and mammalian cells

Demple, Bruce, Pharmacological Sciences.  Cellular systems to counteract oxidative damage

Devarajan, Priyadharshini, Microbiology & Immunology.  Enhancing lung and nasal immune defense against respiratory viruses; harnessing T cell memory for enhanced protection; bolstering aged immune responses to combat infections; development of vaccines targeting respiratory pathogens

Dobin, Alexander, Cold Spring Harbor.  Computational multi-omics; biological big data; bioinformatics tools

dos Santos, Camila, Cold Spring Harbor.  Epigenetic dependencies of normal and malignant breast development; gene expression in prevention and treatment of cancer

Dubnau, Josh, Anesthesiology.  Learning, memory, genetics, and behavior

Eanes, Walter, Ecology & Evolution.  Molecular evolution and phylogenetic analysis

Egeblad, Mikala, Cold Spring Harbor.  Tumor microenvironment, tumor-associated myeloid cells, and breast cancer

Enikolopov, Grigori, Anesthesiology.  Stem cells, neurogenesis, and signal transduction

Fearon, Douglas, Cold Spring Harbor.  Cancer immunology; immunotherapy; host response to cancer

Freimuth, Paul, Brookhaven National Laboratory.  Virus-receptor interactions

Frohman, Michael, Pharmacological Sciences.  Lipid signaling in normal physiology, diabetes, and cancer

Furie, Martha B., Pathology.  Interactions of bacterial pathogens with host cells of innate immunity

Futcher, A. Bruce, Microbiology & Immunology.  Cancer, cell cycle, cyclins, microarrays, computational biology, and yeast genetics

Ge, Shaoyu, Neurobiology & Behavior.  Functional integration of new neurons into brain circuits

Gergen, J. Peter, Biochemistry & Cell Biology.  Transcriptional regulation in Drosophila

Ghebrehiwet, Berhane, Medicine.  Structure-function of C1q receptors and their role in infection, inflammation, and cancer

Gingeras, Thomas, Cold Spring Harbor.  Genome-wide organization of transcription and functional roles of non-protein coding RNAs

Hammell, Christopher, Cold Spring Harbor.  Genetic regulation of temporal development and the function of animal microRNAs

Hammell, Molly, Cold Spring Harbor.  Computational and functional genomics; control of transposable elements; neurodegenerative disease

Hannun, Yusuf, Medicine and Cancer Center. Mechanisms and functions of bioactive sphingolipids in cancer

Hu, Chi-Kuo, Bochemistry & Cell Biology.  The biology of dormancy and its interaction with development and aging.

Jackson, David, Cold Spring Harbor.  Plant development; stem cell signaling; genomics and imaging

Janowitz, Tobias, Cold Spring Harbor.  Host response to cancer: metabolic, endocrinological, neurological, and immunological consequences and treatment strategies in cancer medicine

Josephs, Eric, Biomedical Engineering. Molecular engineering of CRISPR systems for applications in personalized gene therapies, diagnostics, and antiviral biotechnologies; molecular mechanisms of viral and bacterial mutation

Joshua-Tor, Leemor, Cold Spring Harbor.  Structural biology; nucleic acid regulation; RNAi; molecular recognition; X-ray crystallography

Ju, Jingfang, Pathology.  miRNAs in proliferation, cell-cycle control, chemoresistance of tumor stem cells, and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition

Karzai, A. Wali, Biochemistry & Cell Biology.  Structure and function of RNA-binding proteins; SmpB-SsrA quality control system

Kernan, Maurice, Neurobiology & Behavior.  Mechanical senses in Drosophila; ciliary signaling

Kim, Hwan, Microbiology & Immunology.  Rickettsial pathogenesis and vaccine assembly for tick-borne rickettsioses

Kim, Hyungjin, Pharmacological Sciences.  Mechanisms of mammalian DNA replication and repair in cancer development and therapy

Konopka, James, Microbiology & Immunology.  Genetic analysis of the fungal pathogen Candida albicans

Koo, Peter, Cold Spring Harbor.  Computational biology; artificial intelligence; interpretable deep learning for genomics

Krainer, Adrian R., Cold Spring Harbor. Posttranscriptional control of gene expression; pre-mRNA splicing mechanisms, fidelity and genetic diseases

Kritzer, Mary, Neurobiology & Behavior.  Effects of the gonadal hormones on the structure, biochemistry, and function of the cerebral cortex

Li, Bo, Cold Spring Harbor, Neuroscience.  Glutamatergic synapses; synaptic plasticity; schizophrenia; depression; rodent models of psychiatric disorders

Lin, Richard, Physiology & Biophysics.  Physiological functions and pathological roles of phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks)

Luberto, Chiara, Physiology & Biophysics.  Sphingolipid metabolism and signaling

Luk, Ed, Biochemistry & Cell Biology.  Cellular organization of chromatin structure for accommodation and control of gene expression

Lukey, Michael, Cold Spring Harbor.  Metabolic reprogramming during tumorigenesis and metastasis

Mackow, Erich, Microbiology & Immunology.  Rotavirus and hantavirus genetics and pathogenesis

Martienssen, Robert, Cold Spring Harbor.  Epigenetics; chromatin and chromosome biology; stem cells; plant genomics; plant evolution; aquatic plants

Martin, Benjamin, Biochemistry & Cell Biology.  Stem cell maintenance and differentiation; developmental mechanisms of cancer pathogenesis

Martinez, Luis, Pathology.  Gain of function of mutant p53 oncogene

McCombie, Richard, Cold Spring Harbor.  Genomics of psychiatric disorders; genomics of cancer; computational genomics; plant genomics

