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Krista Thyberg


M.S., Stony Brook University, Ph.D., Stony Brook University 

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Dr. Krista Thyberg teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the Department of Technology and Society. She is also an Assistant Research Professor for the Waste Data and Analysis Center at Stony Brook University. Her academic research focuses on environmental and waste management, particularly waste characterization and quantification, as well as decision making for environmental management and policy.

Dr. Thyberg received her Ph.D. from Stony Brook University. Her doctoral research focused on evaluating the environmental and social impacts of technologies and policies for waste management. Much of her work has focused on food waste, particularly quantifying food waste generation, evaluating factors driving food waste generation, as well as determining the environmental impacts of food waste treatment technologies using life cycle assessment modeling. Dr. Thyberg also works as an Environmental Consultant specializing in natural resource management and ecological assessments.

Selected Publications:

  • Tonjes, D.J., O. Aphale, L. Clark, and K.L. Thyberg. 2018.  Conversion from dual stream to single stream recycling results in nuanced effects on revenues and waste stream amounts and composition. Resources, Conservation and Recycling.138 (November 2018): 151-159.
  • Thyberg, K.L., D.J. Tonjes. 2017. The Environmental Impacts of Alternative Food Waste Treatment Technologies in the U.S. Journal of Cleaner Production.  158 (August): 101-108.
  • Thyberg, K.L., D.J. Tonjes. 2016. Drivers of Food Waste and their Implications for Sustainable Policy Development. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 106 (2016): 110-123. *** Received 30th Anniversary Best Paper Award, December 2018***
  • Thyberg, K.L., D.J. Tonjes, J. Gurevitch. 2015. Quantification of Food Waste Disposal in the United States: A Meta-Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology 49(24): 13946-13953.
  • Thyberg, K. L., and D. J. Tonjes. 2015. A management framework for municipal solid waste systems and its application to food waste prevention. Systems3(3): 133-151.
  • Aphale, O., K.L. Thyberg, and D.J. Tonjes. 2015. Differences in Waste Generation, Waste Composition, and Source Separation across Three Waste Districts in a New York Suburb. Resources, Conservation and Recycling99(2015): 19-28.
  • Greene (Thyberg), K.L. and D.J. Tonjes. 2014. Degradable plastics and their potential for affecting solid waste systems. pp. 91-102. In: Waste Management and the Environment VII, V. 180 in WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment WIT Press, Southampton, UK. 524 pp.
  • Greene (Thyberg), K.L. and D.J. Tonjes. 2013. Quantitative assessments of municipal waste management systems: Using different indicators to analyze programs in New York State. Waste Management 34(4): 825-836.
  • Tonjes, D.J. and K.L. Greene (Thyberg).  2012. A Review of National Municipal Waste Generation Assessments in the USA. Waste Management and Research 30(8): 758-771.

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