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In the Spotlight - Peter Davis '20
Spring 2019Peter

Peter Davis is currently a Junior in civil engineering and is particularly interested in research. We asked him to share about his experience so far, why he has chosen civil engineering, and where he plans to go from here. In Peter’s own words:   

It would be nice to be able to say “At the age five I looked to the New York City skyline and knew right away…”, but the truth is that discovering my passion for civil engineering has been a process. I didn’t decide on civil engineering until the end of my freshman year. I have, however, been enthralled with the sciences for as long as I can remember. Where my childhood friends would watch action-packed cartoons, all I ever wanted to watch was the science channel. Even today, nothing lifts me from the ordinary quite like watching an episode of “The Universe.” The challenge has been narrowing my interests. Civil engineering is a great fit for me; it combines the pure science of physics with practical application. While the abstractions of physics fill me with wonder, it is important to me that my hard work produces something tangible. The practicality of civil engineering brings me down to earth—in a good way! In choosing civil engineering I have struck a balance and am now fully committed to going after it with as much gusto as the kid who knew what they wanted to do at age five.

During my first semester in civil engineering, I found an internship in the New York City School Construction Authority’s rotational program. I worked with professionals in several departments, including Architecture and Engineering, Construction Management, and Environmental and Regulatory Compliance. Nearly all of my time with NYCSCA was spent on job sites where I gained a holistic understanding of the construction process. This was a year-round internship,  and through balancing work and school I became excellent at time management. I commuted to NYC three times a week, and I still earned straight A’s both semesters.

Industry experience has given me insight into practical applications of technologies that are often first developed in an advanced engineering laboratory: seismic bracing, high strength concrete, etc. During my time with the NYCSCA, I realized that my favorite part about civil engineering is actually the theory learned in academia. I now hope to participate in research that advances our understanding and develops the latest technologies. In the fall of 2018, I left my internship to focus on engineering research by working as an Undergraduate Researcher with Dr. Ali Farhadzadeh.

Dr. Farhadzadeh has been an excellent mentor, and I couldn't have hoped for anyone better. Even though there are no guidelines or set responsibilities in CIV 499 (Independent Research), I set a rigid schedule for myself. In the beginning, I helped Dr. Farhadzadeh’s graduate students with basic lab tasks and I produced detailed literature reviews each week. I would show up to Dr. Farhadazeh’s office eager to discuss the literature I had reviewed and some potential topics for my own research. After several months of weekly meetings, and seeing the potential of what I could achieve, Dr. Farhadzehdeh suggested I begin work on my own research project in his lab.

I have been investigating the potential use of a relatively new soil strengthening technique, namely Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP). MICP can be defined as the promotion of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) precipitation by the activity or presence of microbes: Calcite is simply a stable chemical polymorph of calcium carbonate. To prepare, I reviewed every piece of available literature concerning MICP. I have become as much of an expert on the topic as is possible for an undergraduate. I have worked out every detail of my planned study: all calculations for reagent quantities, all aspect of the procedure, a detailed timeline, a full cost estimate, etc. Materials are now ordered and experimentation will begin soon. I can hardly contain my excitement!

I feel incredibly grateful to have Dr. Farhadzadeh as my mentor. He has given me space to demonstrate my own motivation and skills, and he has provided me with resources and advice to produce quality research. Most of all, Dr. Farhadzadeh has been wonderfully supportive of my goal to become a researcher who can make an impact in the field of civil engineering. I highly recommend that any civil engineering student interested in research form a relationship with one of our faculty members.

Recently, I have been invited to conduct research at UC San Diego's Large High-Performance Outdoor Shake Table as part of an REU funded by the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure section of the National Science Foundation. I will receive a full stipend to produce a research paper and will present my research at a conference hosted by the University of Texas at Austin. What a dream to be paid for something that I love to do! I have found my passion in research, and thus, I have decided to pursue a Ph.D. immediately following graduation with the goal of developing a career in research. Currently, I am specializing in structural engineering, but I have also enjoyed coursework in mechanical engineering and geotechnical engineering. I am strongly considering earthquake engineering as my specific focus in grad school because it combines these fields. My REU at UC San Diego’s premier earthquake engineering facility will certainly help me decide.

When I’m not studying or conducting research, I love spending time on or in the ocean. I am from the east end of Long Island and it is one of the best places on the east coast for fishing, clamming, and boating. For fun and a great meal, I harvest mussels, clams, scallops, oysters, lobsters, and all types of fish! I am definitely a thrill seeker and my favorite hobby is spearfishing. It sounds impressive, but it's really not difficult if you don’t dive too deep. There is nothing like it; when I’m 40 feet under on a single breath of air there is no room to worry about an upcoming exam!



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