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Campus Residences hoasts multiple standing committees which oversee a wide range of functions. In addition to these committees, staff can participate in special projects and working groups to further their professional development.


Resident Assistant Development and Recruitment

The Resident Assistant Development and Recruitment committee (RADAR) has two areas, all centered around the Resident Assistant position and experience. The first area is Selection & Recruitment which begins with an extensive selection process in which everyone in the department provides help and buy-in. The second area is Training and Development. This includes both full staff summer and winter trainings, and during the academic year developmental trainings such as Roundtable Workshops, Area Meetings and Staff Meeting mini trainings.

Academic Initiatives and Community Engagement

The AICE Committee addresses the following Division of Student Affairs goals: Support student learning, personal development, and academic success and promote a vibrant, inclusive community. The committee develops, implements, and assesses the residential curriculum that provides holistic education to residential students and our graduate student staff and promotes the persistence of at-risk student populations (e.g. first generation, students of color, murky middle). It further seeks to help train our staff to create a caring and inclusive community through the active participation of all community members. These engagement initiatives will provide opportunities for residents to create experiences with fellow community members at all levels of engagement, such as individual peer relationships and through residential programs staff (floor, building, area, and campus at large).


Students in Transition

Our aim is to create an inclusive and equitable environment in which all students in transition can flourish and thrive during and after their matriculation at Stony Brook University. We will create a guide for staff regarding the needs of the students who encompass these populations. This demographic of students includes but is not limited to orientation, international, and transfer students.


RA Soirée

This RA Soirée committee plans and hosts the annual end-of-year Resident Assistant celebration event. A team comprised of volunteer RHDs, ACs, and Area Office Managers works to create a theme-driven event focused on recognizing the incredible work exhibited by the Resident Assistant staff each year. This event involves an award selection, an awards ceremony, catered dinner, and the opportunity to work with event coordination.


Professional Staff Recruitment, Selection, Training and Development

The Professional Staff Recruitment, Selection, Training & Development committee works to provide a developmental process for its departmental staff via August/January training processes, department meetings, professional staff development plans, professional staff presentation series, the processing of conference attendance & travel requests, professional development conference identification, and pro-staff & duty manual edits. The committee also creates and manages all professional staff recruitment & selection within Residential Education. This includes serving as the search committee for all applicable SL-1 & SL-2 positions. The committee also works to develop the TPE team & processes, which includes onsite conference socials.  Additionally, the committee coordinates all marketing efforts around searches for Residential Education. After filling positions post-recruitment and selection, the committee coordinates July new-staff onboarding and New staff Seminar.


Campus-wide Engagement

The overall goals of the Campus-Wide Engagement committee are to create an inclusive and collaborative environment that accommodates the growth and transition of the residential footprint and to enhance the department's approach to creating relationships with and between students while fostering a residential learning environment to support student success. Through department-wide coordinated intentional initiatives focused on the development, recognition, and celebration of community, the Campus-Wide Engagement committee provides ways to maintain morale, a sense of belonging, and expressed support for the achievements of students and staff. This committee seeks to strengthen our campus partnerships both inside and outside of the Division of Student Affairs.


RA Conference

Staff are able to partake in additional committee opportunities that are only for one semester rather than for the entire academic term. These are optional. The RA Conference team works to host Stony Brook University’s annual Fall semester conference focused on professional development for Resident Assistants, Graduate Student Staff, and full-time staff. The members of this committee oversee program proposal submissions, catering and food, registration information, and all logistical aspects of hosting this conference. An RHD or AC is chosen to chair this conference every year and works in collaboration with an assistant director to ensure a successful event.



CHIME is an intentional multicultural initiative that works to create a balanced curriculum for the Residential Education department’s professionals of color to support this demographic from the point of recruitment, to hire and residency within the position and departure. The Residential Education department strives to empower current, incoming and future professionals of color to make a meaningful impact at Stony Brook University. Our goal is to progress the campus community by fostering personal and professional growth for our students and staff through learning, authentic connections and ongoing development as they prepare for the future.


Additional Opportunities


Diversity and Inclusion Representative

Represent one of our standing committees to ensure that there is diversity, social justice, and engagement embedded in all that we do.

Housing Administration Ad-Hoc Work Group

Assist with business practice management and development between Residential Education and Housing Administration to ensure we are meeting the needs of students while maintaining effective business practices.

Assessment Representative

Represent one of our standing committees to be responsible for assessing data in all that we do.


Advise or supervise one of the following:

  • Residence Hall Association
  • National Residence Hall Honorary
  • Residential Tutoring Center
  • Residential Resource Center
  • Resident Assistant Council