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Dr. Thomas Woodson

Dr. Thomas Woodson
Associate Professor

Dr. Thomas S. Woodson is an associate professor at Stony Brook University  in the Department of Technology and Society. He investigates the effects of technology on inequality throughout the world and the causes/consequences of inclusive innovation. For the past few years, he has focused on the relationship between innovation and inequality in 4 areas: emerging technologies, science funding, STEM diversity and engineering education .

Thomas received his Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) in public policy with a specialization in science and technology policy. While at Georgia Tech, he was a part of the Technology Policy Assessment Center and the Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University. At these centers, he investigated the effects of nanotechnology on inequality and poverty throughout the world. Thomas received numerous awards while at Georgia Tech including the Georgia Tech Presidential Fellowship and the NSF Graduate Student Fellowship.

Before arriving at Georgia Tech, Thomas lived in Africa. For 18 months Thomas worked with college students, refugees and orphans in South Africa with The Impact Movement and Cru. Then, he worked in Burkina Faso as a visiting research fellow at the International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE). At 2iE, he designed, built and tested an earth air heat exchanger for rural West Africa villages.

Thomas received his B.S.E. at Princeton University. He studied electrical engineering with a focus in electrical materials.

Thomas and his family reside in Centereach, NY although he was born and raised in Texas. In his spare time, Thomas attends and volunteers at his local church ( Three Village Church), and competes in triathlons. His current goal is to complete a full Ironman Triathlon.

For more information about Dr. Woodson, check out his research website: