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Past Workshops
Stony Brook Research YouTube Channel
The Research and Innovation Town Hall Series
Climate Change Tiger Teams-Town Halls
The Early Career Workshop Series for Stony Brook Researchers 2023-2024
- Workshop 1: Introduction to OSP/OPD
- Workshop 2: Introduction to Various Sponsors
- Workshop 3: Understanding a Funding Opportunity Announcement
- Workshop 4: Common Proposal Elements
- Workshop 5: How to Construct a Budget
- Workshop 6: Regulatory Compliance
- Workshop 7: Engaging with a Program Officer
Biomedical Tiger Teams-Town Halls
Department of Defense (DoD) Research Funding Workshop Series: Tips for a Successful Submission
- Session 1: How to Pursue Research Funding from the Department of Defense
- Session 2: Faculty Panel
NIH Institutional Training Grants (T32) Workshop Series: Tips for a Successful Submission
- Session 1: NIH Training Grants (T32) Overview Workshop
- Session 2: NIH Training Grants (T32) Administrative Components Workshop
- Session 3: NIH Training Grants (T32) Faculty Panel Workshop
The NIH R-Award Workshop Series for Stony Brook Researchers
- Workshop 1: NIH R-Award Series Kick-Off
- Workshop 2: Proposal Strategy: Study Sections, Specific Aims, Research Plans, and More
- Workshop 3: Developing Administrative Components: Biosketches, Budgets, and More
- Workshop 4: Meet and Greet with R-Awardees
Tiger Teams - Town Halls
The Faculty Research Career Series: Achieving Excellence in Writing, Speaking, and Leading
- Seminar 1: Scientific Writing – Think Message, Audience, Objective
- Seminar 2: Scientific Presentations - Communicating in all Modalities
OVPR Seed Grant Program Workshop Series:
The Early Career Workshop Series for Stony Brook Researchers - Fall 2021
- Workshop 1: Introduction to Various Sponsors
- Workshop 2: Understanding a Funding Opportunity Announcement
- Workshop 3: How to Construct a Budget
- Workshop 4: Engaging with a Program Officer
COVID-19 Research Workshop Series:
- Breaking Down COVID-19
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Communities
- Predicting Disease Spread and Severity
- Developing COVID-19 Technologies
- Computational Approaches to Study COVID-19
- Psychosocial Impacts of COVID-19 and Implications for Well-Being
- Models to Predict and Control COVID-19
- Impacts of Social Distancing
- COVID-19 Life Cycle: From Viral Infection to Novel Therapeutics
- Structure-based Design of Coronavirus Vaccine Antigens
Grant Writers' Workshop Series:
- Department of Defense Proposal Development Workshop
- Pursuing Funding for Instrumentation Proposals
- Pursuing Funding in the Humanities and Humanities-Focused Social Science
- Pursuing Social Science Funding from NSF, NIH, DoD and other Federal Agencies
- Write Winning Grant Proposals
- Write a Successful NIH Grant Proposal
- Write a Successful NSF Grant Proposal
Quantum Immersion Workshop
- SciENcv: A How-To Workshop - January 29, 2025
- The NSF MRSEC IRG Pitch Event
- Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC) Seed Grant Networking Event
- Write Winning NIH Grant Proposals Virtual Workshops
- SciENcv: A How-To Workshop - December 20, 2023
- 2024 NSF CAREER Award Workshop Series
- SciENcv: A How-To Workshop - June 7, 2023
- SBU - BNL Symposium "Opportunities for Partnerships in the Life Sciences"
- NIMH Biobehavioral Research Awards for Innovative New Scientists (NIMH BRAINS) - Tips for A Successful Submission Workshop
- Grant Writing for Postdocs and Advanced Graduate Students
- Pursuing Funding to Support Your STEM Research
- NIH Director's Early Independence Awards Workshop - Tips for a Successful Submission
- Strategies for Planning, Developing, and Writing Large Team Grants
- Grant Writing for Postdocs and Advanced Grad Students: Research Planning for Future PIs
- DoD Overview Workshop
- Team Science Workshop Series
- Strategies and Tactics for Preparing NIH K99/R00 Applications
- NIH R Workshops