All incoming freshmen are considered for our freshmen merit based scholarships. The majority of ourfreshmen merit based scholarships, as displayed in this section, require no special
scholarship applications; all admitted first time freshmen students who are academically qualified are automatically
reviewed for scholarship eligibility. Scholarships are offered on a funds available basis.
Stony Brook will send a scholarship award letter via e-mail to those students selected
to receive a merit based scholarship. The e-mail process begins in the early part
of the new year and typically follows an offer of admission.
The award amount and duration of scholarships vary. Some offer scholarship support
for four years. Some scholarships are for one year only, while others are renewable
based upon meeting the criteria of the specific scholarship.To view the most up to dateterms and conditionsof your scholarship, click the "Award Detail" link in SOLAR. In most cases, students will not be awarded more than one scholarship and it will
be the most beneficial scholarship offer that we can make. Stony Brook University's
freshmen scholarships begin upon enrollment in the fall semester of the academic year
for which they are offered.
Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens and must be New York
State residents. Candidates will contribute to the diversity of the student body
by demonstrating their commitment to facilitating and enhancing diversity, equity,
and inclusion efforts in their academic programs and activities
Eligible students must be enrolled in a degree program and have demonstrated high
academic achievement characteristic of an honors program.
Honors College scholarships are awarded on the basis of outstanding academic achievement
(e.g., high school grade point average, SAT or ACT scores, leadership, participation
in extra-curricular activities and/or honors programs). Every admitted Honors College
student will receive some level of scholarship support. This support is most often
awarded in the form of a Presidential or Presidential Merit Scholarship. Continuation
of the scholarship is contingent upon meeting the Honors College criteria. Further
information is available from the Honors College website.
Any current year Finalist or Semifinalist in the Regeneron Science Talent Search who
is eligible for admission to Stony Brook University as a freshman for the following
fall semester will be considered for a scholarship of $3,000 a year for four consecutive
Any current year National Merit Scholar Finalist or Semifinalist who is eligible for
admission to Stony Brook University as a freshman for the following fall semester
will be considered for a scholarship of $3,000 a year for four consecutive years.
National Merit Scholar Finalists may qualify for an additional $2,000 award if Stony
Brook University is listed as their top choice school with the National Merit Scholarship
Notification to university must be submitted by the deadline date of September 15th.
Please submit the complete letter from National Merit Scholarship Program.
Domestic students who are currently seniors in high school who have achieved a meritorious
unweighted high school average are automatically considered for this four-year scholarship.
High school academic program, SAT/ACT scores, co-curricular activities, research experiences,
or special talents or skills may also be taken into account. Scholarships vary based
on academic qualifications.
The Valedictorian or Salutatorian Scholarship is contingent upon official documentation
from the student's high school confirming valedictorian status or salutatorian status.
The documentation needs to display the highest ranked in the class (valedictorian
status) or second highest ranked (salutatorian status) on an official high school
transcript or a statement from your high school counselor on official letterhead specifying
numerical rank of the student.
Please Note: Documentation must be sent by a school counselor or school representative to be considered
official and can be sent directly through email to Documents sent by students are considered unofficial and will not be accepted. Official
documents must be submitted by September 15.
An examples of documents accepted would be a statement from your high school on their
official letterhead.
Unofficial Transcripts will not be accepted.
Most students accepted into WISE will receive some level of merit-based aid. Further information is available from
the WISE website.
Program Details & Eligibility:
Pell eligible students whose parent or guardian died in the line of duty while performing
as a public safety officer are eligible to receive the maximum Pell Grant for the
award year. In order to qualify, students must:
Be eligible for Pell based on current valid FAFSA information
Have an Expected Family Contribution (calculated from their current valid FAFSA) greater
than zero
Must be less than 24 years old or were enrolled at an institution of higher education
at the time of his or her parent or guardian’s death
Award Limits:
Eligible students will receive the maximum Pell Grant for his or her enrollment status
and cost of attendance. Additional information regarding the dollar amount for the
awards can be found on our Federal Pell Grant Semester Award Look Up Chart page.
How to Apply:
Contact our office to speak with a financial aid advisor. Advisors will add a To
Do List item to your SOLAR account that will specify the documentation needed to determine
eligibility for this scholarship.
Undergraduate Scholarship Applications
There are a variety of scholarship applications specifically for Stony Brook students.
Students are encouraged to review the criteria for each award. If they meet the criteria
listed, be sure to submit all materials by the deadline date listed on the application.
Scholarship application deadline for the 2025-26 academic year is March 15th, 2025
unless otherwise stated on a specfic application.
The Office of Financial Aid & Scholarship Services administers the following scholarship
opportunities for incoming freshmen students:
Student must be an incoming freshman from Bronx High School of Science or James Madison
High School
Student must demonstrate a commitment to social action and/or social service
Student must be matriculated and enrolled full-time
Student must demonstrate financial need as determined by the completion of the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Student's high school record must demonstrate high academic achievement
Must be a high achieving high school student.
