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PCLP Leaders Fall 2020

Findings on the efficacy of the PhD Career Ladder Program (2017-2019)

Two years of pre- and post-program testing show that participants' preparation for careers increases significantly. Participants report greater engagement with professional development opportunities on and off campus.

Findings on the efficacy of the PhD Career Ladder Program (2017-2019)Two years of pre- and post-program testing show that participants' preparation for careers increases significantly. Participants report greater engagement with professional development opportunities on and off campus.... Learn More


Enroll Now for

Spring 2025!

Explore careers and develop a plan.

Run by grad students & postdocs,
for grad students & postdocs!

For Spring 2025, there are three PCLP grad student groups for 0 or 1 credit
Enroll in GRD 510 now on SOLAR

If you are a postdoc intersted in getting a PCLP group started for fellow postdocs, please contact us!

PCLP Group on Zoom


Want more information?

Watch the info session!

Learn more about the experience and the structure of the course:

Click here to access!

PCLP General flyer with participant smiling


Exploring diverse careers is important!

Check out this InsideHigherEd article for more information about why this kind of opportunity is so important for graduate students.


Keep up with the


on Instagram!

QR code to @SBUgraduateschool Instagram

TEDx: Reimagining the PhD

Co-Founder Nadia Jaber Holden on the genesis of the PhD Career Ladder Program.



NSF logo This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1735210. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.