PCLP Groups 2023-2024

- Fall 2023
GRD 510 Career exploration with pclp - Section 30 (Tues)
Tuesday, 5:30-7:00 pm ET For graduate students in any discipline, online Leaders: Jose Flores Sanchez and Katherine Kling
GRD 510 Career exploration with pclp - Section 32 (WED)
Wednesday, 6:00-7:30 pm ET For graduate students in any discipline, in-person Leaders: Ceren Usta and Marc Spector
GRD 510 Career exploration with pclp - Section 02 (Thurs)
Thursday, 5:30-7:00 pm ET For graduate students in any discipline, online Leaders: Karl Nyckelmoe and Meroona Gopang
GRD 510 Career exploration with pclp - Section 33 (FRI)
Friday, 1:00-2:30 pm ET Graduate students from Humanities & lettered Social Science encouraged. Leaders: Julia Brown and Stephanie Struble
Career exploration with pclp - POSTdocs
For postdoctoral scholars in any discipline Leaders: Aswathy BS and Katherine Gallagher
| - Spring 2024
GRD 510 Career exploration with pclp - Tues (Section 4)
Tuesday, 5:30-7:00 pm ET For graduate students in any discipline, online Leaders:Meroona Gopang and Andrew Wright
GRD 510 Career exploration with pclp - Wed (Section 1)
Wednesday, 6:00-7:30 pm ET For graduate students in any discipline, Online. Leaders: Karl Nyckelmoe and Anna Aldrich
GRD 510 Career exploration with pclp - Thurs (Section 2)
Thursday, 5:30-7:00 pm ET For graduate students in any discipline, online Leaders: Isaac Rodriquez and Gina Mingoia
GRD 510 Career exploration with pclp - Friday (Section 3)
Friday, 1:00-2:30 pm ET Graduate students from Humanities & lettered Social Science encouraged. Leaders: Julia Brown and Michelle Chen
Career exploration with pclp - POSTdocs
For postdoctoral scholars in any discipline. Leaders: TBD
| - Summer 2024
Career exploration with pclp
For graduate students in any discipline Leaders: TBD
To learn more about each group and how to join, contact us!