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2 Column - Content On Left

Content sits on the left side of the screen, leaving the right side available for the focal point of a background image.


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How to Use : 2 Column - Content On Left


1. Click on the snippet button in the toolbar.

Snippet Icon

2. Click on category drop down and find "Page Layouts", or simply type in "2 Column - Content On Left" to filter.

Filter Snippet

3. Select the snippet and click on 'Insert'. You will see following table inserted in your page.

Inserted Snippet

4. In the table,  set the alignment options (Top Border, Bottom Border,  Top Padding, Bottom Padding, Top Margin, etc.), background image, text color. Add your content, and then save your changes.




Here's a Header!

And some content. Isn't this nice!

Third Level

Cool stuff here. Cool stuff here. Cool stuff here. Cool stuff here.

More Third Level

More cool stuff. Like, really cool. More cool stuff. Like, really cool. More cool stuff. Like, really cool.