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Jessica ChenLecturer
E-mail: jessica.l.chen@stonybrook.edu
Address: 092 Life Sciences Building, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-5233
Phone Number: (631) 632-9750
Ed.D. Science Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
Ed.M. Educational Leadership Studies, Teachers College, Columbia University
M.A. Science Education, Lehman College, CUNY
B.A. Chemistry with Honors, Wellesley College
Science teacher identity and agency; diversity, equity, and social justice; elementary science teacher preparation; multicultural science teacher education; professional development
CSM 640: Directed Study in STEM Education
SCI 410/510: Pedagogy and Methods for Science Education 1
SCI 449/549: Field Experience, Grades 7-12
SCI 454/554 Science Student Teaching Seminar
SCI 451/552: Supervised Teaching-Science: Middle Level Grades 7-9
SCI 452/551: Supervised Teaching-Science: High School Grades 10-12
Professional interests:
Recent research focuses on examining and designing multicultural coursework and field experiences that support preservice teachers’ political clarity, antiracist dispositions and commitments to teaching science, and justice-oriented science teaching. Previous work involved supporting elementary teachers in developing justice-oriented science teacher identities and agency to transform science learning experiences for students of color through teacher preparation coursework and professional development.
Awards and Service:
Author of one of the top ten most-cited papers in Science Education for 2023-2024
Teachers College Doctoral Dissertation Grant (September 2018 – December 2018)
Teachers College Doctoral Fellowship (September 2014 – August 2017)
Chen, J. L., & Mensah, F. M. (submitted). “As science educators, our jobs are to destroy
master narrative”: A case study of antiracist science teacher preparation for elementary
teachers. Action in Teacher Education.
Chen, J. L., & Mensah, F. M. (2022). Toward socially just science teaching through professional development: The science teacher identity development and agency of two elementary Teachers of Color. Science Education, 106(2), 227-475. https://doi.org/10.1002/sce.21699
Chen, J. L., & Mensah, F. M. (2018). Teaching contexts that influence elementary pre-service teachers’ teacher and science teacher identity development. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 29(5), 420-439. https://doi.org/10.1080/1046560X.2018.1469187
For current CV, click here.