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IRACDA Scholar: Aya Sabbah, Ph.D.


Aya Sabbah

PhD: SBU Oral Biology and Pathology
IRACDA Placement Department of 


Aya received her PhD from the Oral Biology and Pathology Department at SBU. Her PhD research focused on studying a common oral disease called candidiasis, which is caused mainly by the opportunistic pathogen Candida albicans, utilizing the antimicrobial (especially antifungal) properties of nano-materials and characterizing their properties after adding these antimicrobial materials to the resin-based denture bases, manufactured by the 3D printing technology, and investigating the required step for optimizing its fabrication. 

Her current postdoctoral training is in Prof. Peter Tonge’s lab in the Chemistry Department, where she is utilizing the changes inducible through photoreceptor compounds to optimize their use in different cellular mechanisms. 

Why I chose to join Stony Brook IRACDA : This program gives me the opportunity to intensify my research training and skills while in the same time enriching my understanding and practice in teaching methodologies through various workshops and continuous support.

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