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Duygu Alpan

PhD Candidate in Sociology   




Duygu studies international migration, authoritarianism, and political economy with an emphasis on qualitative methods. Her research examines potential effects of political repression and state authoritarianism on emigration behaviors in the context of Turkey. It also addresses how gradual shifts in democracy challenge traditional understandings of forced and voluntary migration. Her preliminary work on the subject received the David Street Award for the best qualitative and/or theory graduate student paper in 2020. Duygu has taught an undergraduate course in Research Methods and worked as a Teaching Assistant of several courses including Introduction to Sociology, Historical Development of Sociological Theory, Ethnic and Race Relations, Sociology of Human Reproduction, and War and the Military. Prior to her graduate studies, she was a Project Officer at the Global Political Trends Center in Istanbul, Turkey, where she primarily worked on second-track diplomacy projects concerning the Cyprus question and Turkey-Armenia rapprochement.