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Physics and Astronomy | (631)-632-7966, Math Tower 6-101
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Tzu-Chieh Wei received his B.A. and M.Sc. in physics from National Taiwan University before the millennium. He earned his PhD degree in physics from the University of Illinois in 2004. Afterwards, he held postdoctoral and research associate positions at the University of Illinois, the University of Waterloo (in their Institute for Quantum Computing), and the University of British Columbia. In 2011, he joined the faculty of the C. N. Yang Institute and Department of Physics and Astronomy at Stony Brook University.

Research Statement
As early as in his PhD study, Tzu-Chieh Wei worked on entanglement theory and its applications to quantum phase transitions and on schemes of entangled photons for applications in quantum information processing. He also did research on carbon nanotubes, superconductivity, BEC, and optical lattices. His main theme of research has been the interdisciplinary quantum information science and has contributed to the development of the geometric measure of entanglement, quantum computational universality of two-dimensional Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) states and the existence of the spectral gap in some AKLT models, the use of symmetry-protected topological states for measurement-based quantum computation, the QMA-hardness complexity for certain bosonic problems, and applications of tensor-network methods in quantum many-body systems. He was also involved with several milestone experiments in quantum information. His recent interest and contributions include error mitigation for near-term quantum devices, quantum algorithms, and quantum machine learning, and he has spearheaded the effort in creating a quantum master’s program at Stony Brook University.
For details, please see his website at the YITP.