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"I am my brother's keeper, and together we will rise!"

Chapter Constitution

Student African American Brotherhood
Stony Brook University


 In order to provide positive solutions to the specific needs of African American and Latino American males enrolled at Stony Brook University, we, the members of the Stony Brook University Chapter of the Student African American Brotherhood National Organization (SAAB) commit to providing and participating in intentionally structured opportunities that promote academic success, professional development, and community service.  As members of the SAAB Chapter, we also dedicate ourselves to taking full advantage of their academic years by understanding and practicing their rights and privileges as future leaders and citizens of the United States.  SAAB provides educational, cultural, social, spiritual and intellectual programs that are grounded in theory that is culturally appropriate for male college students from diverse cultural backgrounds.  SAAB Chapter is committed to minimizing the negative and making a positive impact upon its individual members, the Stony Brook campus, and the surrounding community.  To accomplish this, we, do hereby establish the Constitution. 

 To accomplish our mission, we commit ourselves to maintaining membership in the Student African American Brotherhood National Organization, which is at the heart of our chapter.  As an institutional initiative at Stony Brook University, the SAAB Chapter collectively agrees to operate and function under the guidance, direction, and leadership of Office of Multicultural Affairs and its designated SAAB Advisors.

 Article I – Name

We shall be known as the Stony Brook University Chapter of the Student African American Brotherhood (SAAB) National Organization or SAAB at Stony Brook University.

 Article II – Purpose

 The purpose of SAAB is to promote the enrollment, success, and the graduation of all African American and Latino American male students at Stony Brook University.

 The Student African American Brotherhood, as a registered organization at Stony Brook University is committed to promoting a safe and vibrant campus community. In receiving annual recognition through the Department of Student Activities, no individual or group affiliated with the Student African American Brotherhood will take any action or create a situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers mental or physical health or involves the forced consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with this organization. The leaders and members of the Student African American Brotherhood also agree to abide by all aspects of the Stony Brook University Student Conduct Code, university policies and Federal, New York State and Local laws.

Article III – Membership

 SECTION 1 – Eligibility

Membership is open to all students at Stony Brook University main campus. No person shall be denied general membership because of sex, race, creed, color, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, political views, or religious beliefs.

 SECTION 2 – Classes of Membership

Membership shall comprise of the following classes: committee member and executive member.

 (a) Committee Membership

 In order to obtain general membership, students must be passionate about promoting the betterment of African American and Latino males by participating in our various programming activities, attending regular meetings, and satisfying all financial obligations established by this chapter and/or the national organization.

 (b) Executive Membership

 In order to obtain executive membership, students must be general members in good academic and judicial standing with Stony Brook University, serve as an officer, chairperson or assistant chairperson, and meet the cumulative G.P.A. requirements for their respective office.

 Article IV – Officers, Chairpersons, and Assistant Chairpersons

SECTION 1 – Qualification

All chapter officers, chairpersons, and assistant chairpersons are elected by the Executive Leadership Team.  All positions must be general members of SAAB.  Officers must maintain a 2.75 cumulative G.P.A. or better while in a leadership position.  Chairpersons and assistant chairpersons must maintain a 2.50 cumulative G.P.A. or better while in a leadership position. Assistant Chairpersons appointed by their respective chairperson must maintain a 2.50 cumulative G.P.A. and receive final approval from the Executive Leadership Team. Advisors must be faculty or staff of Stony Brook University.

 SECTION 2 – Officers, Chairpersons, Assistant Chairpersons and Advisors of the Organization

 The officers of the Stony Brook University Chapter of Student African American Brotherhood National Organization shall be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Advisors.  

 The chairpersons shall be Academic Development Committee Chair, Community Service Committee Chair, Public Relations Committee Chair, Personal Development Committee Chair, Social and Spiritual Enrichment Committee Chair, and Membership Recruitment Committee Chair.

