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Council on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

Charge: "There shall be established a Council on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, under the direction of a Chair. The Council will be charged with advising the President, the Provost, and the Executive Committee of the University Senate on conflicts between members of the academic community in matters relating to academic rights and responsibilities, on possible abuses of such rights, on breaches of ethics, and on questions of conflict of interest.

The Council will consider issues within its purview brought to it through the Chair of the Council by individual students, faculty and staff members, departmental and program chairs, deans or higher administrative officers.

The Council shall have the right to accept jurisdiction in, or redirect consideration of, any matter presented to it. The Council expects that most concerns will be properly adjudicated at the course, departmental, college, or school level, and it shall be the responsibility of the Chair of the Council to encourage such adjudication at the academic and administrative level closest to the department or program, where possible and appropriate. Adjudication may involve referring problems to other campus committees, such as the EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) or Academic Judiciary Committees, when the problem is properly the concern of such an existing committee.

A senior member of the faculty shall be jointly appointed by the Provost and the Executive Committee of the University Senate to the position of Chair of the Council. This individual will be a respected senior scholar whose reputation and prestige will inspire confidence and provide assurance of balanced judgment. The sole function of the Chair of the Council will be to head the Council and to supervise its activities. This position will carry no other administrative or academic responsibility.

Membership of the Council will be jointly determined by the faculty and administration to ensure the confidence of both in its deliberations. The Council will consist of the Chair and seven additional tenured faculty, at least four of whom shall be full professors. Three members of the Council shall be selected by the Provost from among candidates chosen by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences; two members shall be selected by the Provost from among candidates chosen by the Faculty of the Health Science schools; one member shall be selected by the Provost from among candidates chosen by the Faculty of Engineering; one member shall be selected by the Provost from among candidates chosen by the other Faculties. The respective Faculties will be represented in this process by their governance structures, and each Faculty will determine its method of selection. Where there is no existing governance structure, the Provost will work with departmental Senators to determine a method of selection. The Chair and the members of the Council shall serve for a period of three years, with staggered terms for the members. It is expected that members of the Council will be eminent scholars and teachers with particular sensitivity to the issue of the rights and responsibilities of the academic community and to its individual members.
The Council shall determine and publish the detailed procedures which govern its operations. Attention is called to the pertinent publications of the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Association of University Professors which may serve to guide the development of a process which assures fair and equitable consideration of issues in dispute. The procedures of the Council shall be submitted to the University Senate for the Senate's approval.
In the course of consideration of cases brought before it, the Council will undertake to establish facts, hear concerned parties, and report its findings and advice to the President, the Provost, and the Executive Committee of the University Senate."

Chair: TBA

College of Arts and Sciences:

Name Department Email Address Term
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College of Engineering:

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Name  Department  Email Address  Term 
Name  Department  Email Address  Term 

Health Sciences Center:

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Name  Department  Email Address  Term 
Name  Department  Email Address  Term 


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Name  Department  Email Address  Term 
Name  Department  Email Address  Term