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The Office of Proposal Development (OPD) promotes the advancement of university initiatives by supporting the development and preparation of highly competitive grant proposals. OPD is committed to providing Stony Brook's research community with a comprehensive suite of services to foster the development and growth of research activities. In addition to proposal management, our support services include identifying extramural funding opportunities, coordinating limited submission competitions, nurturing research collaborations, and connecting researchers to institutional resources. We also organize workshops and trainings in grantsmanship, coordinate external copy editing and graphic design services, serve as project managers for the proposal development process, handle the administrative requirements and manage a repository of sample grant proposal materials. Our team’s forward-thinking approach to research development provides faculty with tactical support for large-scale proposals, ensuring that they are aligned with sponsor funding priorities.

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Research News:

Research Conference/Workshop Seed Grant Program
The Office of the Vice President for Research, the Office of the Provost, the Office of the Executive Vice President for Health Sciences, and the Office of the President are pleased to announce the Research Conference/Workshop Seed Grant Program, which is now accepting applications. 
What Does it Fund: The Research Conference/Workshop Grant Program will provide funding for the execution of research-focused conferences/workshops taking place at Stony Brook University. This program will only accept proposals for one-time events, and funds should be used for conference/workshop implementation. Special consideration may be given to requests where applicants can clearly identify external funding opportunities and can convincingly demonstrate the importance of the proposed workshop/conference for success in those submissions.
Applicant Requirements: An individual must have a current full-time faculty appointment. All applications will need the endorsement of a Department Chair or a School/College Dean. 
Award: The total budget for this conference program is $40,000. The maximum award size is $5,000 for a period of 12 months. Funds should be used to execute a conference/workshop on the Stony Brook University campus with the intent to build new research collaborations and/or apply for external grants. Budgets may include event space rental, set up, and food for participants, as well as honorariums, lodging, and transportation for external speakers.
Deadline: Full proposals due July 15, 2024 via the Qualtrics Application Portal.

Review the Research Conference/Workshop Seed Grant Program Request for Applications.

NORDTECH : Microelectronics Commons Call for Topics
The first opportunity to engage in a Call for Topics (CFT) has been announced by the Department of Defense, via NSTXL.
Deadline: All Call for Topics documents are required to be submitted by the project lead entity to NORDTECH on or before July 19, 2024, at 12 pm. 
How to Submit:
Please email for complete instructions and required submission forms/templates.

2023-24 SUNY Research Seed Grant Program 
SUNY has announced the RFP for the NIH Resubmission and NSF Revised Submission Support Awards under the 2023-24 SUNY Research Seed Grant Program.
SUNY Deadlines: July 31, 2024 (deadline extended)
How to Submit: To apply to this program, PIs must follow the internal submission process detailed below. Please note that myResearch is not required for this submission. PIs must complete the full application in the Foundant online grant management system five (5) days in advance of the targeted SUNY deadline, to allow time for review and to obtain signatures from the VPR and Provost. Applications must be completed in the portal by July 24, 2024. If an application is not received before the five (5) day deadline, the PI will be in jeopardy of not being able to submit. PIs must provide their OSP Pre-Award Specialist with the 'Can Submit' permission through the 'Collaborate' function in the submission portal. 
Please note: PIs must notify their OSP Pre-Award Specialist of their intent to submit and we encourage early submission of the cover page to ensure enough time for routing and to obtain signatures.
Any questions should be directed to PI's OSP Pre-Award Specialist in the Office of Sponsored Programs

Climate Change Seed Grant Program
The Office of the President, the Office of the Provost, the Office of the Executive Vice President of Health Sciences, and the Office of the Vice President for Research invite applications for a seed grant program to fund collaborative efforts between climate change researchers at Stony Brook University seeking to apply to externally funded research and training initiatives.
What Does it Fund:
This seed grant program is a direct result of the Climate Change Tiger Teams initiative and will award proposals in the following areas of interest:
Climate and Environmental Medicine; Community and Ecosystem Resilience; Green Technologies; Human Behavior and Decision-Making Related to Climate Change Mitigation; The Economic and Policy Challenges of Climate Change; and The Warming Oceans, Modeling the Climate, and the Effects of Climate Change. 
Applicant Requirements: To serve as Principal Investigator, an individual must have a current full-time faculty appointment at Stony Brook University. Please review the eligibility criteria carefully to determine whether you need a letter from your Department Chair. 
Award: The program will fund up to five multidisciplinary teams that commit to submitting proposals for medium/large scale grants in the following categories: multi-PI grants, center grants, instrumentation grants, and training grants. Proposals should be multi-investigator and multidisciplinary with collaborations across disciplines and academic departments as well as Stony Brook schools/colleges. Awarded projects will receive up to $100,000 for a maximum award period of two years.
Deadline: Full proposals due October 1, 2024, via the Climate Change Seed Grant Program Application Portal in InfoReady.
Review the Climate Change Seed Grant Program Request for Applications.