 The assistant chairpersons shall be Academic Development Committee Assistant Chair, Community Service Committee Assistant Chair, Public Relations Committee Assistant Chair, Personal Development Committee Assistant Chair, Social and Spiritual Enrichment Committee Assistant Chair, and Membership Recruitment Committee Assistant Chair.

 SECTION 3 – Officers, Chairpersons, and Assistant Chairpersons Duties

(a) President

  1. The President shall be the official representative of SAAB at Stony Brook University.  He shall also be a non-voting ex-officio member of all committees of the organization.
  2. The President shall preside over meetings of the Executive Leadership Team and General Body and prepare the agenda for such meetings.
  3. The President shall further perform such duties, as may be necessary and proper in the fulfillment of their office.

 (b) Vice President

  1. The Vice President shall be required to see that the chairpersons are fulfilling their duties.
  2. The Vice President shall act as President during times he may be absent
  3. The Vice President shall insure order at Executive Leadership Team meetings.
  4. The Vice-President shall further perform such duties, as may be necessary and proper in the fulfillment of their office.
  5. If the President is unable to perform their duties due to impeachment, leave of absence, or resignation, the Vice President shall assume the position of President. 

 (c) Recording Secretary

  1. The Recording Secretary shall take minutes and attendance of all meetings, and maintain current active Chapter membership roster.
  2. The Recording Secretary shall keep a clear record of all the paperwork and publications that has been created.
  3. The Recording Secretary shall take pictures of all the events the Stony Brook Chapter of SAAB are involved with or shall designate this duty to another SAAB member in their absence.
  4. The Recording Secretary shall create an end-of-the-year portfolio displaying all of the chapter’s accomplishments.
  5. The Recording Secretary shall maintain all pertinent documents and perform other duties as normally are associated with this office.

 (d) Sergeant at Arms

  1. The Sergeant at Arms shall set up the venue before the meeting starts and checks that everything is in order before other ELT members arrive. He or she ensures that the meeting starts on time and checks that only authorized members are present.
  2. During meetings, the sergeant at Arms shall keep order per Robert’s Rules of Order and/or Parliamentary Procedure. If other board members or meeting attendees are disruptive, the sergeant may warn them and, in extreme cases, eject them from the meeting.
  3. The sergeant at arms shall oversee the cleanup process after meetings, either alone or with the help of other board members. He or she packs up equipment and materials, and restores the room or hall to its original state after the meeting.

(e) Financial Affairs Committee Chair

  1. The Financial Affairs Chair shall maintain and report to the Executive Leadership Team a record of all financial matters.
  2. The Financial Affairs Chair shall assist the organization in generating revenue.
  3. The Financial Affairs Chair shall provide programs related to financial matters.
  4. The Financial Affairs Chair shall preside over meetings of the Financial Affairs Committee and prepare the agenda for such meetings.
  5. The Financial Affairs Chair shall appoint an Assistant Financial Affairs Chair and receivefinal approval from the Executive Leadership.

 (f) Academic Development Committee Chair

  1. The Academic Development Chair shall provide academic support and services to members.
  2. The Academic Development Chair shall plan all educational programs.
  3. The Academic Development Chair shall preside over meetings of the Academic Development Committee and prepare the agenda for such meetings.
  4. The Academic Development Chair shall appoint an Academic Development Committee Assistant Chair and receive final approval from the Executive Leadership Team.

 (g) Community Service Committee Chair

  1. The Community Service Chair shall provide opportunities for members to engage and contribute to the Stony Brook University campus and the greater community.
  2. The Community Service Chair shall preside over meetings of the Service Learning Committee and prepare the agenda for such meetings.
  3. The Community Service Chair shall appoint a Community Service Committee Assistant Chair and receive final approval from the Executive Leadership Team.

 (h) Personal Development Committee Chair

  1. The Personal Development Chair shall provide educational and developmental opportunities to members.
  2. The Personal Development Chair shall preside over meetings of the Personal Development Committee and prepare the agenda for such meetings.
  3. The Personal Development Chair shall appoint aPersonal Development Committee Assistant Chair and receive final approval from the Executive Leadership Team.

