Tim Liao
Areas of Interest
Inequality, Life Course, Methodology, Social Demography, Social Photography, and Collective Memory
Before joining Stony Brook University, Tim F. Liao worked for many years at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as Professor of Sociology, Statistics, and East Asian Languages & Cultures and served as Head of the Department of Sociology and Director of the Center for East Asian & Pacific Studies there. He was a 2017–2018 Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences fellow (Stanford University) and the 2021 winner of American Sociological Association Methodology’s Paul F. Lazarsfeld Award. Currently, he is President of the Sequence Analysis Association. He also is a Deputy Editor of Demography and an Associate Editor of Advances in Life Course Research and served recently on the American Sociological Review and The Sociological Quarterly editorial boards.
Recent Publications (since 2020)
I. Mooi-Reci, and T.F. Liao. 2024. “Unemployment: A Hidden Source of Wage Inequality?” European Sociological Review XX: 1-13.
A. Mubasher, and T.F. Liao. 2024. “Collective Memory, Visual Communication, and Symbolic Interactions with Statues: The Case of the Charging Bull of Wall Street.” Societies 14(7): 97.
J. Barber, and T.F. Liao. 2024. “Methods and Theory for Analyzing Intensive Longitudinal Data in Family Research.” Journal of Marriage & Family 2024: 1-29.
T.S. Sumerlin, J.H. Kim, A.Y.-K. Hui, D. Chan, T.F. Liao, S. Padmadas, E. Fong, and R.Y. Chung. 2024. “Employment Conditions and Mental Health of Overseas Female Migrant Domestic Workers in Hong Kong: A Parallel Mediation Analysis.”International Journal for Equity in Health 23: 8.
T.F. Liao. 2023. “Fertility of Female Filipino and Indonesian Migrant Domestic Workers in Hong Kong.” International Migration Review 57(3): 1049-1068.
G. Ritschard, T.F. Liao, and E. Struffolino. 2023. “Strategies for Multidomain Sequence Analysis in Social Research.” Sociological Methodology 53(2): 288-322.
X. Wang, J. He, T.F. Liao, and G. Gu. 2023. “Does Air Pollution Influence the Settlement Intention of the Floating Population in China? Individual Heterogeneity and City Characteristics.”Sustainability 15(4): 2995. (Corresponding authors: J. He and T.F. Liao)
T.F. Liao. 2022. “A Study of Cumulative COVID-19 Mortality Trends Associated with Ethnic-Racial Composition, Income Inequality, and Party Inclination among US Counties.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (2022) 15803.
Mooi-Reci, T.F. Liao, and M. Curry 2022. “Linked Labor Force Trajectories: Empirical Evidence from Dual-Parent Families in the United States and Australia.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 82 (2022) 100734.
T.F. Liao, D. Bolano, C. Brzinsky-Fay, B. Cornwell, A.E. Fasang, S. Helske, R. Piccarreta, M. Raab, G. Ritschard, E. Struffolino, and M. Studer. 2022. “Sequence Analysis: Its Past, Present, and Future.” Social Science Research 107 (2022) 102772.
T.F. Liao 2022. “Individual Components of Three Inequality Measures for Analyzing Shapes of Inequality.” Sociological Methods & Research 51(3): 1325-1356. Available online since September 2019.
T.F. Liao. 2022. “Understanding Anti-COVID-19 Vaccination Protest Slogans in the US.” Frontiers in Communication | Health Communication 30 June 2022, https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2022.941872.
Zeng and T.F. Liao. 2022. “Social Exchange in Mate Selection of Female Migrants in China.” Marriage & Family Review 58(3): 199-244.
T.F. Liao. 2021. “Social and Economic Inequality in Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination Coverage across Illinois Counties.” Scientific Reports (a Nature journal) Article number 18443.
T.F. Liao. 2021. “Income Inequality, Social Comparison, and Happiness in the United States.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 7: 1-17 (an American Sociological Association journal).
T.F. Liao and F. De Maio. 2021. “Association of Social and Economic Inequality with Coronavirus Disease 19 Incidence and Mortality Across US Counties.” JAMA Network Open 4(1): e2034578.
T.F. Liao. 2021. “Using Sequence Analysis to Quantify How Strongly Life Courses Are Linked.” Sociological Science 8: 48-72.
T.F. Liao and A.E. Fasang. 2021. “Comparing Groups of Life Course Sequences Using the Bayesian Information Criterion and the Likelihood Ratio Test.” Sociological Methodology 51(1): 44-85. Available online since October 2020.
T.F. Liao and R.Y. Gan. 2020. “Filipino and Indonesian Migrant Domestic Workers in Hong Kong: Their Life Courses in Migration.” American Behavioral Scientist 64(6): 740-764.
Y.-N.Chung, T.F. Liao, and E. Fong. 2020. “Data Collection for Migrant Live-in Domestic Workers: A Three-Stage Cluster Sampling Method.” American Behavioral Scientist 64(6): 709-721.
T.F. Liao. 2020. “The Peer Review System.” Pp. 73-97 in The Production of Knowledge: Enhancing Progress in Social Science, edited by Colin Elman, John Gerring, and Jim Mahoney. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.