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CAPRA Minutes for Oct 18, 2013

Meeting time: 2:30 pm Oct 18, 2013

Chair: Norm Goodman

Attendees: Dale Deutsch, Pamela Wolfskill, Norm Goodman, Bill Godfrey, Deb Dwyer, Shmuel Einav, Sophia Kao, Maria Ryan, Darren Chase, Clark McGrew
Minutes: Clark McGrew

Senate Meeting Report

  • Comments on budget process sent to D. Assanis and M. Maciulatis; awaiting reply.
  • Report was made at Senate meeting on Bio-informatics department proposal.
    • Response to comments was made by K. Kaushansky addressing concerns raised in report.
    • ACTION: Follow up with a request for review of the CAPRA recommendations status in Fall 2014.

Subcommittee Reports

  • Enrollment Planning:
    • Request a faculty member for the committee.
    • Request letter to C. Robbins to find enrollment plans and targets.
      • C. Robbins is taking over from M. Whelan
      • Want to understand the plans for handling the mandated enrollment increases.

ACTION: Draft letter to Robbins.

  • Academic Space Needs:
    • Information requests for A. Drees.
      • Request break down of types of space available.
      • Request prior reports on space availability and needs.
      • Look at implications of future space needs and allocation.
    • Find out whose mandate it is to track research space.

ACTION: Draft letter requesting meeting with Drees.

  • Library:
    • New Dean, Constantia Constantinou, is starting on campus.
    • Dean will meet with B. Godfrey on Nov 7.
    • Look at the possibility of action of all SUNY campuses when dealing with publishing houses to provide more negotiating leverage.
  • Satellite Campuses:
    • Has not met yet since main members are traveling.
    • Plan for year:
      • What is happening at Manhattan campus?  Will we continue to have a presence in the city?
      • What is happening at Southampton?  Concern over program overlap of the two Theatre Arts departments, one on the Stony Brook campus and one on the Southampton campus.
      • What is happening at SUNY Korea?
        • Developing program in Computer Science, Technology and Society.
  • SBU Medicine:
    • Plan for year:
      • Get budget and how it is allocated.
      • Get strategic plans.
      • How to plan new faculty hires and required support staff and services.
      • Find allocation of program between main campus and South Hampton.
      • Look at effect of the new medical school in Buffalo.

ACTION: Get in touch with K. Kaushansky.

  • Organization: An updated organization chart was provided to CAPRA.
  • Strategic Planning, Faculty Resources, etc.:
    • Plan for year:
      • Monitor budget model implementation.
      • Monitor status of Institutional Research activities
        • Insufficient resources are currently allocated to this office.
      • Request final campus strategic plan.
        • M. Whelan will address CAPRA on November 8th.
        • Review strategic plan.  Recommend that it is developed from "bottom up, then top down."
      • Evaluate if the plan has merit.
    • Evaluate efficacy of the cluster hires.
      • How do the cluster hires fit into the strategic plan?
    • Look at duplication between academic programs.

ACTION: Meet with M. Maciulatis to understand base budget allocations.
ACTION: Norm will query about current split in theatre arts between main campus and South Hampton.

Group Actions

  • Sub-committee chairs will send written sub-committee agendas for work in the coming year.