 (i) Public Relations Committee Chair

  1. The Public Relations Chair shall be responsible for publicizing all SAAB related events and programs in a professional manner.
  2. The Public Relations Chair shall be responsible for putting forth a positive image of SAAB at Stony Brook University.
  3. The Public Relations Chair shall preside over meetings of the Public Relations Committee and prepare the agenda for such meetings.
  4. The Public Relations Chair shall appoint a Public Relations Committee Assistant Chair and receive final approval from the Executive Leadership Team.

(j) Membership Recruitment Committee Chair

  1. The Membership Chair shall develop and implement a recruitment and retention plan that would allow for a robust membership for SAAB at Stony Brook University.
  2. The Membership Chair shall coordinate all other membership related matters.
  3. The Membership Chair shall preside over meetings of the Membership Committee and prepare the agenda for such meetings.
  4. The Membership Chair shall appoint a Membership Recruitment Committee Assistant Chair and receive final approval from the Executive Leadership Team.

 (k) Social and Spiritual Enrichment Committee Chair

  1. The Spiritual Enrichment/Social Chair shall provide opportunities for bonding, fellowship, and collaboration within and outside the chapter.
  2. The Spiritual Enrichment/Social Chair shall preside over meetings of the Spiritual Enrichment/Social Committee and prepare the agenda for such meetings.
  3. The Social and Spiritual Enrichment Chair shall appoint a Social and Spiritual Enrichment Committee Assistant Chair and receive final approval from the Executive Leadership Team.

(l) Assistant Committee Chairs

  1. The Academic Development Committee Assistant Chair, Community Service Committee Assistant Chair, Public Relations Committee Assistant Chair, Personal Development Committee Assistant Chair, Social and Spiritual Enrichment Committee Assistant Chair, Financial Affairs Committee Assistant Chair, and Membership Committee Assistant Chair shall assist their respective committee chair and further perform such duties, as may be necessary and proper in the fulfillment of their office.
  2. The Assistant Committee Chair shall act as Chair for their respective committee in the absence of the committee’s chairperson.

(m) Advisors

  1. Advisors shall fully exercise their responsibilities as officers of the SAAB Chapter at Stony Brook University.
  2. Advisors shall provide critical information to SAAB, including data about student enrollment, persistence and graduation rates, academic progress, etc.
  3. Advisors shall act as role models and aid in the teaching of individual and group leadership skills.

Article V – Executive Leadership Team

 SECTION 1 – Composition of the Executive Leadership Team

 The Executive Leadership Team consists of the officers, chairpersons, and advisors of the organization.

 Article VI – Committees of the Organization

 SECTION 1 – Standing Committees

 The standing committees of the organization shall consist of the Personal Development Committee, Community Service Committee, Financial Affairs Committee, Academic Development Committee,  Social and Spiritual Enrichment Committee, Membership Recruitment Committee, and Public Relations Committee.  Each standing committee shall have their following respective duties:

  1. The Financial Affairs Committee is responsible for developing financial seminars for the membership, with sessions on money management, tax preparation, consumer credit information, stocks and bonds, mutual funds, investment clubs, entrepreneurial opportunities, business plans, and general accounting practices.
  2. The Academic Development Committee is responsible for coordinating with student support services, such as career services and academic support centers, on Stony Brook University and offer academic and career related programs. The committee shall also organize weekly study hours.
  3. The Personal Development Committee shall be responsible for creating and offering programs to foster student development learning among the membership. It shall also be responsible for offering teachable moments, an educational seminar conducted by one or more SAAB members during the regular meetings of the organization.
  4. The Community Service Committee is responsible for organizing community service initiatives for SAAB members.
  5. The Social Spiritual Enrichment Committee shall plan all spiritual and social responsible for providing opportunities for the membership to bond and socialize. It plans activities such as church visits, bowling, movies, golf, the theater, athletic sports events, and many other civic and community events.
  6. The Membership Committee is responsible for maintaining the membership roster and database, new member orientation, and recruitment efforts, with particular emphasis on first-year students.
  7. The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for developing and maintaining the website, publicizing all SAAB related events and programs, and creating a positive image of SAAB in Stony Brook University.

