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Mentoring and Advisement

Mentoring and Advisement

Community of Student Mentors

The Community of Student Mentors Program provides graduate students in all disciplines with the opportunity to forge peer-to-peer mentoring relationships and incorporate them into their larger advisement plan. Peer mentoring programs have been documented as being successful in providing academic, professional, and social support for scholars. Junior-level scholars can capitalize on the experience of a more experienced peer mentor, while senior-level scholars can gain valuable experience mentoring students. For underrepresented students, participating in a mentoring program that links them with advanced level students they can more easily relate to can be a successful component of a larger retention strategy. To learn more about the program, please visit the Community of Student Mentors site.

Student Advisement and Advocacy

The Center for Inclusive Education staff provides advisement to registered scholars, with a focus on:

  • an appreciation of diversity and how it is important to academia
  • understanding graduate school hardships, particularly those faced by underrepresented scholars 
  • empowering scholars to better cope with the feelings of isolation and alienation they may experience 
  • a deep commitment to the completion of their degree and successful transition into the professional ranks,

Center staff is available for general academic and professional development guidance, as well as negotiation and advocacy.