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Senator Responsibilities

The primary purpose of the A&S Senate is to represent faculty on academic matters at the University. In order to do this effectively, we ask Senators to communicate the activities of the Senate to their local departments in a timely and accurate manner. The Faculty Senator should also communicate the concerns of the local faculty to the Senate in an efficient manner. These guidelines have been developed in order to facilitate this vital, two-way communication.

  1. The Faculty Senator or his/her alternate must attend all meetings of the Senate.
  2. The Faculty Senator or Committee Member should attend their meetings.
  3. During Senate meetings the Faculty Senator should report concerns.
  4. The Faculty Senator in their department should provide each faculty member of the department with a timely summary of Senate activities.
  5. During each meeting, the President and committee chairs of the Senate will provide a report of Senate activities. This information should be communicated to departmental faculty.
  6. Responses to these different forms of communication to the campus via the Faculty Senator should be the basis for the information shared with the Senate body.