 SECTION 2 – Coordinating Committee

 The Coordinating Committee shall be a committee consisting only of advisors of SAAB at Stony Brook University. The committee shall perform the following duties:

  1. Provide guidance to SAAB at Stony Brook regarding its activities and its relationship to Stony Brook University.
  2. Develop the leadership of all SAAB at Stony Brook University officers and chairs.
  3. Provide continuity within SAAB at Stony Brook University from year to year.
  4. Veto and override any decision and action that compromises the integrity of the organization and shifts the organization away from its mission and goals.

SECTION 3 – Special Committees

The Executive Leadership Team may establish special committees for the purpose of accomplishing tasks and activities related to the organizational goals.

 Article VII – Meetings

 SECTION 1 – Chapter Meetings

Chapter meetings shall be held at least once a month, as determined by the Executive Leadership Team.  All meetings are to be announced at least two weeks in advance.

 SECTION 2 – Executive Leadership Team Meetings

Executive Leadership Team meetings shall adhere to the following:

  1. Executive Leadership Team Meetings shall be held at least twice a month.
  2. To have quorum, a simple majority (50% + 1) of the Executive Leadership Team must be present.
  3. In the absence of any chairperson, the assistant chairpersonshall assume the duties of the chairperson for their respective committee during Executive Leadership Team meetings, but will is not permitted  to vote on SAAB business unless there has been prior written notice from the chairperson submitted to the Vice President on the chairperson’s decision on a vote.  The assistant chair may then vote on the chairperson’s behalf.

SECTION 3 – Committee Meetings

Committee meetings shall adhere to the following:

  1. The chair of the committee shall call meetings as often as is required to conduct the business of the committee.
  2. Special meetings shall be called if requested by two (2) or more committee members.
  3. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the voting membership of each committee (50% +1).

SECTION 3 – Meeting Agenda

All meetings must have an agenda.  Agenda for the Executive Leadership Team Meetings are to be issued to each member at least three (3) days prior to the meeting.

 SECTION 4 – Emergency Meetings

 The Advisors and the President shall reserve the right to call emergency meetings as deemed necessary.

 Article VIII – Code of Conduct

 SECTION 1 – Dress Code

 Each member will be expected to adhere to the dress code as outlined by the Executive Leadership Team.  A SAAB Dress-Up Day will be established per semester in which all members are required to follow the dress code each week on that designated day of the week.  Officers and chairs are also required to dress up for Executive Leadership Team meetings.  Members experiencing problems with complying with this policy should direct all concerns or questions to the Executive Leadership Team.

 SECTION 2 – Meetings

Officers, Chairpersons, and Assistant Chairpersons will be expected to attend all scheduled SAAB meetings and committee meetings.  The Executive Leadership Team will deliberate any major discrepancies.  Any officer, chairperson, or assistant chairperson missing at least one (1) meeting deemed unexcused may be subject to abdicating their office per the approval of the Executive Leadership Team.  Only two excused absences will be permitted per semester for any officer, chairperson, and assistant chairperson. Exceptions for extenuating circumstances will be granted by the Executive Leadership Team.

 SECTION 3 – SAAB Sponsored Events

 Each member will be expected to attend all SAAB sponsored events sanctioned by the membership during regular SAAB meetings. Any member experiencing extenuating circumstances that would prevent attending an event should notify the Executive Leadership Team immediately.

 SECTION 4 – Dues

 Each member may be expected to pay dues as determined by this chapter. All dues-related policies will be developed and approved by the Executive Leadership Team.

