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Scholarship Universe

Stony Brook University uses Scholarship Universe as a platform for students to apply for and accept scholarship opportunities across campus.  You can follow these simple steps to apply for scholarship opportunities each year.

  • Based on information the student adds to their profile it will create a personalized Scholarship Universe profile.  Students will be able to review a customized list of scholarship opportunities that they qualify for and directly connect and submit online applications with university departments and organizations offering those scholarships.
  • Be sure to log into Scholarship Universe regularly as the university continues to enter scholarships on a on going basis.

Scholarship Universe

Step 1: Student Log In

Current and incoming students can log into Scholarship Universe using their SBU NetID.

Step 2: View your Dashboard

Your dashboard offers an overview of your current and future scholarship opportunities and displays action items that require your attention. The user menu on the left will help you navigate the different sections of the application and awarding process.

Scholarship Universe Homepage

Step 3: Answer Matching Questions

Select “Questions” from the user menu on the left. To apply for as many scholarship opportunities as possible across campus, you will need to answer questions that can help “match” you to scholarships for which you meet the qualifications.  The more questions you answer, the more scholarships you may match and apply to, now and in the future. You can answer more and edit/update your answers to these questions at any time.

Note: First time signing into Scholarship Universe, you will automatically be prompted to begin answering Matching Questions. You may want to review your answers from previous years to make sure your information is up-to-date.

Step 4: View Scholarship Opportunities

Select “Scholarships” from the user menu on the left. This section will display and let you interact with all the scholarship opportunities currently open at any given time.

  • Matches – List of scholarships to which you match and are currently able to apply
  • Partial Matches – List of scholarships to which you match at least one requirement but have missing information for other requirements
  • Application Submitted – List of scholarships for which you have applied
  • Awarded – List of scholarships that you have been awarded

You may click the “Apply” button for any scholarship on your Matches list to take you directly to the required application or you can move on to Step 5 to view a full list of the applications you are eligible to complete and begin the application process there.

Step 5: Apply for Scholarships

Select “Applications” from the user menu on the left. There are three tabs on this screen:

  • Ready to Start – Here you will find a list of all general and department-specific applications for which you are eligible to apply based on your Matching Question answers in Step 3
  • In Progress – Here you will find any applications which you have already started but have not completed
  • Submitted – Here you will find all the applications you have successfully submitted

Note: You cannot edit an application once it has been submitted. Make sure to thoroughly review your application material before hitting submit.