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Alumni News


12/01/2006 John Haberman (B.A., 1994)
John writes .....I did undergrad research with Andreas Mayr ...... After Stony Brook, I went to Tulane University for grad school, and I got my Ph.D. in organic chemistry..... After grad school I went to law school, and I'm now a patent attorney at AstraZeneca near Boston. It keeps me busy and can be somewhat stressful at times, but it's nonetheless enjoyable...... in fact, there are a lot of Stony Brook chemistry alumnae among the scientists here at AZ.
I get back to Long Island occasionally, but it's been ages since I've visited the campus (and with one daughter and another on the way I suspect it will be quite some time before I get time for a visit).

11/28/2006 Sukumar Nagamani (Ph. D. 1984, Porter)
writes that he is presently Research Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and a member of the Rensselaer Exploratory Center for Cheminformatics Research and Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. Here is a link to his home web page:

10/25/2006 Barry Weinstein (Ph.D., 1978, Fowler)
As reported in C&ENews, Barry Weinstein of Rohm & Haas, along with collaborators, has been named a "Hero of Chemistry" for the development of AquaSet acrylic thermosetting binders as green chemistry alternatives to those used in most fiberglass insulation.

09/13/2006 Nicholas Bompane (B.S., 2006)
We welcome Nicholas, who has been hired as a temporary replacement for Craig Munn. NIck will help with preparation in the Introductory Chemistry Laboratories. Craig retired at the end of August after having served the department for 25 years.

08/30/2006 Brian Waldbaum (Ph.D., 1996, Kerber)
Brian has been hired as an adjunct faculty member for the Fall Semester. He will be teaching the second semester introductory chemistry course, CHE 132.

06/13/2006 Robert Goitein (B.S., 1968)
After his Stony Brook B.S., Robert went on to get a Ph.D. from U.C.-Santa Barbara and went on to a career in clinical chemistry at several west coast universty related Health Science Centers. He is currently Assistant Director, Quality Resources at the Adventist Medical Center in Portland, Oregon. Robert was recently inducted into the Kings Park High School Science Hall of Fame.

05/19/2006 Stuart Rosenblum (Ph.D., 1987, Bihovsky)
The commencement speaker was Dr. Stuart Rosenblum of the Schering-Plough Research Institute. Dr. Rosenblum is the winnner of several awards including ACS Heroes of Chemistry (2004) for his discovery of Zetia - a novel agent for the treatment of high cholesterol.

05/18/2006 Raymond Mackay (Ph.D., 1966, Schneider)/Mary (Dilberian) Mackay (M.S., 1967, Boikess)
Ray presented the address at the Doctoral Graduation and Hooding Ceremony on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his being awarded the first Ph.D. degree by the University. Ray retired from Clarkson U. in 2003 and is currently Director of Research and Technology at the Edgewood Chemical Biological Center in Maryland. Mary accompanied Ray on his visit and some of us "old-timers" shared recollections about many of you from whom we have not heard in quite a while. Please drop us a note and let us know what you are up to.

04/19/2006 Ralph Salvatore (M.S., 1996, le Noble)
writes that he is a Full -Tenured Professor and Chairman of the Department of Chemistry at Lehman College-The City University of New York, Bronx, NY

2/27/2006 Pamela St. John (B.S., 1989)
[Pamela is Associate Professor of Chemistry at SUNY New Paltz]. She writes .......
After graduating from UCLA I spent 2 years at Cornell University in Applied and Engineering Phyiscs where I was a post-doctoral researcher. From there, I moved back to California and worked for a biotechnology company for 6 1/2 years where I interviewed off and on for academic positions. I finally found what I was looking for when I interviewed at New Paltz and so here I am. I have a number of undergraduate students doing research with me and .....I love my work.