 Article IX – Disciplinary Action

 SECTION 1 – Executive Leadership Team Powers

 The Executive Leadership Team shall have the power, by a two-thirds vote, to suspend, expel, or take other appropriate disciplinary action against any member for any activity or conduct which is detrimental or prejudicial to the general organization for violation of any provision of this Constitution.

 SECTION 2 – Citations

 Any member cited for three (3) unexcused violations of the SAAB Code of Conduct will be automatically placed on inactive status. Violations may include, but not limited to, tardiness, missing meetings, not paying dues and dress code incompliance. Inactive members will not be permitted to the following:

  1. Vote at all official SAAB meetings.
  2. Wear and possess SAAB uniform.
  3. Hold any official office of the organization.

 Inactive members desiring to be reinstated must submit a letter of appeal to the Membership Recruitment Committee within seven (7) days of notification in writing of inactive status. Once a letter has been submitted, the Membership Recruitment Committee will deliberate and make a recommendation to the Executive Leadership Team for approval within seven (7) working days of receiving the letter of appeal. The Membership Recruitment Committee will notify the individual in writing within 48 hours of the Executive Leadership Team’s decision.

 Article X – Elections

 SECTION 1 - Eligibility for Office

Students must meet the requirements outlined in Article IV – Section 1. No person shall seek the position of President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, or Sergeant at Arms, unless they have been a member of this organization for at least two academic semesters prior to the semester when they will assume office. 

 SECTION 2 - Procedure

 Elections shall be conducted in the following manner:

  1. 2nd Week in March:  Members of the Executive Leadership Team are to submit self-nominations or nominations of existing officers.  Elections of existing executive members are to be conducted and vacant positions are to be identified.
  2. 3rd Week in March:  SAAB Chapter officers recommend general members to fill vacant positions.  Advisors check eligibility and invite recommended students to apply to SAAB.  Eligible students submit their applications.  Advisors schedule interviews.
  3. 4th Week in March:  Interviews are conducted.  New executive members are elected.  
  4. The month of April:  Officer Transition Training is held throughout the month.
  5. 1st Week in May:  Members of the elected SAAB Executive Leadership Team take office.  

 SECTION 3 - Voting

 All executive members are to be elected by a simple majority vote of the Executive Leadership Team.

 SECTION 4 - Vacancy

 Should any Executive Leadership Team position become vacant, elections are to be held within 30 days of the date of said vacancy.

Article XI – Impeachment

 SECTION 1 – Circumstance for Impeachment

 Any executive member of the Student African American Brotherhood may be brought up on impeachment charges if he is acting detrimentally to the chapter or he has significantly disregarded the major responsibilities of their office.

 SECTION 2 - Procedure

 If a list of charges signed by three quarters (3/4) of the officers is submitted to the President and Coordinators/Advisors.  The Coordinators/Advisor may call for an impeachment proceeding.  If the President is brought up on charges, the petition shall be submitted to the Vice president and Coordinators/Advisors.   Upon receipt of the Petition, the President and Coordinators may suspend the officer and prevent him from exercising all powers and voting rights pending the outcome of the impeachment proceedings.

 SECTION 3 – Voting

 After proper impeachment proceedings, the officer so charged may be impeached by a three-quarter (3/4) vote of the Executive Leadership Team.  If impeachment passes, the officer shall be removed from their position.

 SECTION 4 – Special Elections

 Upon impeachment of the President, the Vice President is to assume the position of President and a special election is held for Vice President within 30 days of the date of the impeachment.

Upon impeachment of any of the other officers, a special election is to be held within 30 days of the date of the impeachment.

 Article XII – Parliamentary Authority

 The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be the authority of all questions of procedures, unless otherwise stated in these articles and by-laws.

 Article XIII – Amendments

 This constitution may be amended provided that the intent to amend is announced in writing to the Executive Leadership Team and that the passage of the said amendments gets a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Leadership Team.





Last Revision: 3/10/2016

Ratified:  3/10/2016