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Emergency Support Award

The CIE Emergency Support Award was established to aid doctoral students experiencing severe financial hardships. Eligible students faced with impending funding lapses may receive a one-time stipend up to $3,000. Given the nature of these types of emergency awards, we will accept applications on a rolling basis, however only a few awards will be made annually. 


All candidates must:

  • Be a registered CIE student
  • Be enrolled in a doctoral program at Stony Brook
  • Have received prior departmental support in the form of TA, GA, RA or Work Study funding
  • Be receiving less than half-time TA/GA/RA/Work Study funding for the semester they are requesting support
  • Have not recieved the Emergency Support Award previously.
How to Apply

Applicants are required to submit an electronic letter of request for consideration as a CIE Emergency Support Award recipient.  This 1-2 page letter should detail the following:

    • The reason for your funding lapse and when it is expected it to occur.  If it is to be combined with any current or pending CIE funding, you must provide a comprehensive rationale for your request.
    • Your current funding situation (TA, GA, RA, Work Study) and current annual stipend amount.
    • Your current stage in your graduate program and if close to defending, an expected or already scheduled date for your dissertation defense.
    • If you will not be graduating after the semester in which you are requesting support, a plan for funding after CIE Emergency Support has ceased.

Please note the following conditions of the award:

  • To avoid a potential lapse in funding, you must submit your request at least 6 weeks prior to your anticipated lapse.  You will be notified within 2-4 weeks if you have been accepted.  Please note:  your advisor and graduate program will be copied on this award letter.
  • Applicants must meet with CIE staff member Rosalia Davi to discuss the implementation details of the potential award.
  • Applicants should submit their letters of request to