Finish Line
The Finish Line initiative is student-centered and data-driven. Our primary objective
is to help students graduate from Stony Brook University in four years. We meet this
objective by reviewing academic success checkpoints and facilitating evidence based
interventions. We implement retention initiatives and outreach efforts for Seawolves
who started as first-year students throughout their academic journey at Stony Brook.
Our work is in coordination with valued campus partners and advising units, including
students’ general advisors and academic major advisors.
Did you hear from us?
Did you receive an email from Finish Line and want to take the next best step to support your effort? Below are a few examples of the type of outreach you may have received from us and suggested next steps.
Still not sure what you should do next? Email us at!
- Enroll in classes
Enroll in classes
When can I enroll?
Continuing students will have an assigned Enrollment Appointment each semester. More information is here!
You can find your Enrollment Appointment on SOLAR.
The anticipated timeline that continuing students enroll each semester is found on the Academic Calendar.
Newly admitted students (transfer or first-year) will be contacted by their advising unit with prerequisites for enrolling in your first semester at Stony Brook.
You can find who your advising unit is with our "Find Your Advisor" tool!
Are you ready to enroll?
There are a few things you can do to prepare for your enrollment appointment:
Check SOLAR for any holds. By clicking the details of the hold, you can see what needs to be done to remove the hold.
To register for classes, you must have a zero balance due on SOLAR.
Use a desktop or laptop, not a cellphone, with reliable Wi-Fi when searching for courses and preparing to enroll.
More advice and guidance can be found here.
What should I enroll in?
Prepare to take courses toward your general graduation requirements and your major requirements.
Familiarize yourself with SOLAR and Schedule Builder to search for classes, and SOLAR to enroll.
Speak with your general academic advisor and major advisor, while referencing DegreeWorks and the Undergraduate Bulletin to determine your plan!
How do I enroll?
Click below for helpful video tutorials:
- Declare your major
Declare your major
Are you undeclared or undecided?
Time to explore! Stony Brook has many academic areas that may interest you.
Not sure where to start? Visit the ATAS Website for reflection questions and opportunities.
Career exploration can help guide you toward a major. The Major to Career Guide will help you relate your interests to career possibilities.
Join the Exploring Career Community and one of the seven industry-focused Career Communities to learn about exciting opportunities.
Review the full list of majors and minors here.
Are you in an "Area of Interest" ?
AOI Means you do not have a declared major. This indication helps staff at SBU identify students interested in certain majors, but does not guarantee your entry into that major.
Are you in interested in a major that requires an application ?
Some majors and minors require an application process. Information about certain majors can be found at the links below. If you are interested in something not listed here, you can always contact the academic department to ask if there is an application required for entry.
Ready to declare your major?
Woohoo! Declaring your major is a big deal, and we are proud of you. The Academic Calendar shows you when the major declaration form is open each semester, and what term your declared major will be effective.
- Stay on track
Keep up your credit momentum
Where can you start?
Stony Brook students need at least 120 credits completed to graduate. The number could be higher, depending on your major.
Earning an average of 15 credits per semester (toward SBCs and major requirements) is a helpful way to stay on track.
See your general advisor to strategize completing your graduation requirements while earning necessary credits, and to ask about how your AP/transfer/test credits factor in.
Helpful benchmarks:
End of first year: 30 credits earned
End of sophomore year: 60 credits earned
End of junior year: 90 credits earned
End of senior year: 120 credits earned
How can I catch up?
It may not possible to hit the 15 credit mark each semester, and that's ok! You have options to catch up.
Have you thought about enrolling in winter or summer courses? This can be a great way to earn credits while keeping your Fall/Spring semester schedule balanced.
You can earn up to 4 credit each winter session, and up to 9 credits each summer session (18 total summer credits).
What else can I do to stay on track?
There are a few important checkpoints to help reach the finish line:
Review your degree progress every semester with your general academic advisor.
Enroll in a full-time schedule each semester
Take courses toward your declared major and SBCs
Take courses toward the 39 upper division credits (300 level classes) needed to graduate
Review your major requirements and SBCs to see if you can take courses that will fulfill multiple requirements (for example: a 300 level course that you need in your major that also fulfills an SBC).
Do you feel off track?
It is totally normal to feel this way, that is why we are here!
Taking fewer credits to keep your GPA as high as possible is sometimes the best strategy.
You may have a rough semester where you don't earn all your credits (ending a course with a W, F, U, or NC grade) or you are taking classes for 0 credits.
Your general academic advisor can help you navigate your academic plan, while other campus resources can help you manage your life outside the classroom. The Student Support Team and CAPS are great places to start!
- Incomplete grades
Do you have Incomplete (I) grades?
Do you have an Incomplete or "I" grade on your record?
Incomplete grades are given by instructors when there are extenuating circumstances.
How can you resolve this?
Incomplete grades are an opportunity for you to make up assignments or exams.
The instructor who issues the Incomplete grade is the best person to tell you what work you need to complete, and how you can complete it.
We encourage you to be in consistent communication with that instructor, stick to a schedule, and meet any deadlines from your instructor.
What happens if I don't complete my missing work?
If work is not satisfactorily completed by the instructors deadline, the final grade of I/F, U, or NC will be assigned (as appropriate). The grade of I/F will be averaged as F into your GPA for that term.
- Apply for graduation
Get ready to throw your cap in the air!
How do I apply? When should I apply?
You should apply graduation by the start of the term you are graduating. The earlier the better!
You may benefit from submitting your application earlier (for example: to maintain financial aid eligibility).
You will apply for graduation on SOLAR:
Click here for more information and here for a video tutorial.
Be sure to check in with advising to make sure you are on track!
I applied! Now what?
Finish your semester strong!
Once you apply you will not hear from the Registrar’s office unless there is an issue.
Keep an eye on your Stony Brook email for information about caps & gowns, commencement tickets, and if your graduation application was denied.
"Commencement" and "Graduation" are different!
Graduation is the conclusion of your degree, and you will apply to have your graduation application reviewed for the term you are finished (January, May, August, or December)
Commencement is the big ceremony that happens once a year. December 2022 was the final December Commencement. Going forward, we hope to see all our graduating students at the main commencement ceremony each May!
If you are graduating in Winter or Summer you are still able to attend commencement in May!
- Denied graduation?
Don't panic - we are here to help you make a plan
Why was I denied graduation?
Many students are denied graduation each semester.
You could be denied because your general education requirements are incomplete, or because your major requirements are incomplete. Make a plan of action!
Make sure all your transfer credits, all your AP scores, and any other test credits or college credits are on your Stony Brook transcript.
Check your DegreeWorks to see what you might be missing. If it looks like you may be missing general education requirements like overall credits, upper division credits, SBCs, contact your general academic advisor.
Still not sure? Check with your major advisor to find out if you have completed all the requirements within your major, and options to complete missing requirements.
Now what? Do you need to enroll in more classes?
Once you apply for graduation, you will not be able to enroll in classes beyond the term you selected as your graduation date.
You can change your graduation date by contacting the Registrar. This will allow you to register in future semesters.
If you need another semester (or plan to take winter/summer courses), contact: or call (631) 632-6175 to change your graduation date.
After confirming what courses or requirements you need to complete, and you change your graduation date, enroll in those courses as soon as possible! Seats fill up fast.