Must have minimum cumulative high school GPA of 92.
Must exhibit strong leadership skills as defined by student accomplishments
Student must be a first time freshmen, either incoming or enrolled in their first
year of study as a freshmen
Student must be a New York State resident
Student must demonstrate a commitment to community service
Student must demonstrate financial need as determined by the completion of the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Student's high school record or first semester at Stony Brook must demonstrate high
academic achievement
Student must maintain full-time continuous enrollment for four years, beginning with
their fall semester admit term
Student must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0
Student must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct
Student must continue to demonstrate financial need as determined by the completion
of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Provides scholarships for graduates from the Division Avenue High School in Levittown,
New York who have matriculated to Stony Brook University as full-time undergraduate
students. Demonstrate good academic achievement as defined by Stony Brook policy. For incoming
freshman students, good academic achievement is represented by a minimum high school
GPA of 80. Preference given to students who demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office
of Financial Aid and Scholarship Services based upon completion of the Free Application
for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
This is a four (4) year renewable $10,000 scholarship for new incoming freshman that
have applied to the College of Business at Stony Brook University.
Scholarship Universe
The Office of Financial Aid & Scholarship Services administers scholarship opportunities
for continuing students via Scholarship Universe, a matching tool based upon student's
personalized profiles. Start matching to scholarships now at Scholarship Universe.
Departmental Scholarships
There are a variety of other scholarships offered through the different academic departments
across campus. Review this list to see what additional opportunities may be a good
fit. If you have any questions regarding these applications, please contact the department
who administers the award. Departmental Scholarships applications are also in Scholarship Universe. By creating/updating your profile in Scholarship Universe if you meet the requirements
for any of these awards you will be able to submit applications via Scholarship Universe
as well.
The Bliss Verdon Memorial Scholarship is available annually to one or two outstanding students in recognition of strong academic
performance and demonstrated commitment in the area of African issues.
The Bliss Verdon Memorial scholarship has been established to celebrate the life and accomplishments
of Bliss Verdon, a 1995 graduate of Stony Brook University, who completed her BA in
Africana Studies and Anthropology.
This scholarship is open to full-time junior/senior students.
Nominees must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 at the time of
The nominees must have made outstanding contributions towards the improvements and
growth of student affairs and student programs at Stony Brook.
The nominees must also exemplify Elizabeth Couey's unique qualities, which include
the ability to listen with understanding, guide without boundaries, give and take
with love and grow with each passing day.
Awarded to a student who has made an outstanding contributions to University life
in the areas of leadership, campus programming, and advising throughout the academic
Nominees must have demonstrated leadership and/or service through tangible contributions
to the university.
The Economics Department awards scholarships to promising students in the field of Economics who are active
majors at Stony Brook University. The scholarships are intended to provide undergraduate
students with support to continue their education in economics.
Student must be a Community College transfer student who has completed an AA or AS
Competitive applicants should have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
Students must be enrolled full-time in any of the majors offered within the College
of Engineering and Applied Sciences or in one of the following majors: Astronomy,
Biology, Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Earth and Space Sciences,
Engineering Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences,
Environmental Studies, Marine Science or Marine Vertebrate Biology
Scholarship recipients will be offered the opportunity to attend a two week Math Immersion
Boot-camp in the summer. Attendees will receive weekly room and board and a $500
Scholarship recipients will receive a $2000 scholarship for their first year of attendance
and $2800 for year two
The Alumni Association is sponsoring eight awards to students who have excelled in
different areas, including academics, leadership, and the improvement of community
Recipients will receive a cash award and will be recognized at the Undergraduate Recognition
Awards Ceremony on May 2 and the Alumni Association Scholarship Golf Classic dinner
on June 20.
The JFEW-SUNY International Relations and Global Affairs Program, funded by the Jewish
Foundation for Education of Women (JFEW), is a two-year program. The integrated program
includes two years of scholarship support (up to $5,500 each year), a monthly seminar
series for two academic years, and a paid internship in a New York-based global organization
offered during the summer between the Junior and Senior years.
Students must submit two letters of recommendation, a resume, personal statement,
and a completed application form by April 10th.
Application details and forms are available to students through ZebraNet JOB ID 45105. ZebraNet is the Career Center's job/internship portal.
The URECA (Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities) Program enables SB students
to engage in full-time faculty-mentored research or creative activity for ten weeks.
The URECA summer research program provides a $4000 stipend to select Stony Brook undergraduates
doing full-time research or creative activity for ten weeks in the summer under the
supervision of a Stony Brook faculty member.
Students in all majors and disciplines are encouraged to apply.
Undergraduates may also apply for URECA Small Grants and/or URECA Travel Grants.
Residents of New York State attending a state university or college may be eligible
for awards from the state. Please visit Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC)
for all state specific awards that students may apply for at