Meyer, Hannah, Cold Spring Harbor.  Tolerance induction and generation of diversity in the developing immune system; systems immunology; transcriptomics; bioinformatics

Mills, Alea, Cold Spring Harbor.  Cancer; development; aging; senescence; epigenetics; autism

Misra, Jyoti, Pharmacological Sciences.  Regulation of growth in development and cancer by Hippo signaling

Moll, Ute, Pathology.  The p53/p73/p63 gene family in human cancer; transcription-independent mitochondrial apoptosis program of p53

Neiman, Aaron, Biochemistry & Cell Biology.  Vesicle trafficking and membrane-cytoskeletal interactions

Nelson, Jonathan, Biochemistry & Cell Biology.  Understanding the impact of retrotransposons and repetitive DNA maintenance in germline genome stability

Pedmale, Ullas, Cold Spring Harbor. Organism-environment interactions; photobiology; signal transduction; genomics; cellular growth; decision-making in plants

Pisconti, Dada, Biochemistry & Cell Biology.  Muscle stem cells; muscular dystrophy; muscle development; muscle regeneration; muscle aging; extracellular matrix; biology of proteoglycans

Powers, R. Scott, Pathology.  Cancer gene discovery; cancer diagnostics and therapeutics; cancer biology

Rahme, Gilbert, Pharmacological Sciences. Cancer epigenetics with a focus on brain tumors

Reich (Marshall), Nancy, Microbiology & Immunology.  Signaling switches in gene expression by hormones or viral infection

Rest, Joshua, Ecology & Evolution.  Computational, comparative, and experimental approaches to study linkage of genotype and phenotype

Schorn, Andrea, Cold Spring Harbor.  Non-coding and small RNA; transposable elements; stem cells; epigenetics

Seeliger, Jessica Pharmacological Sciences.  Mechanisms of cell wall and membrane assembly in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Seeliger, Markus, Pharmacological Sciences.  Molecular mechanisms of protein kinase and ubiquitin ligase signaling in cancer and aging

Shelly, Maya, Neurobiology & Behavior.  Molecular mechanisms of embryonic brain development; axon regeneration; neurodegenerative disorders

Sher, Roger, Neurobiology & Behavior.  Neurobiology; neurodegenerative diseases; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; Alzheimer's; dementias

Sheridan, Brian, Microbiology & Immunology.  Mucosal immunology; T cell memory; vaccine design; host-pathogen interactions

Shroyer, Kenneth, Pathology.  Molecular characterization of benign, premalignant, and malignant lesions of the female genital tract

Siepel, Adam, Cold Spring Harbor.  Computational biology; population genetics; computational genomics; molecular evolution; transcriptional regulation

Sirotkin, Howard, Neurobiology & Behavior. Genetic and environmental regulation of neurogenesis; neurological disorders including autism and epilepsy

Spector, David, Cold Spring Harbor.  Cell biology; gene expression; nuclear structure; non-coding RNAs

Stillman, Bruce, Cold Spring Harbor.  Cancer; cell cycle; DNA replication; chromatin assembly; biochemistry; yeast genetics

Takemaru, Ken-Ichi, Pharmacological Sciences.  Cell signaling and ciliogenesis in mammalian development, health, and disease

Talos, Flaminia, Urology/Pathology.  Intra-tumor heterogeneity in prostate cancer; tissue reprogramming in the urinary bladder

Tan, Dongyan, Pharmacological Sciences.  Epigenetics, chromatin structure and function in transcription and DNA damage repair

Thanassi, David, Microbiology & Immunology.  Secretion of bacterial virulence factors and their roles in pathogenesis

Thomsen, Gerald, Biochemistry & Cell Biology.  The transforming growth factor-ß family in embryonic development

Tollkuhn, Jessica, Cold Spring Harbor.  Regulation of gene expression in the brain by estrogen and testosterone

Tonks, Nicholas, Cold Spring Harbor.  Posttranslational modification; phosphorylation; phosphatases; signal transduction; protein structure and function

Trotman, Lloyd, Cold Spring Harbor.  Cancer modeling and treatment; senescence and tumor progression; cancer visualization; PTEN regulation

Tuveson, David, Cold Spring Harbor.  Pancreatic cancer; experimental therapeutics; diagnostics; mouse models; cancer genetics

Vakoc, Christopher, Cold Spring Harbor.  Transcriptional regulation of mammalian cell growth

Van Aelst, Linda, Cold Spring Harbor. Signal transduction; Ras and Rho proteins; tumorigenesis; neuronal development

Van der Velden, Adrianus, Microbiology & Immunology.  The mammalian T cell response to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium

Veeramah, Krishna, Ecology & Evolution.  Evolutionary genomics

Wan, Ledong, Pharmacological Sciences. RNA metabolism; inflammation; cancer

Weissman, Jackie Lee, Ecology & Evolution. Metagenomics and comparative genomics;  microbial ecology and evolution; bioinformatics; computational biology

Westcott, Peter, Cold Spring Harbor.  Cancer genomics and immunology; evolution of immune surveillance and dysfunction during cancer progression and metastasis

White, Thomas, Physiology & Biophysics.  Gap junction functions defined by genetic diseases and gene knockouts

Williams, Jennie, Family, Population and Preventive Medicine. Cancer chemotherapeutics; cancer health disparity; tumor biology; chemoresistance/chemoresponse in racial and ethnic populations

Zachar, Zuzana, Biochemistry & Cell Biology.  Cancer chemotherapy drug discovery

Zhan, Huichun, Medicine/Hematology. The intersection of clonal hematopoiesis, bone marrow immune microenvironment, and cardiovascular diseases

Zhang, Lingbo, Cold Spring Harbor.  Normal and malignant stem and progenitor cells; self-renewal; metabolism; therapeutic targets